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Write full answers and give each of the graphic design elements a rating from 1-5 (with 5 the highest)
for effectiveness in matching the design to its message. Then give it an overall evaluation and score.
If possible attach a copy of the design to your form.
Name Karen Pritchard Date25/10/14
F o r m a t a ! d i e n c e
What kind of design is it - an advertisement, flyer, CD cover, book jacket, poster, other? Who do you
think is the target audience - age group/gender/context?
his is a flyer and is advertising and event for a charity evening, this states in the poster that
this event is in aid of fighting !" and the #ord donation suggests a charitable event$ % think
the large target audience is adults and it does not state if it is targeted at a specific gender$
"core 5
I c o n o # r a $ h %
What images does the designer use and #hat do you think they symbolise? &re they appropriate?
he designer uses an image of a cocktail glass and the legs of a lady and sitting in the
cocktail glass %s an image of a #oman dressed in burles'ue clothing$ % think this symbolises
that the evening %s going to that of a (urles'ue theme #ith cocktails available as it states
that a free drink is available$
"core& 5
T % $ o # r a $ h %
)o# many different fonts can you spot? Can you name any? What does the style suggest? %s it
appropriate? %s the message readable?
% can spot about * different fonts here$ he style of the text suggests a burles'ue theme and
is both complementary and appropriate to the message it represents$
' o ( o ! r ) c h e m e
What are the main colours the designer has used? &re they complementary, contrasting, harmonious
or monochromatic? What is the message or mood they suggest? %s it appropriate?
% love the colours that the designer uses here + he blue in the #ord ,dirty- picks up on the
colour of the glass, and the designer also uses it again to empher.ise the ,donation-
re'uested to the charity / this is a really clever #ay of advertising$ he colours of blue pink
and #hite reflect a laid back mood, this fits in really #ell #ith the flyer and the message it
relays it is appropriate$
"core& 5
L a % o ! t
%s there a visual hierarchy from largest/most important to smallest/least? What is the most eye-
catching element? &re type and graphics #ell-balanced? %s there a strong underlying design e$g$
vertical or diagonal blocks? )o# is text grouped and aligned?
he visual hierachy here are the #ords ,dirty martins- hey are the largest text in the flyer
and the font is very elegant % like the use of the blue and #hite colouring #ithin the text$ %
#ould say secondly the #ord 01donation- stands out as it matches the colour of the dirty
martins text$ % am lastly dra#n to the pink text #hich states that raffle tickets #ill be sold at
this event and the chance to #in$ "ome of the text is centertrali.ed and some left
justified #hich #orks #ell together$
"core 5
O * e r a ( ( r a n + i n #
)o# #ould you rate the design1s overall effectiveness in communicating its message to its potential
audience and #hy?
his flyer is very effective in getting its message across to the potential audience$ he use of colour
is very complementary$ his is by far my favourite flyer$ he use of the images chosen by the
designer are very fitting to an evening of burles'ue$ %t is also clear that this a charity event and it tells
me lots of information about this$
"core& 5

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