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Authorised Delegate Form

Evidence of Eligibility and Student Declaration

Warning Uncontrolled when printed! The current version of this document is kept on the UB website.
Authorised by: Business Process Group Original Issue: 16/07/2013
Document Owner: Chair, Business Process Group Current Version: 29/11/2013
Page 1 of 1 Review Date: 01/01/2015
CRICOS Provider Number 00103D
The 2014-2016 VET Funding Contract (Dual Sector), Victorian Training Guarantee Program Agreement
requires that any individual assessing the Eligibility of an applicant must be an authorised delegate of the
An authorised delegate of the RTO (Registered Training Organisation) is defined as:
(a) An employee/s of the RTO who has been formally delegated to this function from the CEO or
equivalent and recent evidence of such a delegation is available at audit, or
(b) A duly authorised agent of the RTO, and a legally binding agreement between the RTO and the agent
is in place and available at audit

A Formally Delegated Officer on behalf of the CEO of the University is: Dean of School / Director
A Formally Delegated Officer grants approval for Authorised Delegates within their School/Directorate to act
on their behalf to undertake eligibility assessment as per Performance Agreement requirements.

All Authorised Delegates must read and fully understand all requirements for determining an applicants
eligibility as outlined in the Performance Agreement and the Guidelines about Determining Student Eligibility
and Supporting Evidence documentation.
Authorised Delegate Declaration:
I declare that I have read and understood all aspects of the 2014 Guidelines about determining Student
Eligibility and Supporting Evidence in relation to the Victorian Training Guarantee.

Name: ________________________________________________________________________________
School/Directorate: _______________________________________________________________________

Signature: _____________________________________________________ Date: ___________________

Formally Delegated Officer Declaration:

Dean of School/Director: __________________________________________________________________

Signature: ______________________________________________________________________________
Date added to School/Directorate Register: ____________________________________________________

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