Interview Questions Summary Report Handout

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PART A: Workplace Host Interview Questions

The following is a list of questions to ask your workplace host on the day of your Job
Shadowing experience.
1. a) Name of Workplace Host
b) ccupation ! "ob Title
c) #ompany Name
$. How did you get started in this %ob&
'. What le(el of education or training is required for your present %ob&
). What are the duties or responsibilities of your %ob&
*. What three things make your work challenging&
+. What skills do you need to be successful in your %ob&
,. a) What are the things you like most about your %ob&
b) What do you like least&
-. What is the starting salary for this field&
.. What are the opportunities for ad(ancement in this field&
1/. What is the future outlook for %obs in this field&
PART B: Job Shadowing Day Summary Report
0nswer the following questions on a separate piece of paper after you ha(e completed
your %ob shadowing day.
1. #reate a day planner to record an hour1by1hour or task1by1task description of
your %ob shadowing day.
$. What did you like about the day& What did you dislike&
'. 2n your opinion3 how could the day ha(e been impro(ed&
). What did you learn&

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