Magnetic Devices

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Magnetic Devices

Magnetic Storage is stored on a cd drive. It is a form of non-volatile memory.

On the disc the frag magnetic core which is wrapped with wire passes over the
magnetic parts on the disc and measures the changes in magnetic pulls called
faradays law.
As it passes over it picks up these numbers which is only 1s and 0s and is sort of
like the computers language. The head and the disk are very close and are only
100nm apart with a human hair only being 75nm it is a tiny gap. Newer disk
drives are only 10 nm apart! This allows more information to be put on the disk
because the frag magnetic core is closer and goes faster
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Optical Storage
The disk has a series of bumps engraved onto it on top of polycarbonate plastic. When it is
being read the computer reads the engraved bumps by reading the centre first and
spiralling out on a tiny line which is just half a micrometre wide! It reads them by firing a
laser at the bumps. It reflects off the bumps in different directions and the computer reads
these reflections as 1 or 0 as this is its language
Solid State Storage
Solid state storage or SSD are different to the traditional disc because these dont spin and
are much faster. It works by trapping electrons in a floating gate then processing the
information on these. It translates the information into 1s and 0s which is the computers
language that it can understand

Magnetic storage is used to store the data
instructions and information on the computer
which keeps it running and gives it its instructions
what to do on start-up
Optical storage and SSD: these are similar because
they both store things like music, Games, Films
and are basically like a memory stick except it is
less portable and has bigger data storage.

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