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Heres my contact information:

Room 307
Department of Marketing & Supply Chain Management
School of Business Administration
ayne State !ni"ersity
#$0% Cass A"enue
Detroit& M' ()$0$
phone* 3%3+#77+(#$#
fa,* 3%3+#77+#()-
e+mail* fred.morgan/
My education and employment history is illustrated in the accompanying spreadsheet. 1his is my
second tour of duty at S!. ' first arri"ed here in %277 and departed in %22% for 3klahoma and
then 4entucky.
My early years 0ere spent in north0estern 'ndiana around the farming community of 4entland&
'5. My parents 0ere sharecroppers& farming the land of others and keeping a share of the
re"enues. A simple and straightfor0ard lifestyle.
' did ) years of Roman Catholic grade school and ha"e the scars to pro"e it. ' attended the local
high school 6A.7. 4ent 8igh School& no longer in e,istence9& graduating 0ith 33 classmates.
1hen off to :urdue. 1hen to MS!. 1hen a ;rief time 0ith Arthur Andersen & Co. 1hen ;ack to
MS! for a :hD. 1hen on to teach at "arious uni"ersities.
My spouse is Margaret 8ughes& 0ho teaches in the ;usiness school at Mar<uette !ni"ersity in
Mil0aukee. 1odd& my son& and his 0ife& Stefana& li"e and 0ork in San =rancisco. 1odd teaches
>MA1 & ?SA1 prep classes for 4aplan. Stefana is a fourth year medical student at Michigan&
;ut is spending this year 0orking on a research fello0ship 0ith faculty mem;ers from medical
schools at the !ni"ersity of California& San =rancisco& and Stanford !ni"ersity.
:ersonal interests include reading for pleasure 6fiction mainly& occasional ;iography& a ;it of
science fiction9. Am an a"id ;asket;all fan 6goes ;ack to gro0ing up in 'ndiana9.
Beyond teaching& my professional interests center on a "ariety of marketing+la0 topics& including
product lia;ility 6litigation due to faulty products9& =irst Amendment protection@regulation of
marketing speech 6ad"ertising& ;ill;oards& etc.9& product recalls& and the de"elopment of effecti"e
product+related 0arnings.

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