Aquatic Ecosystem2-3

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A shallow edge littoral zone lines the

periphery of the lake where attached

algae and their insect herbivores live.

An open-water surface (limnetic) zone
lies across the entire lake and is
inhabited by floating algae, zooplankton
and fish.

A dark, deep water (profundal) zone
overlies the sediments at the bottom of
the lake.

The profundal zone contains numerous
bacteria and wormlike organisms that
consume dead debris settling at the
bottom of the lake.
Littoral Zone
warmest since it is shallow and can absorb
more of the Suns heat
sustains a fairly diverse community, which
can include several species of algae (like
diatoms), rooted and floating aquatic plants,
grazing snails, clams, insects, crustaceans,
fishes, and amphibians
the egg and larvae stages of some insects are
found in this zone
vegetation and animals living in the littoral
zone are food for other creatures such as
turtles, snakes, and ducks
Limnetic Zone
near-surface open water surrounded by
the littoral zone
well-lighted (like the littoral zone) and is
dominated by plankton, both
phytoplankton and zooplankton
plankton are small organisms that play
a crucial role in the food chain most
life would not be possible without them
variety of freshwater fish also occupy
this zone
Profundal Zone
Plankton have short life spanswhen they die,
they fall into the deep-water part of the
much colder and denser than the other two
little light penetrates all the way through the
limnetic zone into the profundal zone
animals are decomposers
Ponds and Lakes
varies seasonally.
from 4 C near the bottom to 22 C at the top
from 4 C while the top is 0 C (ice)
between the two layers is a narrow zone
called the thermocline where the
temperature of the water changes rapidly
with depth
Ponds and Lakes
during the spring and fall seasons is a mixing
of the top and bottom layers resulting in a
uniform water temperature of around 4 C
mixing also circulates oxygen throughout the
many lakes and ponds do not freeze during
the winter resulting in the top layer being a
little warmer
Ponds and Lakes
ice can develop on the top of
lakes during winter
blocks out sunlight and can
prevent photosynthesis
oxygen levels drop and some
plants and animals may die
called "winterkill."

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