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by: Rachel Peterson, Sam Boyd, Miranda Franyovich, Cosette Seidenberg

What are contraceptives?
The use of artificial methods or other
techniques against pregnancy. There are many
types of contraceptives, there are barrier
methods, hormonal methods, implantable
devices, and permanent birth control methods.
Why is it important to society?
some methods block diseases spread by body fluid
others block diseases spread by contact
some prevent both
helps with overpopulation
women are more likely to get a complete an education
without the burden of children
reduces gender gap in pay
who does this affect
ultimately everyone
mostly women
men if they choose to stick around
ages 13+
and the children involved
with use of contraception the chance of getting a
disease and becoming childbearing is much less
it will no longer affect these people as much
thats a lot of people it benefits!

What are the different viewpoints on the
issues; what are the viewpoints based on.
-benefits human rights
-health benefits
-family benefits
-demographic benefits
-benefits for women

based on the constitution

-form of abortion
-people can have sex while not

based on religion
Our viewpoint
because we believe it is in the best interest in everyone
we dont believed in the argument against
We are pro-choice, m
eaning what a person does to their body does
not affect us in any

For: Human right benefits
if you take away the choice for a couple to
decide whether or not to have kids then their
freedom to control their own lives is
For: Health benefits
allows women whose health would be
compromised if they were to give birth to
continue in intercourse

protects both parties from sexually
transmitted diseases
For: Family benefits
it prevents a family who cannot afford to
support a child to conceive

the family can prevent having more children
than they want

For: Demographic benefits
helps control world population
o reduces poverty
o helps protect/preserve the environment
o better use of our resources
For: Benefits for women
affects women much more
o they should have the right to choice whether they
want a child or not
w/o contraception a women may become
pregnant a lot
o she wont be able to work as much
much more dependent on her partner
Against: its unnatural
the natural result of engaging in intercourse
is the possibility of becoming pregnant
o it is unnatural to interfere with this

Against: anti-life
contraception is anti-life because they are
preventing life from coming along and life is
o so therefore they have bad intention
it is morally wrong to do something with bad
Against: form of abortion
some forms of conception prevent the
implantation of a fertilised egg
So, how does bioethics weigh in on this topic?
-based on someones lifestyle or actions, they choose the
type contraception.
-bioethics; the ethics of medical and biological research
so, bioethics is the study/morals of controversial ethics
that can be based on advances in medicine and biology.

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