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UCEEL Copyright Waiver

Student Name: ________________________________________________

Project/Thesis Tite ________________________________________________
Course: _________________________________________________
Student !greement
1. I confirm that Birmingham City University can electronically archive and make accessible
the project / thesis described above via the UCEEL Electronic Library system. I retain all other
onership rights to the copyright of the doc!ment / project ork described above.
". I confirm the above project / thesis is a tr!e and !naltered representation of the project /
thesis as s!bmitted to Birmingham City University co!rse t!tors and e#aminers.
$. I confirm that the above project / thesis incudes / does not incude (please delete as
appropriate) material copied from a so!rce %e.g. a book& here onership of the copyright does
not belong to myself.
If the project / thesis incudes s!ch material please s!pply the folloing details'
a& Page re"erence / item re"erence:
b) # have obtained and attached a ritten permission statement from the oner%s& of each third
party copyrighted matter incl!ded in my project / thesis
Yes No (please circle)
(If No, I understand the electronic copy of my project / thesis available on UCEEL will omit these
sections from view)
Signature: __________________________________________________________
Print Name: __________________________________________________________
$ate: __________________________________________________________
N%&% #" you are at anytime in consutation 'ith a pu(isher regarding this 'or) you 'i need to
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