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November 2014

Mrs. Lynchuk
What we will learn in
The children have been working hard at
Writing Workshop. We have been focus-
ing on stretching out words in order to
write down the sounds they hear. They
have been doing extremely well as they
move through the beginning stages of
writing. It is exciting to see! We will contin-
ue our work in this area throughout the month of Novem-
ber as well. We have now implemented 4 stations of Daily
5. The children do word work each day that focuses on our
learning of words from our environmental print in the class-
room, colour words, sight words, and pwim words. They also
do Writing Workshop during this time, alphabet printing and
letter recognition activities. Its a treat to be able to work in
small groups in order to see the growth of each child in the
class and help them as they navigate through their learn-
ing of letters, sounds, and words.
We will continue our work
with number recognition, and
counting skills. We will be working
on making numbers in a variety
of ways. We will also be building
upon or knowledge of patterns,
by creating patterns and deter-
mining the missing element.

Remembrance Day
Assembly...Nov. 5th

No School...Nov. 10th &

Hot Lunch..Nov. 19th

Activity Conferences.
Nov. 27th & 28th

Festival of Trees.Date
to be determined
We will be wrapping up our projects about animals in the
fall and how they get ready for winter. The children are be-
ginning to create projects that show their learning about
the topic using beautiful stuff and recycled materials. They
will be on display in the classroom as well as posted on the
weebly when we are done.

With the change of seasons
upon us, the Kindergarten chil-
dren will be focusing on sea-
sonal changes that take place
around us. We will be spending
some time in the Outdoor
Learning Space in order to
complete inquiry work about
weather. It will be exciting to
see what each group of chil-
dren discover about weather.
We are going to begin talk
about our teeth, what we use
them for and how we can care
for them. This will lead into dis-
cussions and readings about
healthy food that will fuel our
bodies and help us grow.


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