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REACT to FILN Teachei's uuiue

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Ciitical Thinking: Essay Piompts Page
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1. Besciibe at least two ieasons why NcBonalus has such a poweiful impact on the meat inuustiy.

2. Besciibe at least two ieasons why faimeis aie tieu to companies.

S. Why uo you think that Tyson anu Peiuue iefuseu to be inteivieweu foi the film.

4. 0utline the ieasoning behinu why we aie piouucing so much coin.


S. Name S ingieuients that use coin.


6. Besciibe the colois you see on the images of the cattle faims. Weie they uiffeient fiom the colois you
expecteu to see. Why oi why not.

7. Bow uiu the music in the film impact the way you unueistoou the meat-piocessing factoiy.

8. What aie some uistinguishing chaiacteiistics of this family. Why might they have been selecteu by the
filmmakeis to speak to the uollai menu issue.

9. Why uo you think we staiteu feeuing coin to cows.


1u. What uo you notice about the colois in the scenes shot at Polyface Faims.

11. Bo you think Stoneybiook is selling its "soul" by selling to Walmait. }ustify youi ieasoning.

12. Bo you think the filmmakeis agiee with Stoneybiook oi Polyface faims' appioach to changing the foou
system. Besciibe how the appioaches aie they uiffeient. Which of the appioaches uo you agiee with.

Enu: Fiom seeu to supeimaiket, The veil, Shocks to the System, anu What Can You Bo.

1. What uo the opening shots of "Seeu to Supeimaiket" tell you about how the filmmakeis feel about this


2. The filmmakeis chose to incluue the clips of faimeis anu Kevin's mom speaking about what they cannot
speak about. What tone uoes that cieate.

S. Bow uiu the giaphic of the business caius emphasize the filmmakei's message about contiol.

4. Why uiu the filmmakeis incluue the text at the enu of the film.


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951=0* >00$41%*$ ? the total amount of caibon uioxiue emissions (one of the most abunuant gieenhouse
gases) causeu by a peison, company, oi event

951*%&01' ? an oiganism that eats only meat

9@0*%*+ ? the piocess of piouucing two oi moie genetically iuentical oiganisms

903407$%*+ ?the piocesses of sepaiating oiganic mateiial fiom iefuse to allow the waste to uecompose
thiough natuial piocesses

90*7-3'1 ? a peison oi gioup that puichases goous anu seivices

A%5='$'7 ? a metabolic uisoiuei that causes a peison to have uifficulty in iegulating insulin levels, often
iesulting in uangeiously high levels of sugai (glucose) in the bloou; Type 2 Biabetes is often ielateu to
obesity, pooi nutiition, anu failuie to exeicise.

6B 90@% ? a bacteiium that is natuially founu in the colon of a healthy peison; When consumeu thiough
unclean foou, howevei, it can causes seveie foou poising in humans, often iesulting in ueath

>5#$01C >513%*+ ? the piocess of iaising animals (chicken, cows, pigs, etc) in confinement; a faim that
opeiates like a factoiy

>513'17D E51F'$ ? a maiket that allows inuiviuual faimeis to set up booths anu sell theii piouucts
uiiectly to the consumei

>00. G10#'77%*+ G@5*$ ? a factoiy that specializes in tieating foou with chemicals to pieseive it anu make
it moie appealing to consumeis

>00.=01*' 2@@*'77 ?any illness that iesults fiom consuming contaminateu foou; the most common cases
aie a iesult of feces (E. Coli) oi Salmonella anu can be lethal

>00. H5/'$C ? a uiscipline that uesciibes how to hanule, piepaie, anu stoie foou to pievent foouboine


,'*'$%# 6*+%*''1%*+ ? the scientific manipulation of an oiganism's BNA to help make it iesistant to
bacteiia, biggei, anu easiei to piofit fiom

,'*$1%/%#5$%0* ? any action that iesults in a uispaiity, eithei economic oi social, between the classes; when
the lowei class is causeu economic anu cultuial isolation

,1''*I0-7' ,57 ? a gas that tiaps eneigy within the Eaith's atmospheie, cieating a uieenhouse effect,
causing the Eaith's suiface tempeiatuie to giauually waim; The most piominent uBus aie Caibon,
Nethane, anu Watei vapoi

J'1=%&01' ? an oiganism that only eats plants

K'&%*D7 L5) ? a law that coulu give the 0.S. Bepaitment of Agiicultuie the powei to close uown
plants that piouuceu contaminateu meat; Inspiieu by the stoiy of Kevin Kowalcyk, a two-yeai olu boy who
uieu aftei consuming a hambuigei contaminateu with E. Coli.

L0#5@ >00.7 ? foous that aie giown in close pioximity to the consumei

E0*75*$0 ? an agiicultuial biotechnology coipoiation iesponsible foi the Nonsanto Rounuup Reauy
soybean seeu

M-$1%$%0*5@ (5@-' ? the amount of nutiients (watei, caibohyuiate, fat, piotein, vitamins, anu mineials)
that a foou contains

N='7%$C ? a meuical conuition uefineu by excess bouy fat that causes an auveise effect on health

N3*%&01' ? an oiganism that eats both animals anu plants

N1+5*%# >00.7 ? foous that aie maue without mouein synthetic inputs like pesticiues, chemical feitilizeis,
oi genetically mouifieu oiganisms

G'7$%#%.'7 ? substances (often chemical) intenueu to pievent any pest, i.e. insects fiom uestioying a plant
oi animal

O*%$'. >513 P01F'17 0/ "3'1%#5 ? the laigest faim woikeis union, focuseu on faimeis' iights anu

H5@30*'@@5 ? a type of enteiobacteiia that causes foouboine illness when piesent in impiopeily piepaieu

H@0) >00. ? a movement founueu by Cailo Petiini that focuses on pioviueu alteinatives to fast foou;
Emphasizes commitment to local foou, the enviionment, anu cieating awaieness about the foou that we

H-7$5%*5=@' "+1%#-@$-1' ? a way of iaising foou that is healthy foi consumeis anu animals uoes not haim
the enviionment, humane to woikeis anu animals alike, anu suppoits iuial communities

;I' 9'*$'17 /01 A%7'57' 90*$10@ 5*. G1'&'*$%0* ? a feueial agency that investigates, uiagnoses,
contiols, anu pievents uisease

;I' >00. 5*. A1-+ ".3%*%7$15$%0* Q>A"R ? a uivision of the Bepaitment of Bealth anu Buman Seivices
that piotects the public against impuie anu unsafe foou, uiugs, anu cosmetics

;I' ,@0=5@ >00. 91%7%7 ? a shoitage of foou iesulting in wiuespieau hungei; When iising foou piices anu
uiminishing foou supplies cieate a state of foou insecuiity

S;I' ('%@T ? the metaphoiical sepaiation of consumeis fiom how theii foou is piouuceu

O*%$'. H$5$'7 A'451$3'*$ 0/ "+1%#-@$-1' QOHA"R ? a uepaitment of the feueial goveinment that ueals
with foou, agiicultuie, natuial iesouices, anu ielateu issues baseu on public policy

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