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TV Program Proposal

Program Title: darkened

Brief Description (a two- or three-sentence description that could appear in TV Guide):

Target Audience (Who is the primary audience in terms of age, gender, education,
socioeconomic level, and ethnicity):

Programs Purpose (To educate, inform, enlighten, entertain, etc.) and tone:

Programs Length (minutes): 60 minutes Number of Episodes: 15


In a few sentences, state what day during the week and at what time during the day that you
would like this program to air. Explain why your show is perfect for the day and time you

Sophie Young is an 18 year old college student with a simple life, and excellent grades. She
always has things planned out ahead of time, until she meets a rude boy named Damion, with
too many tattoos and piercings who shatter her plans.

Target Audience is 16and up(16-24)

Programs Purpose is to entertain it will have moments of violence and also humor.
The tone of the show is romance but also the darkness that can compel people
Friday night at 11:00 pm, I think this time is appropriate because it will have coarse language,
violence and sexual matters, and it is not right for little kids to be exposed to that. I think this
times goo because all the little kids will be asleep and its the start of a weekend so older kids
dont have to get up for school. Its good for this time because its something teen girls would like
an its Friday so they dont have to worry about sleeping it or it being too late
Fundraising and Show Budget

In this section, you will have to estimate how much money you will need for your Pilot episode
(the first episode of your show). This will be used to set the baseline average for the amount of
money needed to produce an entire season.
I think that my show will need about 250,000 dollars because we have to pay for the set crew
and actors as well as props and set.

What music will be featured as part of the show? Will it feature songs that already exist or will
you hire a specific musician to record new music for the show? Below list the artist, three songs
by that artist, and a short explanation as to why that song will be used for this particular show.

Artist Song Title Justification

Ed Sheeran
Kiss Me This song is perfect because Damion is
a boy whos dark and this song will
play at a point in which he finds love
and its saying how he feels.

California King Bed Sophie is a sky girl and shes falling for a guy
thats the total opposite of her hes dark and
dangerous but when the meat everything
changes and this song will work because she
goes though a lot of inner battles
Little mix

DNA In the show Damion will fight and their
will be conflict and at that point this song
will play when Sophie is trying to show her
love for him.

Stars for Important Roles

What three stars will you be hiring to play key roles in your show? List the characters they will
play and why they are the perfect choice for those roles.

Star Character Justification

Dylan O'Brien
Damion Hes good to play this role
because hes desirable, looks
tough, can be crazy, also has a
soft side when find the right tone

Tyler Hoechlin
Derek Hes tough, a looks rough and

Lea Michele
Sophie She is small, looks innocent, shy
yet friendly.

Commercial Sponsorship
Name three products or services that will be running commercials during your show. Keep in
mind that the commercials should be for things that appeal to you identified Target Audience.

Product or Service Justification / Relationship to Show

IPhone/ apple products
Its a show for teen and teens love apple phones. also actors will
be having iPhone as the phone in the show

GM will work well because they have neat cars that all teens will
love as they are getting their drivers lysine. The cast in the show
will be driving in them IE Damions truck that he drives.

coca cola
The cast will be drinking coca cola in the show, teens love pop and
most like coca cola.
TV Show Promotion

How will use the media to promote your show? (Examples could be Late Night TV, social
media, daily talk shows, Radio interview) Identify three strategies and why they would be
particularly effective in generating interest in your particular show.

Strategy Justification

Make a twitter page
Most if not all teens have twitter so if we make a page post
the things were doing and get our stars to tweet about it then
people will get word of the show.
Go on the radio

Teens listen the radio to hear music and learn the newest
gossip so if we are able to get the advertised than more
people will know about it and watch
Go on MTV or MUCH

This is a station and show that teens love if we have
interviews there than people will want to see what the shows
all about.

Immediate Competition

Describe one or two other shows that you will have to compete with in order to build your
audience. How will your show be different (or better)?
Pretty little liars, will be competition because they both have amazing story lines and a great
cast. Pretty little liars has been on air for over 4 season now so people already know about the
show where as Darkened will just be starting. Darkened will be better because it will be new
fresh also it will be a new type of show like Pretty little liars was but darkened will capture a
different emotion than Pretty little liars will.
Promotional Poster

Design a poster that will be used to create buzz for your show. The poster should be
provocative (yet still acceptable for public places). This can be hand drawn by an artist or
designed using Photoshop. The poster should feature a banner, a tagline, and when and
where your show will air.

Place your finished poster here:

Toy Promotion

In the space below, describe a couple of potential toy ideas that would spin-off from your show
(e.g., action-figures, dolls, vehicles). Why would these sell well (assuming your show is a

For the toy for my show Im going to design a blanket because teens wont want a toy.
The blankets will have quotes and the actors faces

Blanket 1 you cant protect me from everything I can try

Blanket 2 if youll have me, Im yours- with an image of an airplane neckless

Blanket 3- cast of the show
Theses would sell because most teen dont play with dolls but we are all lazy half the
time and like to curl up in a fuzzy blanket and why not one with something to do with
your favorite show on it

Pilot Episode

In a few sentences, tell the producers what the first episode will be about. You should mention
some of your characters above and what the main conflict of the episode will be.

In the Pilot episode Sophie will be convinced by her friends to go to a party and Damion will be
there. Damion will walk to Sophie and thats how they meet. In the episode the will keep
bumping into one another the conflict in this episode will be underage drinking and what
happens to teens when things go wrong.

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