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Career and Life Management (CALM 20)
Course Outline

The aim of senior high school CALM is to enable students to make well-
informed, considered decisions and choices in all aspects of their lives
and to develop behaviors and attitudes that contribute to the well-being
and respect of self and others, now and in the future.

Course Content

The course is based on the study of six major areas. These include:
Personal Choices or Self Management
Job Skills (Cover letters, resumes, application forms, interviewing
Careers and Technology
Sexual Education
Career Portfolio Digital on Weebly

CALM is a 4 credit course. The below components need to be completed
to receive credit:
Cover Letter and Resume
Budget booklet
Sexual Education Assignments


1. The student will develop a positive self concept and an
understanding of personal interests, values, aptitudes and abilities.
2. The student will be introduced to independent personal
management by developing the ability to make choices and to
accept challenges that take into account significant others.
3. The student will develop an awareness of the relationships between
personal economics, lifestyles and occupational planning.
4. The student will develop career options and determine personal
career strategies.
Mrs. Hodgson
5. The student will examine the impact that technology has on their
life and develop strategies to cope with and to safely manage
6. The student will experience the opportunity to make responsible
decisions, and understand the consequences (both positive and
negative) of such decisions.

Student Supplies

Each student is required to have the following supplies in class at all
times. They are:
Binder and Looseleaf paper
Pens and pencils and eraser

You are also required to produce a digital by the end of the course.

Class Expectations

1. If any classes are missed, it is the students responsibility to check
with the teacher regarding missed work, and to complete this work.
2. Treat everyone with respect.
3. Do not leave the classroom without permission. I need to know
where you are at all times.
4. You are expected to be on time for all classes! If you are late,
please make sure that I am aware of this and that I make the
necessary adjustments to the attendance. Remember that this is
YOUR RESPONSIBILITY. The late policy is as follows: 3 free lates,
late 1 DT, 5
, 6
and 7
late 2 DTs each, 8
late 5 Dts, 9

late see an administrator.
5. Food is not allowed in the class. You can have water.
6. Cell phones are not permitted. They need to be kept in your locker.


If you have any questions or concerns you can contact me at the
Phone: (403) 934-3135 Fax: (403) 934-6694
Or you can email me at: or

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