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Rhetorical Device Notes

Rhetoric is the art of using words to persuade in writing or speaking.

Parallelism uses successive words, phrases, clauses with the same or
very similar grammatical structure (similarity of structure). It is a
rhetorical device that often occurs in political speeches and essays.
!of the people, "y the people, for the people#$
!%he more we do, the more we can do.$
Repetition is a classic techni&ue in presentation and speech making.
It can help you tie the theme together and it creates clarity for the
Sender'receiver relationship
Emotional strategies
Logical strategies
(. S
)hat is the sender'receiver relationship* )ho are the images and
language meant to attract* %hink of the audience and the relationship
"etween the speaker and the audience. Is the audience hostile*
Inviting* Neutral*

+. M
)hat is the message* ,ummari-e the statements made in the tet.
.. E
)hat is the desired effect* )hat emotional strategies are "eing used*
/. L
)hat logic is operating* 0ow does it (or its a"sence) affect the
message* 1onsider the logic of the images as well as the words.
2. L
)hat does the language of the tet descri"e* 0ow does it affect the
meaning and effectiveness of the writing* 3oaded words and phrases
are those that appeal to the emotions. )hich ones are "eing used*

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