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Mariaisabel Jimenez

September 8, 2014
Proposal for Senior Project
Student Advisor: Kathy Jelin
Title: Spawn a High School Feminist Movement
This project will begin on September 10th 2014. On this day the organizers of the club Open Eyes will have their first club
meeting. Organizer of the club will be Isabel Jimenez and Jazmin Romo.

For my senior project, I will take part to organize the school club Eyes Open which was once started to be a feminist club. This
year we welcome all students at Casa Grande to be a part of our feminist movement.

One reason I chose to work with feminism was because I remembered being part of the Emma Goldman Knitting Circle when I
was a freshman. I joined alone, without my friends there to tell me they wanted to also join. I went to the meetings alone, yet I
didn't feel alone. The senior girls I became friends with coached me to stand independent because I deserved to. My confidence
began to build there! Last year I was in the Liberal Arts cluster and my eyes were opened to all the injustice in life. Never had I
imagined finishing class and wanting to learn more! What my teachers had taught me was that my rights were earned by
movements. In class I discovered The National Women Suffrage Association, and about the women who suffered labor laws at
work, and of course all typed of discrimination.

With the members of Eyes Open I wish to communicate the struggles women have dealt with and still continue to overcome.
Being a teenage girl comes with confusion, fear, or loneliness and we hope to get rid of those negative factors in young girls lives
so they can grow stronger and continue to help those in need. The way I hope to help is to begin with these students. They will
help us create a confident united group of feminist that spread awareness about equality to those around. When opportunities are
granted we will take a stand and offer our time and effort, proving it can be done by anybody.

To be specific, we plan on gathering the club outside of school for events that support women's rights and equality, like a
feminist walk, field trips to elementary and junior highs. There we plan to give speeches about the importance of justice and the
suppression of bigotry along with informational advice touching the subjects of abuse, harassment, disorders, and expectations of
women. For the community we will dedicate time to women's shelters and focus groups for girls.

I have chosen this specific community because I have seen suppressed women who don't deserve it. I struggled with many
aspects of life because I wasn't able to turn to a friend that would speak up. Many girls have minds filled with wonders and
questions but are constantly put in a mindset that doesn't allow them to be curious. I hope to be able to break that cycle with a
group of feminist who are willing to break it with me.

Ill know I made a difference because its something that will be addressed and fought for, not overlooked.

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