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Learning activity document

Medicines Management 1:
Administering Topical Medicines at HC-One
Youve completed the module: Administering Topical Medicines at HC-One.
Now its your chance to put your learning into practice.
What you need to do
Youve seen how to apply topical medicines Now you will be asked to demonstrate the
correct technique to an assessor.
Your assessor will tell you which topical medicine they would like you to apply and to
whom you should apply it. You may be asked questions during the assessment to see if you
understand the reasons for undertaking certain steps. Good luck!
Who will my assessor be?
Your assessor will be a competent person, such as a nurse, senior carer, manager, clinical
lead or deputy manager, who has completed the training on applying topical medicines.

What will your assessor do?
Your assessor will take note of the following:
Has the learner completed the e-learning module Administering topical
medicines in HC-One?


If Yes then please turn over to proceed.
Your name
Medicines Management 1: Administering Topical Medicines at HC-One | Page 1 of 2
Learning activity document
Medicines Management 1: Administering Topical Medicines at HC-One | Page 2 of 2
Date completed Manager Signature
Action to be assessed Yes No
Did the learner apply the 7 rights of administration?
Did they gain the residents consent?
Did they reassure the resident, if necessary?
Did they wash their hands and wear gloves prior to applying
the topical?
Was the application area washed?
Was the application area dried?
Was the correct amount of topical medicine applied?
Was the topical medicine applied correctly?
Was clothing replaced and the resident made comfortable?
Throughout the application did they maintain the
residents dignity?
Were used gloves and any other items disposed of correctly?
Did they wash their hands when fnished?
Was the necessary documentation completed (MAR or PCS)?
If you didnt complete all the steps correctly, your assessor will provide you with feedback
as to how you could improve your technique.
How long will you have?
This activity should be completed within one week of completing the e-learning module.

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