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The heart, #1: The heart to never give up no matter what happens. Unrelenting guts.

The heart, #2: The heart to never fear no matter how strong the enemy is. Confronting courage.
The heart, #3: The heart to protect those precious to oneself. Bottomless kindness.
The heart, #4: The heart to trust ones friend entirely. Absolute faith.
The heart, #5: The heart to remain steadfast no matter the circumstances. Ice-solid composure.
The heart, #6: The heart to see into the hidden truth. Omnipotent minds eye.
The heart, #7: The heart to forgive others for their mistakes. Forgiving strength.
The heart, #8: The heart to understand the joy and sorrow of others. Empathetic tears.
The heart, #9: The heart to see what only those with great resolve see. Boundless dreams.
The heart, #10: The heart to believe in ones own strength. Unwavering confidence.
The heart, #11: The heart to persist even if one hits rock-bottom. Warriors Pride.

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