Beyond Basicpt Lesson Plan Idea

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Name: Leandra Pineau

Grade Level: 2nd
Content Area: Social Studies
Beyond the Basic Productivity Tool Used: Timeliner
Standards Addressed: SS2H1: The student will read about and describe the lives of historical figures
in Georgia History. Please see: Performance
Standards/Gr2 Social Studies Stds 8-24-07.pdf
Blooms Level of Critical Thinking:
Description of how to implement in the class: The teacher will demonstrate how to use Timeliner
for the whole class. The teacher will demonstrate how to put new dates in the timeline, how to add
pictures, how to add videos, and how to add sound. The students will then research Jimmy Carter and
find 10 facts about his life and dates for each fact. The students will then create a timeline and include
the facts that they have found. The students will take turns presenting their timelines for the rest of
the class and the teacher. The students will be graded on the appearance of their timeline, the amount
of facts present, and the use of multimedia in their timeline.
Level of Technology Implementation (LoTi): This activity would have a LoTi level of 4 because
students are using technology and the technology is central to classroom instruction and learning
standards. This activity also very student directed since the students are creating their own finished
product, which is another indicator of a LoTi level 4 activity.
Description of the sample BBPT file provided *: This timeline shows different events in Jimmy
Carters life that were found by a student who researched Jimmy Carter. This timeline helps students
meet the standard addressed above because they are reading about and researching the life of a
historical figure in Georgia.
Other comments about your proposed BBPT Activity: The students are expected to gather valid
and important information about Jimmy Carter.

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