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Religion Planning PREP Term 4 OLW

Prep 2014

Sienna Russell, Cassie Devine, Sue Cole

Duration: 9 weeks
Fertile Question:
What do we know about the first Christmas?
Please teach Nativity first so as the children will understand what they are waiting for in teaching Advent.
Advent starts week eight this year.
Create Advent box with a wreath and candles.
Initiations to families to join in prayer services once a week under the Prep tree.

Religious Life of the School

Religious Identity and Culture
Ethos and charism (ICE)
Authentic Christian
community (ICC)
Sense of the Sacred (ICS)
Social Action and Justice
Justice in the school
community (SJS)
Action for justice (SJA)
Reflection on action for
Justice (SJR)
Evangelisation and Faith Formation

General Capabilities
Information and communication
technology (ICT) capability
Critical and creative thinking
Personal and social capability
Ethical understanding
Intercultural understanding.

Cross-Curricular Priorities
Aboriginal and Torres Strait
Islander histories, cultures and
Asia and Australias engagement
with Asia in a multi-faith context
Sustainability and ecological

Living the Gospel (EFG)

Spiritual Formation (EFF)
Witness to the wider
community (EFW)
Prayer and Worship
Christian prayer (PWP)
Celebration of liturgy and
sacraments (PWL)
Ritualising everyday life

Year Level Description

The Religion Curriculum P-12 involves four strands: Sacred Texts, Beliefs, Church and Christian Life. These strands are
interrelated and are taught in an integrated way, and in ways that are appropriate to specific local contexts.
In Prep, students learn about some Old Testament and New Testament stories that tell of a God of love, the creator of all,
the goodness of Gods creation, Gods special relationship with all of creation and Gods plan that people help each other to
live safely and happily together, for the good of all.
Students listen to, read and view stories of and about Jesus in the Gospels that tell of Jesus life as a Jew, his mother Mary,
his friends and family; of Jesus praying and teaching others to pray; of his teachings about love, compassion and
forgiveness that challenged people about the way they were living; and of his suffering, death and resurrection. They learn
that Christians believe God created people with the freedom to choose between good and bad, right and wrong. They
explore examples of times, from familiar texts and their personal experience, when people make these choices.
Students understand that prayer helps believers follow the teachings of Jesus; to live according to Gods plan. They learn
about ways in which believers pray, either alone or with others, including the Sign of the Cross and Amen. They observe
ways in which believers pray together during special celebrations and rituals that mark important times in the life of
believers and in the Church year. They learn about the Church building as a sacred place for believers and the Bible as a
sacred book for believers.

Achievement Standard
By the end of Prep, students communicate clearly their ideas, feelings and thoughts about God, the goodness of Gods
creation and Gods plan that people help each other to live safely and happily together, for the good of all. They identify
connections between some Old Testament stories and their personal experience, including the experience of the goodness
of creation. They listen and respond to stories of and about Jesus in the Gospels that tell of Jesus life as a Jew, his mother
Mary, his friends and family; of Jesus praying and teaching others to pray; and of his suffering, death and resurrection. They
recognise Jesus teachings about love, compassion and forgiveness that challenged people about the way they were living.
They relate examples of people having the freedom to choose between good and bad, right and wrong.
Students understand that prayer helps believers to follow the teachings of Jesus; to live according to Gods plan. They
recognise ways in which believers pray either alone or with others, using word, music, action, silence, images, symbols and
nature, and participate with respect in a variety of these prayer experiences, including meditative prayer, the Sign of the
Cross, and Amen. They describe ways in which believers pray together during special celebrations and rituals that mark
important times in the life of believers and in the Church year.

Learning Intentions
Learning Intention
By the end these learning experiences, students
Will understand the two Nativity stories

Success Criteria
Success Criteria


creating a photo story or a page in PowerPoint,

simple plays
retell, reflection,
prayer and celebration

Content Descriptions
Sacred Texts
Old Testament
New Testament
Christian Spiritual Writings and Wisdom
Mandated Scriptural Texts
Religious Knowledge and
Deep Understanding
Form a familiarity with
characters, events and
messages from the New
Testament stories, the birth of
Jesus (Luke 2:1-7; Matthew
1:18-25), connecting Scripture
and real life.

Listen and respond to stories

about Jesus birth in the
Share feelings and thoughts
about the events, characters
and the message in the

Human Existence
World Religions
Religious Knowledge and
Deep Understanding


Make links between the

infancy stories and their own
experiences by sharing
characters, events and
messages that may be similar
to or different from their own

Liturgy and Sacraments
People of God
Church History
Religious Knowledge and
Deep Understanding

Christian Living
Moral Formation
Mission and Justice
Prayer and Spirituality

Religious Knowledge and

Deep Understanding


Learning Experiences
Week 1

Focused Teaching and Learning

Luke:2:1-20 Read the Birth of Jesus
Before reading this gospel story introduce the following words and explain the meaning
of each:

The Catholic Childrens

Music: Joy to the world
Map Nazareth

*At Christmas we sing songs like Joy to the world We echo the message the shepherds T chart- Jesus family
heard on the night Jesus was born. Play the Hymn.
My family
The messenger was an angel. He was mighty, shining with god's glory and light up the
dark sky .No wonder the shepherds were afraid.
Fear turns to joy! Jesus will become our savior, a person to keep us safe from sin.
Good news for all people not just the shepherds. This is why we celebrate Christmas as
a time of joy every year.
Explore the map of Nazareth ask the children to describe the landfall, the transport, the
temperature of the day. Using a T chart make comparisons between this journey and the
One children would take today with their family.

*Pretend you are a shepherd and telling the Good news of Jesus. What would you tell
your neighbour about the birth of Jesus? What would you tell the neighbour about the
What you saw and heard
How it made you feel
What you plan to do now that Jesus has come into the world

Week 2

Say a prayer thanking Jesus for coming to save us from sin so we could live with him

Dress-up box
Dress for an angel
Doll/ Jesus

Use pictures for the children to retell the story in their own words.

Pictures to sequence

Re-create the story- free choice of materials

Using collage box /crayons/ painting/ puppets/ play dough/ dress-up with

Craft materials

Week 3

Matthew 1:18-2:15
Frankincense: comes from trees and smells good.
Myrrh: healing oil.
Immanuel: God is with us.
Read the story.
Because Jesus is God and the saviour of the world, his birth was very special.
When he was born, a new star appeared in the sky, a sign that king was born.
Men from far away countries noticed that star. So they travelled to see the new
king. The star guided them on their journey. They presented him with gifts. They
believed he was the king of the Jews. He is the king of all people.

to smell:
Frankincense/ myrrh/gold

A gift for Jesus

Gift for
Christmas Vinnies appeal.

You can bring gifts too. Your gift can be an act of kindness to another person. Or
remember to thank God for something good that has happened to you.
Create a gift box.drawing or 3-D box. Label it and record all the things you will
do as a gift for him today.
Create a T chart to compare each of the Infancy Narratives.
Week 4

ADVENT How do we prepare for Jesus?

Advent is a time of great excitement. Just as we prepare for the arrival of a friend
or a celebration, we await and prepare for the Holy season of Christmas. During
Advent we look to the future with hope and expectation of joy that Jesus brings.
How do you and your family prepare for the arrival of a friend or a celebration?
Chose a celebration eg. Wedding/ birthday and record on a chart the things the
family get ready for this celebration. Bedding/ food/ gifts.

The chart could be done

as a class model and then
children could record one
for themselves****
assessment item

Introduce Advent the colours of the liturgical calendar

Purple clothes/and candles with wreath.
The significance of each candle-joy, peace, love
Create a wreath for the class sacred space for prayers.
Create a prayer kit for all Preps and family to gather one morning a week.

Items for making candles

and a wreath

Children write a prayer for advent, these could be used for the prayer services.
Invitation to Parents to join
in prayers once a week.

Week 5

How do I prepare for Jesus?

Children draw and write a caption about greeting Jesus at Christmas.
I say sorry to Jesus for the silly
choices I have made, this is called
reconciliation for grown-ups.

Give gifts to people in need, e.g.

adopted family hamper at school

Decorate the Christmas tree

Free choice- prepare food, learn

songs of praise.

Week 6/7

Units not covered??

Week 8

Three Worlds of the Text

World Behind the Text

What can we learn from the context of the text of Luke?
What can we learn from Matthew?
What can we learn from comparing the two narratives.

World of the Text

What is the message in the text?
Who are the characters in the text?
Who speaks and who is silent in the story?
Where does the story take place?

World in Front of the Text:

What gifts can I bring to Jesus?

I can remember to say

thankyou to God for the
things that are good in my
A gift for Jesus

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