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Education, according to the UN Secretary-Generals Global Initiative on Education, is a

great driver of social, economic and political progress (Global Education First Initiative). It is a
right, just like it states in article 26 of the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights that
every human being on Earth abides by. It is opening doors for young minds to explore the
worlds opportunities and freedoms that are offered just by having a well-rounded education. An
ultimate goal for the United Nations includes Education for All (EFA) to keep countries all
around the globe on track with their three main priorities: every child in school, quality of
learning, and global citizenship.
Russia runs their educational system quite differently than other countries; however, they
still abide by the United Nations first priority to put every child in school. In 2002, 5 out of 6
children who were eligible to enroll in primary school attended. Unfortunately, that enrolment
does not guarantee their attendance or completion into secondary education or any further
(United Nations, 2014). There are three stages to Russias educational system: primary education
lasts for four years, general education lasts for five years, and finally secondary education lasting
for proximally two to three years. The United Nations problems with putting a child in school
include affordable costs, as well as shortages of classrooms, gender discrimination, and child
labor; all of which are not an issue for Russia. In Russia alone, the Federal Agency for Education
finances 338 state Higher Education Institutions, while the others are financed by Ministries or
local authorities. In 2008, Russia had a 4.8% dropout rate, significantly lower than the primary
Education dropout rate of Chad with a percentage of 70.2 (Advameg, 2011). Take into account
Russias population of 143.5 million strong, and the dropout rate of children is extremely low

The second and third priority that the United Nations is striving to fix is to improve the
quality of learning in countries as well as fostering global citizenship. School attendance will
only get a child so far in life, but without the proper guidance of qualified teachers, and the
constant strain of language barriers in the classroom, a students mind will not be learning at
their fullest potential. Qualified teachers are only required to be certified in the area that they will
be teachingprimary school teachers and specialized subject teachers. The language of
instruction strongly influences the ability of children to comprehend and learn which creates
an interesting dilemma when English and Russian are both spoken fluently in this country. There
is a high demand for quality English language education, which means that the range of children
who can speak English in a classroom will vary widely from beginner to proficient depending on
their educational background. English First is an organization in Russia to help teachers
overcome that language barrier that other countries specifically struggle with (EF English First
BV). Global citizenship goes hand-in-hand with the quality of learning. With 721 state and 369
accredited non-state Higher Education Intuitions in Russia, expanding outside of Russias
boundaries is anything but frowned upon. Russia itself is bordering other important countries
including Mongolia and Kazakhstan which are harbingering entirely different economic, social,
and educational problems that Russia must remain aware of.
Education is important for a countless number of reasons. The United Nation created
priorities to help our futures from becoming dim. To beat poverty, to promote gender equality, to
reduce child mortalityeducation is a key factor to deleting these problems from history. Russia
is not the most perfect example of an educationally sound country, but it is most definitely not
the worst. There is a seemingly low dropout rate. There are qualified teachers in the classrooms.
As well as those same teachers have many available accommodations to breach the language

barrier gap. Education plays an important role in every human beings life, and Russia is on its
way to success.

Encyclopedia of the Nations. (n.d.). Retrieved November 3, 2014, from
Geography of Russia. (2012, May 7). Retrieved November 3, 2014, from
Priority #1: Put Every Child in School. (n.d.). Retrieved November 3, 2014, from
Primary Education. (n.d.). Retrieved November 3, 2014, from
Resources for speakers, global issues, africa, ageing, agriculture, aids, atomic energy, children,
climate change, culture, decolonization, demining, development, disabilities, disarmament,
environment, food, governance, humanitarian, refugees, women. (n.d.). Retrieved November
3, 2014, from
Russia - Education. (n.d.). Retrieved November 3, 2014, from
School. (2011, January 1). Retrieved November 3, 2014, from

Teaching in Russia - FAQ. (n.d.). Retrieved November 3, 2014, from

Use the SEARCH above or browse by country and program of study. (n.d.). Retrieved November 3,
2014, from
20 Facts about the Education System of Russia. (2013, August 1). Retrieved November 3, 2014.

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