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Grade 7 Design

AIS School Mission
AIS Kuwait inspires students to become critical thinkers and contributing world
citizens through rigor and balance in a nurturing educational environment.
Course Description:
The Grade 8 (MYP 2) Design course implements the full Design Cycle to provide students
with the opportunity to inquire and analyze, Develop ideas, Create a solution, evaluate the
learning and the outcome as well as providing hands on projects.
This year we will be offering a number of assignments in Design: our first assignment will
be to create a website with a Blog, which our students can record all their other
assignments on. The second assignment will be the Min Golf Hole in One Assignment as
part of this assignment they will have the opportunity, to design and build an actual Mini
Golf hole using a purpose built real life frame of a mini golf course.
Thirdly we will be completing a NXT Robot Takedown Assignment which will basically be
designing, building and programming a robot that will be able to be used remote
controllably in a combat or policing environment.
To do this assignment our students will be use a Lego Mind Storms for schools. Our
students work with concepts such as prototyping, budgeting and inventory to produce
complete solutions, while robotics skills focus progressively more sharply on purposedesigned programming. All of which will be uploaded onto the Educational website which
was their first assignment.
II. The AIS standards that will be addressed in the course.
Standard 1
Identifies the problem to be solved.
Standard 2
Develops the Design Brief.
Standard 3
Formulates a Design Specification.
3 possible Designs of the product.
Standard 6
Uses appropriate techniques and equipment.
Standard 7
Follows the plan.
Standard 8
Creates the product or solution.
Standard 9
Evaluates the product or solution.
Standard 10 Evaluates use of the Design Cycle.
III. The Purpose of MYP Assessment
The purpose of assessment is to collect data to measure student progress to improve
academic achievement and instructional practices. In order to achieve this, the teacher:
Provides opportunities for students to demonstrate understanding of content and
application of concepts.
Measures and communicates the students' progress.
Provides feedback for the growth and improvement of student learning.
Reflects on data to guide and strengthen their instructional practices.

IV. Types of Assessment

Assessment is categorized into two forms, both having an equally important role in
measuring student progress.
Formative Assessment
A tool used to measure student progress for the purpose of identifying specific
areas for growth and measuring proficiency.
Data collected for the purpose of guiding and adjusting instruction to meet students
Formative assessments occur formally and informally often throughout the unit of
Summative Assessment
Summative assessments mirror the skills, content, MYP, and expectations of earlier
formative assessments.
Summative assessments are tools used to measure students' level of achievement
as measured by the MYP subject specific criterion/rubrics at the end of a unit or
taught concept.
The summative assessment is written collaboratively before the beginning of the
Rubrics are provided to students and explained when the summative assessment is
assigned (normally when the unit begins).
V. Subject Specific Criteria and Moderation




Criterion A

Inquiring & Analyzing

Maximum 8

Multiple times

Multiple times

Criterion B

Developing Ideas

Maximum 8

Multiple times

Multiple times

Criterion C

Creating the solution

Maximum 8

Multiple times

Multiple times

Criterion D


Maximum 8

Multiple times

Multiple times

1 5
10 14
15 18
19 23
24 27
28 - 32


After a summative has been completed, all teachers who have given the summative meet
to moderate, or determine the levels of student achievement based on the rubric provided
for the criteria assessed.

VI. The Units and Timeline

Design Cycle Unit The Website
with a Blog
Area of Interaction:
Globalization and Sustainability
IB Learner Profile:
Thinkers, Communicators, Reflective
Students will have the chance to create
a Website with a blog, where they will
need to show evidence of inquiry &
analyst, developing Ideas, creating a
solution and evaluating their site using
the Design Cycle.

NXT Unit Building & Programming

Area of Interaction:
Globalization and Sustainability
IB Learner Profile:
Thinkers, Reflective, Knowledgeable
Students will have the chance to learn
the NXT Robots and further their
knowledge of building and
programming using the new design
cycle for Design.

Design Cycle Unit Mini Golf Hole in

Area of Interaction:
Globalization and Sustainability
IB Learner Profile:
Thinkers, Communicators, Reflective
Student will be able to design and
create exciting mini golf hole which
they can join with others students to
create fully operational 9 hole mini golf

Suggested due dates for the Assignments are:

1. The Website with a blog Due: within the first week of November
2. The Mini Golf Hole in One Due: the last week in January
3. The NXT Robotic Takedown assignment is due: last week in

VII. Texts and resources

Students will use a variety of online resources and software programs provided in class.
VII. Referencing Other Handbooks and Technologies
Classroom Expectations:

Arrive promptly to class with a willingness to learn.

Exhibit a positive attitude.
Show respect to yourself, your classmates, teachers and facilities.
Refer to your Agendas regarding Middle School policies.
Use Edmodo as a means of communication.

Contact Information:
Mr. Mark Davie
Phone Extension 401
Room: 249

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