Task 3: Analysis of Magazine Cover: Masthead/ Genre-The Main Image

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Task 3: Analysis of Magazine Cover

Masthead/ Genre- The masthead on this

The main image- takes up the entire cover

magazine is NME, it immediately stands out as it

has a white font in a red box. The masthead
background and a cover line is the only colour on
the magazine, the rest is black and white so it
stands out very clearly. The masthead is in the
corner of the page which breaks away from codes
and conventions as a normal masthead is spread
across the top of the page. It also breaks away from
codes and conventions as the masthead is covering
the main image and normally the main image cover
the masthead.

and a medium close up shot has been used so you

can see the face and upper body. He is using
direct address as he is looking straight at the
audience. He is also wearing dark clothing so he
blends in with the font and layout as opposed to
sticking out. However, despite this, he is still the
first thing you see. Also, he is holding an object, in
most magazines the model in the main image
doesnt hold anything, in some cases you cant
even see their hands.

The main cover line- the main cover line is

in two separate parts, one in a black font in a
white box and one in a black box with a white
font. This also breaks way from codes and
conventions as normally cover lines are in the
same colour and same box.

Layout- The layout for the magazine cover is usual as

there is no footer and almost all the cover lines have a
border around them

Barcode, Price Dateline and Issue NumberThe barcode and price are in the corner. This means they
are out of the way but still visible. The issue number and
dateline are also by the barcode, so they are all together.

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