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Bem Explicado

Centro de Explicaes Lda.

Ingls 5 Ano To be - Affirmative

Nome: _________________________________________________ Data: ___/___/___

A. 1. are
2. is
3. are
4. is
5. is
6. are
7. is
8. is
B. 1. Were pupils.
2. Hes blond.
3. Im 8 years old.
4. Its blue.
5. Shes my friend.
6. Youre t school.
7. Theyre teachers.
C) 1. I am
2. She is
3. We are
4. You are
5. They are

I am a doctor.
He is an engineer.
This book is very good.
My friend is American.
You are in garden.

E ) Make sentences and put the verb To BE in the correct form of the present simple.
1. She is at beach.
2. They are in London.
3. He is in the bathroom.
4. You are very tall.
5. We are Portuguese.
6. I am the teacher.

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