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Sports and the Law

Final siren hasnt sounded for Essendon drug scandal

Lances redemption?

This is no new news, this saga has been going on for over two years with set
back after set back and even at this time some of the future is still unclear.
The case leads back to 2011 where the club had started taking drugs as most
high profile sporting athletes do of some description. What sets Essendon
apart from the rest is the supplements they took ones from the banned list.
There are many arguments as to who is at fault and who needs to pay for
this crime, should it be the head coach, or maybe the doctor or prescribed it,
or are the players themselves the ones at fault. As result of this ASADA
(Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority) undertook a very long
investigation concluding some findings but it still has not come to an end.

The wheels keep spinning for

Lance Armstrong, says DW. 2
years ago cyclist Lance Armstrong
was stripped of seven Tour de
France wins for taking
performance-enhancing drugs.
Travis Tygart says that he can be
redeemed from his past. I think
there is a lot of good that Lance
Armstrong can still do for sport but
also, obviously, the cancer
community around the world.
Lance will again sit with the
CIRC panel in the coming weeks to
help with their investigation.

We know that drugs in sport are increasing all the time, players are not happy with their performance and are trying all
measures to get better. Also monitoring what drugs are available and suitable for administration is a never ending job
with no end in the near future. The speed at which new substances become available is astonishing and makes it
extremely hard when it comes to attempting to make the sport fair and drug free.
ASADA is the leading organization in anti-doping and implementing the WADA (World Anti-Doping Authority) code.
Their purpose is simple, to protect Australias Sporting Integrity through elimination of doping. ASADA works closely
with the real world law to make this happen. Over the past years ASADA and the Essendon have had a lot to do with
each other. The latest results, through findings the Club has been charged $2,000,000 and in had its entry into the 2013
finals revoked, as of October 2014 thirty four Essendon players still dont where they stand in their careers as they still
have not had their cases heard. Essendon still havent finished this game yet.

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