November Newsletter 2014

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Unit 1, 2 Parker Hill, Rathmines Road, D6. E-mail : thegatewaynewsletter@gmail.




Hello there,



Can you believe it? November already. The temperature is dropping and the evenings are drawing
in very fast now. That hour going back last week does not help the situation either and has a habit
of discombobulating us for a day or two every year. It is the time to wrap up and put on the
porridge. Warning: do not wear porridge! Anyway the earth will keep spinning and before we
know it, the shortest day will pass and we will be on the up and up once again, heading towards
re-growth and light. It happens every year. Year in year out. And it has been like this since
well since it all began. And yet it never ceases to amaze us as we watch the seasons come and go,
and say Wow. Thats amazing. So on that positive note: wrap up, stay warm, and enjoy this
months issue of our Newsletter. Thank you!

Peer Support
Are you interested in learning about
peer support and how to give and
receive it in Gateway? Fionn will
organise training for interested
members and workers. Let her or
project workers know if you'd like to
get involved or want more info call
01 4965558 or email

WRAP Radio
Gateway folk &
peers talk WRAP journeys and the
importance of support in recovery.
PODCASTS NewsTalk Documentaries
WRAPIrelands Journey Broadcast
on Sat 11 Oct 2014. Have a listen!

Peer support at

Thanks to active Gateway members &

volunteers over the years like Oliver D,
Michael D, John L, Mary M, Richard M
and many more, Gateway can run social
meet ups, trips and events which support
members to get out and about.
Peer Support is all about giving support
to others who know what its like to
experience mental ill health and the
challenges it can bring into our lives.
Olivers example of giving his time is a
great example of Peer Support in action.
So thank you Oliver and all our peer
supporters past and present.

Gateway celebrates

10 years
hursday, 9th of October Then Oliver D gave a heartfelt speech
2014. The place: Parker Hill. on his journey and what Gateway
Excitement had been bub- means for him, it was lovely.

bling the past few weeks amongst the

members as we discussed our upcoming party. The preparations and plan-

with everyone, capturing some great

ning were under way by the committee

moments. See more on the blog...

headed up by Helen and Fionn which

Now you cant have a party without

had met up every week since summer.

music right?!? We had three wonder-

It was a huge deal; we wanted to cele-

ful musicians and singers, Davina

brate Gateway, its successful 10 years

and what it means to everyone. It coincided with World Mental Health Week
events nationally.

Brady on keyboard to get the party

Me up next, we had


an ideas box on


When you entered Gateway that Thurs- means to me, I

day, there was definitely a party atmos- read out a few comments from memphere. Tim and the artists had done an bers for all to hear.
amazing job on making the decorations
and bunting. Mary, Sharon, Maura and I
(Ann Marie) were busy all morning pre-




from RPCP talked about social in-

later Chris Maxey on

clusion work and the important

guitar, followed by

support of Gateway Project to peo-

Sean on accordion.

ple living in the area.

I kept pinching
myself that I



paring countless plates of food, cakes,

best party ev-

drinks and treats. Then the welcoming


formalities in the back room started.

around at all

We even had visits from local counsel-

the happy faces, everyone was enjoy-

lors and TDs.

Ali launched our

special commemorative booklet to celebrate Gateways 10 years of achievements for mental health in the community. She made a great speech and
mentioned the Newsletter Team talk on
Hats off to Fionn, later that day.

our acting Development Worker who

welcomed everyone with her great
speech and set the tone for a great day.

Fiona our official photographer of the

day was fantastic and mingled all day


ing themselves with the live music.

Then the talented Sean gave us a few
tunes on his accordion and we all sang
and clapped along.

Tim gave


about his


teacher at Gateway, he said that there
is always a lovely vibe and that today
walking in with all the balloons inside
and the circle of drummers outside,
that he always enjoys his time here.
Thank you Tim for creating a lovely re-

There was a special poem from

Nicholas and a lovely song from

Then the blowing out of the can-

laxed environment to encourage artistic

dles on the huge birthday cake.

creativity and plenty of chat.

Everyone was having a blast.

Then Flight Commander Rochford of the

Newsletter and the newsletter team
were up next and with Richard M and

It all kicked up another gear with

Paul J talking about the history of the

DJ Kelly and some disco music!!!!

newsletter, we explained the process

Well it nearly brought the house

that goes into the production of a now

down with the dancers dancing

4 page glossy newsletter and the fun

and the shakers shaking their

and good times the newsletter team

grooves, and all the while Fiona

have every month. And a special men-

was taking great pictures.

tion for Jim who is a member since the

beginning of Gateway. Thanks Ali and There was also a creative writing exhibit We wished it could have lasted forevCiaran for all your dedication and hard and members of the writers group gave er as it was such a fabulous day and a
some beautiful readings from their huge success I am sure all will agree.

Thanks Gateway for just being there

and existing for all our friends. We will
have many special memories to cherish
and share for a long time.

Ann Marie

A few of
e things

Every little helps

Well fair play to all that got involved
with the Tesco Community Fund this
year. The picture says it all with




receiving a cheque in support of


Colour: Yellow





community from the Tesco Team

Season: Autumn
Sound: A text
message alert


here in Rathmines. These welcome

gifts help keep Gateway supplied with fruit on the bowls during drop-in hours, paint in the
pots for the Arts Class, chalk for the Pool cues and so much more!

Clothes: jeans n

Super Fun Tr ip Away?!?

Music: Classical

Cork, New York, Dundalk, Gortahork or Glenamaddy. Shall we

decide soon as to where we might like to go on a train journey as

Film: Chitty
Chitty Bang Bang The Gateway Bunch for a day out together? Iarnrod Eireann has
given to us a voucher for 50 people to travel as a group anywhere
Food : A toastie
we decide to go. So lets get our thinking
Hero: My dad
All aboard now
caps on again and lets make this
happen. Email us & tell project workers!

MY MIND in Ranelagh is offering discounted counselling services. Vouchers are available to Gateway
members at 10 per session for 5 sessions. Contact Gateway on 01-4965558. Thank you to ESB for supporting

b i g th an k yo u t o me mb e r s , w o rk e r s a n d al l of
G a t e w ay s v e r y b u s y an d t al en t e d e l ve s w h o
ma n a g e d t o tu rn Ga t e w a y i n t o a c ol ou r f u l f u n f ai r
w i t h al l th e h o me p r o d u c e d d e co r a t i o n s , b u n ti n g an d mo re .
I t ma d e s u ch a d i f f e r e n c e f o r th e p a r ty an d me mb e r s a n d
b r ou gh t su ch c ol ou r a n d ja z z t o u s al l ! T h an k y ou ev e r y on e !

Thanks and appreciation to all our ongoing
funders and also our recent birthday
supporters including Supervalue, Insomnia,
Flowers by Dee, Dave Abner Browns Barber
Shop, Davina Brady, Chris Maxey, Eddie
from National Concert Hall. THANKS!!!

Interested in animal welfare? Let us or Linda C know as she

would love to set up a small, informal discussion group. You can
text her on 087-3425769 (no calls please).

N e v e r t r u s t a n a t o m . Th e y m a k e u p e v e r y t h i ng .
11 Wynnefield Road, Dublin 6. Ph. 01-4965558 Views expressed
in this newsletter are only views of the contributors and
not views of the Gateway Project.

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