Wrapping Up The Northeast

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0 Wrapping up the NortheastDay 14Krystal Royer/Janet SwannerGrade 4

Expected Duration (45-60 minutes)
Concepts: N/A
Vocabulary: N/A
Skills: Map labeling
1.1 Integration of Learning Outcomes/Objectives

Students will be able to label the states in the Northeast as well as their respective

Students will use prior knowledge to answer questions about the Northeast
Region in preparation for their final assessment

1.2 Standards PA & NCSS Themes I - X with subthemes

PA Standard-7.1: Basic Geographic Literacy
7.1.4.B: Describe and locate places and regions as defined by physical and human
features. NCSS.1.2
THEME TWO -- Time, Continuity, and Change: Social Studies teachers should
possess the knowledge, capabilities, and dispositions to organize and provide
instruction at the appropriate school level for the study of Time, Continuity, and
Change. Teachers of social studies at all school levels should provide
developmentally appropriate experiences as they guide learners in the study of time,
continuity, and change.
NCSS.1.2.b have learners apply key concepts from the study of history such as
time, chronology, causality, change, conflict, and complexity to explain, analyze,
and show connections among the patterns of historical change and continuity
1.3 Anticipatory Set

Begin the lesson by reviewing the basic details we learned about Connecticut
yesterday (location in the Northeast, capital, etc.).
Tell the students the plan for the class period: to fill out the L part of their
KWL, to list three fun things they learned about the Northeast, to label the map
with state names and capitals, and to play a Jeopardy review game for the test.

1.4 Procedures
1. The teacher will direct students to their unit packet and briefly review the previous
days lesson and explain what will be done in todays class.

2. The teacher will explain that today is a review day for the final test on the Northeast
3. The teacher will hand out all papers for the class period which need to be filled out
by each student: their KWL charts (that they started in the introductory lesson), blank
maps of the Northeast, and a sheet of paper labeled Three things I loved learning
about the Northeast.
4. The teacher will model how to complete a sample KWL by filling in each column on
the board.
5. The teacher will instruct the students to label the map of the Northeast with the state
name and respective capital. (Students will be able to label the states in the Northeast
as well as their respective capitals)
6. As the students complete their respective paperwork, the teacher assess the students
portfolios to make sure they arent missing anything since they will need to use all of
the paperwork in the portfolio to help them study for the test.
7. The teacher will ask for a few students to raise their hands and share something they
8. The teacher will ask the students to clear their desks in preparation for the Jeopardy
review game so all of the knowledge is coming from their brain.
9. The teacher will put the groups into pre-determined groups of 4 and let them come up
with team names.
10. The teacher will tell the students that the team with the most points at the end of the
Jeopardy review game will get 2 extra credit points on their final test.
11. The teacher will facilitate the Jeopardy board game and keep score of what each team
12. The teacher will ask questions based on what they learned about various topics in the
Northeast unit and determine who knows what by keeping track of points and seeing
who is speaking up in the teams and discussion the answers. (Students will use prior
knowledge to answer questions about the Northeast Region in preparation for their
final assessment)
13. The teacher will announce the winners of the extra credit points.
14. The teacher will hand out the portfolios so the students are able to look over their
notes and documents while studying.

1.5 Differentiation
1. ELL students may use their portfolio documents to complete the written portions.
2. Students with disabilities may work with a partner to complete written portions.
1.6 Closure
Thank everyone for his or her teamwork and for taking an interest in learning about the
Northeast Region of the United States. Remind them that although we are from the
Northeast, there are a lot of things we do not know about the region. There is a lot more
to learn and they should do research on their own to find out even more and maybe try to
ask their parents/guardians to take them on a trip to another state in the Northeast that
theyve never been to. Ask if anyone is confused about anything weve learned or if they
have any comments about places theyve visited or would like to visit to allow them to
have some personal perspective on the unit.

1.7 Formative/Summative Assessment of Students (P-12)

Formative: While students are discussing answers in the Jeopardy game and
raising their hands, the teacher will assess their ability to come up with the proper
knowledge (Students will use prior knowledge to answer questions about the
Northeast Region in preparation for their final assessment)

Summative: Each student will complete the KWL chart, write three things they
loved learning about the Northeast, and label a map of the NE with the state and
capital names ((Students will be able to label the states in the Northeast as well as
their respective capitals)

1.8 Materials/Equipment
1. KWL chart from portfolio
2. Pencils
3. Blank map of the Northeast
4. Three things I loved learning about the Northeast sheet
1. Smartboard
2. Lesson plans from entire unit to create Jeopardy review game
See all websites used in previous lessons within the unit plan.

See all content notes in previous lessons within the unit plan.
1.9 Technology
Jeopardy review game will be used on the Smartboard.
2.1 Reflection on Planning
This lesson was a lot easier to do because we could go off of information used in the
previous lessons. Plus, it was the third lesson we were able to work on, so we had some
practice before getting to this one. Im really excited to review the entire lesson plan once
its all on Weebly to see all of our hard work in one spot. Im also excited to see what our
other classmates have done with their unit plans in the other regions of the US. Im sure
we can all find a lot of helpful resources and ideas for our future classrooms.

Points will be taken off for spelling/mechanics.


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