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PeopleCode Developer's Guide Preface

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PeopleCode Developer's Guide Preface

This preface includes typographical conventions used in PeopleCode and discusses the uses of this book.

PeopleCode Developer's Guide

This PeopleBook covers the concepts of PeopleCode, the proprietary language used in the development of PeopleSoft applications. Its chapters describe techniques for
adding PeopleCode to applications, tips for using PeopleCode, the interaction of PeopleCode and the Component Processor, and a number of other specialized topics,
such as the use of the PeopleCode debugger and referencing data in the component buffer.
The accompanying book, PeopleCode Reference, is a complete reference of the PeopleCode language. Its chapters describe the syntax and fundamental elements of the
PeopleCode language.
The About These PeopleBooks preface contains general product line information, such as related documentation, common page elements, and typographical
conventions. This preface also contains a glossary with useful terms that are used in PeopleBooks.

PeopleCode Typographical Conventions

Throughout this book, we use typographical conventions to distinguish between different elements of the PeopleCode language, such as bold to indicate function names,
italics for arguments, and so on.
Please take a moment to review the following typographical cues:
Font Type
monospace font

Indicates a PeopleCode program or other example


In PeopleCode syntax, items in keyword font indicate function names, method

names, language constructs, and PeopleCode reserved words that must be
included literally in the function call.


In PeopleCode syntax, items in variable font are placeholders for arguments that
your program must supply.


In PeopleCode syntax, ellipses indicate that the preceding item or series can be
repeated any number of times.

11/07/2013 11:03 a.m.

PeopleCode Developer's Guide Preface

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Font Type



In PeopleCode syntax, when there is a choice between two options, the options
are enclosed in curly braces and separated by a pipe.


In PeopleCode syntax optional items are enclosed in square brackets.


In PeopleCode syntax an ampersand before a parameter indicates that the

parameter is an already instantiated object.

About These PeopleBooks

A companion PeopleBook called About These PeopleBooks contains general information, including:
Related documentation, common page elements, and typographical conventions for PeopleBooks.
Information about using PeopleBooks and managing the PeopleBooks Library.
A glossary of useful PeopleSoft terms that are used in PeopleBooks.
See Also

PeopleTools 8.44 PeopleBook: PeopleCode Developer's Guide

Copyright 1988-2003 PeopleSoft, Inc. All rights reserved.

11/07/2013 11:03 a.m.

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