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I selected to teach my English Language Arts lesson entitled Making Predictions as my showcase

lesson. This lesson includes a pre-assessment, during assessment, and post-assessment. All of these
assessments were created to evaluate students learning of the lesson objective. The objective of this
lesson is: When the 7th and 8th graders are presented with a read-aloud, the learner will listen to the
read-aloud and make predictions accurately according to the text 4 out of 5 times. All of the activities in
this lesson are based on making predictions and understanding how to connect your predictions to the
text. I chose the book Testing the Ice by Sharon Robinson.
The pre-assessment of the lesson was to determine how much students knew about predictions.
Predictions have been covered previously in the classroom once but the students were not extremely
familiar with the material. The purpose of the during assessment is to make sure students are
understanding the concept of a prediction and they are using the text accurately and are communicating
effectively in the group discussion. The purpose of the post-assessment is to see what students learned
from the lesson. The during assessment and post-assessment were very similar and the students would
be able to comprehend the task and be able to complete it effectively.
For my during assessment, I paused at six different pivotal times during the text and had them make
predictions about what might happen next. For the post assessment the students were asked to write a
prediction about what might happen after the story was over. The students were supposed to use the
text and what has happened so far and make a prediction according to what had happened so far.
The pre- and post-assessment will be given a score of 0, 1, or 2. A score of two indicates that the student
had an excellent understanding of what a prediction was and used the text accurately. A score of one
indicates that the student had a basic understanding of the text and somewhat used the text. A score of
zero indicates that the student did not understand what a prediction was and did not attain to the text.
For the during assessment, the students will be informally assessed during the read-aloud time by
teacher observation. I will use a checklist to record if the students are on-task and paying attention
during the read-aloud.
During the above stated assessments, all of the students will require accommodations.
Assessment Plan Table:

Lesson Objective


When presented
with a read-aloud
the learner will listen During Assessment
to the read-aloud
and make
accurately according
to the text 4 out of 5

Format of Formative
Pre: Group discussion and the
question What is a prediction?


All students in the

class have oral
administration and
During: Teacher observation.
extended wait time
During the read-aloud, the teacher as accommodations.
paused at six pivotal points in the
text and had the students make
predictions according to the text.
A 0-2 scale will be used for the

during assessment and a checklist

will be used to gauge whether or
not the students are on task
during the read-aloud.
Post: The students will be asked to
write a prediction based on the
text and what will happen next
after the story is over. A 0-2 scale
will be used to gauge the students
understanding of a prediction.

An unused copy of the checklist are attached below.

Student Number

Off Task

On Task

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