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Verse 1.7.

TEXT 1.7.160
etan mahkhyna-vara mah-hare
ya raddhay sarayate kathacana
prpnoti tat-prema tathaiva so py aram
etatthis; mahgreat; khynanarration; varamexcellent; mah-hareabout the Supreme Lord
Hari; kruyaof compassion; sraof the essence; layathe abode; nicayadefinite realization;
arthakamwhich provides; ya
whoever; raddhaywith faith; sarayatetakes shelter; kathacanasomehow or other; prpnotihe
obtains; tatfor Him; premapure love; tathalso; evaindeed; sahe; apieven; aramquickly.
With the help of this most excellent narration about the Supreme Lord, which shows who has received
the essence of the Lords mercy, one can understand Him for certain. Anyone who for any reason
takes shelter, with faith, of this narration will quickly attain love for Lord r Ka.
To Parkits promise rla Santana Gosvm now adds his own. By taking shelter of the Supreme Lords
devotees one can understand their special glories, which further leads one to enter particular methods of
devotional worship and finally attain pure love for the Lord. This sequence of perfection is wonderful
enough in itself, but even more wonderful is that one can achieve the same perfection simply by hearing this
Bhad-bhgavatmta with faith. The purpose of this book is to make known how r Ka-candra, the
original Personality of Godhead, acts as the unlimited source of superexcellent compassion. Sincere readers
will quickly rise to the goal of ka-prema, especially when they conscientiously follow the authorized
principles of sdhana-bhakti.
Thus ends the seventh chapter of Part One of rla Santana Gosvms Bhad-bhgavatmta, entitled
Pra: The Complete Perfection.

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