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Measurement of Solar

Energy Radiation
Rajasekhar Sankuri
Asst. Professor,
Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department,
Sharda University .

The selection of this absorption of various
wavelengths occurs by different molecules.
The absorbed radiation increases the energy of
the absorbing molecules, thus raising their



Nitrogen, oxygen and gases

X-ray and extreme

ultraviolet radiations



Water and carbon dioxide

Infrared radiation

Dust particles and air


Some extent of solar


It will be formed by dust particles and air
Radiation received from the sun after reflection
and scattering by the atmosphere and ground.
It is sunlight that makes the sky blue.
Without the atmosphere and ability to scatter
sunlight, it will be like a moon.

We have two component of radiations:

1. Direct or Beam radiation(unchanged)
2. diffuse radiation (changed)
Direct or Beam radiation:

The energy from the sun that hits the earth

without being obstructed by clouds, molecules, or
aerosols. It is the sunlight that creates a shadow at
the surface.

Diffuse radiation:
Solar radiation scattered by aerosols, dust and
It does not have a unique direction

Global radiation = direct radiation + diffuse


Measurements of Solar Radiation:

1. Pyranometer
2. Pyheliometer
3. Sunshine recorder

1. Pyranometer:
It is designed to measure the global radiation,
at any surface.

2. Pyrheliometer:
Measures bean radiation by using a long narrow
tube to collect only beam radiation from the sun
at normal incidence.

3. Sunshine recorder:
It measures the sunshine hours per a day

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