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Special Occasion Speech Rubric

Time: _____________ (5min) (deduction of .5 pts every 30

sec. under)
Speech Grade: ____________ (Major grade)
Written Outline/Manuscript:____________(50pts)
Speech Requirements:

Introduction of others: (50 pts)

Refer to the occasion ____________ (8pts)
Name the speaker ____________ (8pts)
Build enthusiasm by relating information about the qualifications
of the speaker____________ (8 pts)
Share info about the subject to get the audience interested
__________ (10 pts)
Explain why this speaker is to give this talk to this audience at
this time___________ (8 pts)
Conclude by welcoming the speaker to the microphone or
podium. _________ (8pts)
Total: ________________

____ Presenting an award: (50 pts)

State the persons name early in speech ___________ (2 pts)
Explain the awards significance as a symbol of the groups
esteem ____________(15 pts)
Explain how the person was selected for the award ______________
Highlight what makes this person unique. Brief list of
achievements _________ (16 pts)
Hand the award off _____________ (2 pts)
Total: _______

Acceptance Speech: (50 pts)

Thank the group for the award ____________ (10 pts)
Discuss the importance of the award to you __________ (20 pts)
Thank others who helped you win the award-- minimize your
worth, praise the contributions of your supporters _______ (10
Reiterate your appreciation _________ (10 pts)
Total: _______

____ Ceremony Speech: (50 pts)

Refer to the occasion ____________ (8pts)

Name the person(s) ____________ (8pts)

Explain significance of occasion/relate to person(s) begin
commemorated/ relationship to subject____________ (8 pts)
Share stories make the speech personal and get the audience
interested __________ (10 pts)
Unique and marks the occasion well- with an organized
tribute___________ (8 pts)
Conclude with good tidings/useful advice/ a collective experience
etc. _________ (8pts)
Total: ________________
____ Eulogy: (50 pts)
Relate to the audience the significant meaning in that persons
life _________ (20 pts)
***Choose between biographical or a topical approach:
Topical- you focus on personal qualities or achievements from
which the audience can gain inspiration or understanding _______
(20 pts) OR .
Bio- whole life recap _______ (20 pts)
Focus on great sensitivity and care _________ (10pts)
Total: _______
Nonverbal Delivery ______ (25 pts)
_____ Eye Contact (7 pts)
_____ Gestures (7 pts)
_____ Facial Expressions (5 pts)
_____ Posture/ Stance (3 pts)
_____ Movement (3 pts)
Verbal Delivery _______ (25 pts)
_____ Articulation (5 pts)
_____ Paralinguistics (volume, rate, pitch, pause, framing, intensity, and
emphasis. Communicating, not just giving data orally.)
_____ Flow/ limited verbal pauses/appropriate word choice (10 pts)

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