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820 Commonwealth Avenue

Hagerstown MD 21740

Student Learning Objective (SLO) Form for Teachers

Teachers Name __Jennifer Roberts_____ School _Fountaindale___________
District SLO
SLO Component
Objective Summary

Data Review &

Baseline Evidence

School SLO

School Year_2014-2015
x Individual SLO

1. Summarize the long term academic goal for students.

Students will improve their music literacy over the course of the school year. Music
reading and performing are key and important skills for success in future music
classes. Demonstrating mastery with music literacy and playing will be especially
helpful in preparing students to play an instrument in 4 th grade. Playing instruments
and singing also brings personal satisfaction to the performer. Competence with
reading music also is important for reinforcing literacy in the regular education
2. Describe and explain the process and information used to create this SLO.
Most 3rd grade students have music foundations acquired in K-2nd grade, but they
have little experience with applying these skills to actual performance (singing or on
an instrument). Third grade is a pivotal year in terms of putting the pieces together
of reading music to perform.
Students were given a performance pre-test (same as post-test; including BAG
line/space notes, quarter, eighth, half rhythm notes and rests) to determine music
reading level of students. Students were also given a written pre-test (same as posttest; including rhythmic values, line/space note names, counting, recorder playing
technique) to determine content knowledge.
55 out of 57 students were not meeting expectations on the performance and
written pre-test. These 55 students scored 19 or less points on a 41 point preassessment. See google doc link:
C7NUxsvCuAUeNRj7urFBsdDfhLY/edit#gid=1224674840 ) for student by student
baseline data.

Student Population

3. Describe and explain the student group(s) selected for this SLO.
Three 3rd grade general music classes, with 16-24 students per class. Students were
present for the pre-assessment (given the second week of school)- May 2015 and
were present for 85% of music classes. Students vary in background, culture, and

820 Commonwealth Avenue

Hagerstown MD 21740

Student Learning Objective (SLO) Form for Teachers

ability, including students with varying academic needs. Several students with high
academic needs will have separate goals to achieve.
Learning Content

4. Describe the specific content focus for this SLO.

National Standards for Music:
5. Reading and Notating Music
Maryland State Music Curriculum:
-Read music notation (1.1.c)
-Perform rhythms accurately- whole notes/rests, half notes/rests, quarter notes/rests, two eighths (1.2.a)
-Play a variety of music using correct posture and articulation (1.2.b)
-create rhythm patterns that show contrast (3.2.b)
-compose and use traditional notation (3.2.c)
-Create simple rhythm patterns which show contrast (4.2.b)

Instructional Interval

5. Describe the instructional period for this SLO.

2014-2015 School Year. Classes meet once every 4 days for 50 minutes.


6. Describe and explain the expectations for student growth for students included in

this SLO.
100% of students will improve their music literacy.
The written/performance test has a total of 41 points with several opportunities to earn
extra points to exceed.
4- Exceeding: 42+ points
3-Meeting: 31-41 points
2-Approaching: 21-30 points
1-Not Met: 1-20 points

2 students scoring a 3 on the pretest will grow to a 4.

35 students scoring a 1 on the pre-test, with total points in the range of 11-20, will
grow to a 3 or 4.
18 students scoring a 1 on the pre-test, with total points in the range of 1-10, will
grow to a 2, 3, or 4.
Evidence of Growth

7. Describe what evidence will be used to determine student progress or growth.

-Music reading/performance and written post-test (EOY)
-Performances (singing, rhythms, recorder) throughout the year.

820 Commonwealth Avenue

Hagerstown MD 21740

Student Learning Objective (SLO) Form for Teachers

-exit tickets, compositions, written responses, video recordings- given throughout year

8. Describe and explain the key instructional strategies selected for implementation
to support students in reaching the growth target for this SLO.
Modeling, whole group, small group, and individual instruction.
Peer-peer instruction and expert students.
Playing, singing, listening, composing, moving, improvising, discussing.


9. Describe and explain the professional development activities that will support the
attainment of the SLO.
Professional Learning Community (school-wide: CFIP, TIF)
Content based Professional Learning (social media, professional journals, music
workshops, online learning courses)
Music professional development (county, peer-peer)
Beginning the process toward National Board Certification
Attendance at National Association for Music Education National Conference.

Target Results
(To be completed by
the teacher prior to
the End of
Instructional Interval

Initial Conference
Include comments
as needed.


Teachers Signature

Principals Signature

820 Commonwealth Avenue

Hagerstown MD 21740

Student Learning Objective (SLO) Form for Teachers

SLO Approved
Mid-Interval Review
Include comments
or mid-interval
adjustments if
End of Instructional
Interval Conference
Include comments
as needed and
score the SLO using
the chart below.
Final Rating & Score
Total possible
points for this SLO
10 points
20 points

Choose One:

Attainment of
Target (10 of 10
or 20 of 20
85% or greater
Attainment of
Target (8 of 10
or 16 of 20
75% to 84%
Attainment of
Target (6 of 10
or 12 of 20

820 Commonwealth Avenue

Hagerstown MD 21740

Student Learning Objective (SLO) Form for Teachers

65% to 74%

Attainment of
Target (4 of 10
or 8 of 20
64% or less

cc. Principal
Human Resources

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