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380 SMART board Lesson Plan

CANDIDATES NAME: Sarah Cutler, Danielle Francesconi

Main Subject/Topic: Social Studies/ Regions of the United States/Lewis and Clark Expedition
Integrated with: English Language Arts
Label by code and

DATE: November 5th, 2014

TIME: 11:10 a.m.
Standards being taught and assessed:
SS.5.G.6 Compare and contrast the various regions of the United States; locate
each of the fifty United States and correlate them with their regions.
SS.5.G.1 Explain how aspects of the terrain (e.g., the principle mountain ranges,
rivers, vegetation, and climate of the region etc.) affected westward travel and
ELA.5.W.C9.1 Write opinion pieces on topics or tests; supporting a point of
view with reasons and information.
Introduce a topic or text clearly, state an opinion and crate an
organizational structure in which ideas are logically grouped to support
the writers purpose.
Provide logically ordered reasons that are supported by facts and details.
Link opinion and reasons using words, phrases and clauses (e.g.,
consequently, specifically).
Provide a concluding statement or section related to the opinion

Lesson Objectives
(Include an
objective for each
standard being
taught and

1. The students will identify each of the fifty United States, correlate them with
their regions, and compare and contrast the various regions.
2. The students will be engage in large group discussion about how aspects of
the different terrains affected westward travel and settlement.
3. The students will think about all of the different terrain and how it affected
Lewis and Clark. Based on those thoughts the students will write two to three
paragraphs describing how it benefited the explorers to work together during
their expedition. The students will use computers to research more information
on terrain in each region (e.g. elevations, river depths, temperatures, etc.).

(Describe and
identify Objective
# being assessed.)

What theory or
reliable source
confirms that this
is a good
strategy? NOT

Materials and

Build Background

Objective #1:
The students will be asked to answer the following question as the closure
activity/assessment at the end of day 1:
What makes the regions so different from one another?
What is the geography of the Southeast Region?
What is the geography of the Northeast Region?
What is the geography of the Midwest Region?
What is the geography of the Western Region?

Objective #2:
The students will be assessed on their overall participation during the large
group discussion.
Objective #3:
The students will be assessed on their overall ability to connect and incorporate
the ideas shared during their lesson into their writing assignment. They will
present their writing assignment to the class.
1. How to assess learning?
According to the text Your Science Classroom, an alternative form of
assessment teachers may opt to use for lessons are performance
assessments. More specifically, a performance assessment activity that is
embedded within a lesson is an embedded assessment. This allows the
teacher to assess student learning while the students complete what they
believe to be another inquiry activity. Students will have an opportunity
to further research terrain in each region to gain a better understanding of
the characteristics of terrain Lewis and Clark would have faced.
(Downey, Goldstein, 2013, p. 168).

Rationale & sources:

Materials: Graphic Organizer
Technology: SMART board, computer

The teacher candidates will begin the lesson by asking students the
following questions:
What is your favorite place to travel to? Approximately how long does it

take for you to get there? Now imagine that you had to make that trip by
foot. How long do you think it would take to get there now? You will be
making the trip with 32 other people, equipment, boats and horses. How
difficult would this be to accomplish?
Students will be given the opportunity to guess the state/region of each picture.

specific steps in
order. Include

What theory or
reliable source
confirms that this
is a good
strategy? NOT

Day 1-2
1. Engage Students will participate in a Think, Pair, Share on the
following questions:
What is your favorite place to travel?
Approximately how long does it take to get there?
Imagine that you had to take that trip by foot. How long do you
think it would take to get there now?
You will be making the trip with 32 other people, equipment,
boats, and horses. How difficult would this be to accomplish?
They will be given one minute to think independently. They will then be
asked to turn to their partner and share their thoughts with each other for
2 minutes.
2. Explore The students will participate in a See, Think, Wonder. They will
be shown pictures of each region, ask to think about what they see, and what
they wonder about the picture and how the terrain shown would affect Lewis and
Clark on their expedition.
3. Explain The teacher will explain the pictures of the regions: temperature,
geography, etc.
4. Elaborate The students will break into two teams. They will play an
interactive SMART board game. They will collaborate with their team members
and elect an individual to go to the SMART board to answer the questions.
5. Evaluate The students will be asked to write a 2-3 paragraph essay.
Prompt: Although Lewis, Clark, and the Corps of Discovery did not
find what they thought would be the Northwest Passage, they did
manage to conquer an amazing feat. They crossed many hurdles and
discovered new plants and animals along the way.
Directions: In a 2-3 paragraph essay (3-5 sentences each) explain, in
your opinion, how the relationships between Lewis, Clark, and the
Corp would have to be in order for them to complete their journey.
Rationale & sources of strategies:

2. How to deliver concepts and content students need to learn?

-The way in which I chose to deliver the concepts and content to my students
was structured around Vygotskys theory of Zone of Proximal Development.
The engage, explain, and explore portions of the lesson plan requires the aid of
the teacher to help the students understand the content. The elaborate requires
students to work with each other to answer questions. The evaluate portion of
my lesson plan require students to work independently to solve questions by
2. -The organization of the lesson plan was structured entirely on the 5 Es
Model. According to the text Your Science Classroom, because inquiry is
central to the science standards, it is essential that you become familiar with
lesson planning designed for inquiry. (Downey, Goldstein, 2013, p. 150).

Modifications Write 1st names of
students and their
needs be specific.
Also identify
elements of
Universal Design
used in planning
Content Closure
(How will you
review concepts
and objectives?

This lesson was developed based on UDL standards which allows for all
different types learners have an equal opportunity to learn the material and be
successful. This lesson was designed to be flexible and incorporates activities
for visual, auditory, and tactile learners. There is partner and group work for
those who may struggle with concepts individually. There are several different
types of assessments to insure every students needs are met.

Students will be asked to answer the following questions to answer on a post-it

(exit ticket):
1. What region did you like the best based on the information you learned?
2. What region would you like to travel to and why?
3. How are the regions similar to one another? How are they different?

Classroom &
Give specific ideas
you plan to use for
this lesson.

1. Before you begin the lesson, what will you say to present your behavioral
expectations to the class?
Prior to the beginning of the lesson, we will give the following directions:
-Students are to be listening
-If they have a question they must put raise their hand.
-Students are not to shout out.
2. During the lesson, what specific technique will you use to regain the
attention of all students? (clapping, song, visual cue, etc.)
The classroom teacher has a bell that he uses to regain the attention of all the

students. He rings the bell to the tune Shave and a hair-cut. I will incorporate
this technique into my lesson.

3. How will you distribute needed materials?

The students will be dismissed by rows to get the laptop computer they will
use to complete their research. I will ask the student helper to pass out the
construction paper to their fellow peers.

4. What will you say or do to manage transitions between activities?

The students are already accustomed to working with a timer. When the timer
goes off, the students will know it is time to move onto the next portion of the


(complete after

What elements were successful and why?

What could you improve in planning, delivery, and assessment of learning? How
would you improve each element listed?
What principles or big ideas have you learned about your own instructional

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