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November 4, 2014

Bill Wohlsifer Thanks His Campaign Team

Florida - Bill Wohlsifer, Florida Attorney General Candidate (LPF), took a moment out from
campaigning to thank all of the hardworking individuals who sacrificed so much of their free time
and personal expenses in the quest to elect the first Libertarian Attorney General. He
recognized that it takes many dedicated people to run and manage a campaign, and while it
was virtually impossible for him to thank every member of his team personally, he wanted
everyone of them to know all of their hard work is greatly appreciated.
No matter what happens today, Mr. Wohlsifer said. I will always appreciate all of the
dedication and hard work my team put forth in this venture. It is due to all of the hard working
volunteers and personal sacrifices I have witnessed from so many that we were able to make
Mr. Wohlsifer, who is running against incumbent Pam Bondi, and challenger George Sheldon, is
the first Libertarian to run for the office of Attorney General, and his campaign was able to reach
many milestones on the campaign trail. They broke fundraising records, polling records, and
their targeted and dedicated Get Out The Vote project brought out 1,000s of voters who likely
would not have voted otherwise.
I am honored to have worked with this team, Wohlsifers campaign manager, Steve Edmonds,
said. I would put this team up against any of the establishment parties election teams, and will
take them all back when we run for re-election in four years.
Contact Information:
Bill Wohlsifer for Florida Attorney General
1100 East Park Ave Ste B
Tallahassee FL 32301
Tel: 407-701-9045

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