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by: Carina Carrera-Flores

The stranger walks through the front door in into the school.

The stranger walking down the hall of classrooms.

The students running to the nearest classrooms to be safe.

The principal talking on the all call informing every one that its a
lockdown and to lock their doors for safety and telling the students out
in the halls to go to the nearest classroom.

Cops arriving to the school.

The stranger staring out the window looking at whats

going on outside.

The stranger seeing her reflection feeling bad.

The stranger walking up the stairs and sees the police

officer on the top of the stairs and panics.

The stranger falling and looking at the officer that is

standing right above her.

The stranger walking ahead of the police officer, the police officer right
behind the stranger making sure she wont go anywhere.

The police officers taking the stranger out of the school.

The End.

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