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My Secret Of Pencil Portrait

Drawing On Shading

Brought To You By Christopher Sia

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The purpose of shading is to make your drawing to look more

realistic. Without shading, your drawing wouldnt be realistic at all. Its
really very important to know how to do shading for pencil portraits.
Ways Of Doing Shading
There are really many ways to do shading and most artists have their
very own unique styles of shading.
These are some of the shading methods:
1.) Smudging
2.) Scribbling
3.) Hatching
4.) Crosshatching
I wont go into details here for each of them because you can simply
google them. If youre a beginner, you may want to learn one of the
methods from a mentor and follow the shading style of your mentor. Why?
Its because it will be very much easier to learn from someone who has
been doing what you want to achieve rather than wasting your valuable
time to learn on your own and get frustrated.
Once youve learnt the shading style and method, you can then
develop your very own style of shading with each of the shading methods
or combination of them. Dont be rush to develop your own style. You
should keep learning and practicing before developing your very own style
of shading.
The method of what Ive always been using for shading is
crosshatching. The reason why I like crosshatching is because its simple yet
effective and its the classic method of shading.
Im sure that you know what crosshatching actually mean. Just a
quick explanation, its a combination of overlap lines. The pictures below
are the examples of crosshatching.

I called them the first set of lines, the second set of lines, the third
set of lines and the fourth set of lines.
Note: Im using a 2B pencil to draw
Draw lines. (This is what I called
The first set of lines)

Turn 90 degree and draw the

second set of lines.

Now, draw the third set of lines.

At last, draw the fourth set of lines.

Those are the examples of performing crosshatching in a simplified

way. You can smoothen your shading by adding more lines on each set of

You can always repeat the sets of lines until you achieve the result
that you desire.
Its very easy to do crosshatching. I mean, you only have to draw
lines and overlap them with lines and repeat the same thing. Ive seen
many people who just started to draw pencil portrait and do shading by
using crosshatching method. But what most of them dont understand is
the pressure of the pencil and the pressure of the hand.
When shading, you need to understand and control the pressure for
both pencil and hand. What I meant is how hard you press on your pencil.

If you have the wrong pressure for the lines, your shading will end up like

Theres only one way to overcome this problem KEEP PRACTICING.

It really doesnt require a lot of time to practice the pressure of your pencil
and hand. Once youve overcome this problem, youre on your way to draw
realistic pencil portraits.
Discover My Secret Of Shading For Pencil Portrait
I have my very own style of shading with crosshatching. Its a bit
different from the classic way of crosshatching on the illustrations above.
Ill reveal my secret of shading to you right now.
The usage of pressure for both hand and pencil produced a more
desirable outcome in my drawings. Take a look at one of my drawings.

If you can observe carefully on my shading part, there are no third

and fourth sets of lines. I dislike drawing the classic way of third and fourth
unless I need to, for certain times. I have my very own third and fourth set
of lines for shading.
The main concept of my shading style:
First set of lines - Press on it lightly
Second set of lines - Press on it slightly harder
Third set of lines - Press on it harder
Fourth set of lines - Press on it even harder

Here are the steps of my shading style to create shading. I will

simplify it without adding more lines so that you can see how it works.
A dull pencil is always preferable to do shading because this allows me to
draw softer lines and wider. It saved me a lot of time by doing so.
Draw the first set of lines lightly. Draw the second set slightly harder.

Heres the different part of my third set. The direction of the lines is almost
the same as the first set but draw it slightly higher and press it harder.

For the fourth set of mine, its almost the same as the second set but I drew
it slightly lower than the second set and pressed it even harder.

This is just the simplified version of my shading style. This will be the result
after adding more lines for each sets.

Sometimes, you dont need to add all sets of lines on some part of
your drawing. It really depends on how dark the tone is.

The red circles are the places where I apply shading for more than
two sets. Well, the hair is darker but I didnt circle them because its
another technique of shading which you will discover in the full tutorial.
If youre doing shading for both left and right face, go about it vice
versa. Look at the illustrations below for further understanding.

Lets say you want to do shading on this drawing.

( This drawing is just a quick sketch created for you to understand about what youre going to learn )

You add the first set of lines on

the left face of the person.

If you do so on the left face, you need

to have a mirror effect on the right face.

Same goes to the second set, the third and the fourth of lines on both left
and right side of face. In this way, your shading will look much more

WARNING: If you want to do shading on a really dark area, use 4B or any

darker pencils. Dont just press it hard with 2B pencil or any lighter pencils
as it can damage your paper. You wont want to spoil your paper half way
through your drawing.
Dont over shade your drawing. If you draw too hard and try to
erase it later, you will spoil your entire look of your drawing easily with the
stain of erased pencil mark. You can always apply darker shades when
youve finished your drawing.

Dont get disappointed even if you cant shade it nicely for the first
time. You will get better each time you practice. I wasnt born to be
talented artist but I have the undoubtedly passion to draw. If you have the
passion and practice it often, trust me, you will see the result in no time.
Practice makes perfect.

1.) Always add the first set of lines before you do shading for darker
area. Dont just press your pencil hard with the first set of lines to
draw the darker area on your drawing.
2.) Dont be rush when youre doing shading. Go about it patiently and
complete your drawing step by step. Its better doing it slowly rather
than rushing and end up with an untidy art work. Speed will come
only through practice.
3.) As you start shading, place a clean piece of paper underneath your
hand because your hand tends to get dirty with pencil powder.

How You Can Now Learn To Draw A Realistic

Pencil Portrait In Just A Week Even If You Have
Never Drawn Before... And Impress Everyone
With Your New Found Instant Talent"
Let Me share With You These 8 Easy Steps That I've
Perfected Over The Years To Draw A Pencil Portrait

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