Stay Young

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What a difference a day makes Adapted from Live Longer by Sally Brown

6:45 am DRINK A GLASS OF WATER AND TAKE A MULTIVITAMIN. Most people don’t get the RDA of many essentials
vitamins and minerals.

7:00 am BRUSH AND FLOSS YOUR TEETH. The bacteria that cause gum disease can enter your lungs and cause furring of the
arteries, which can lead to heart disease.

7:30 am WALK TO WORK. Exercising for at least 30 min every day is the best way to keep your heart and lungs in good shape.

9:00 am DRINK A GLASS OF WATER and try to have 3 more during work hours.

10:00 amHAVE A CUP OF TEA. Always squeeze your teabag – you’ll release twice as many antioxidants that way

11:30 amDO SOME LUNCHTIME YOGA. It balances out all the body’s systems and gets your organs working efficiently. Do you
ever wonder why yoga teachers look so young?

12:30 pm HAVE A RAINBOW SALAD FOR LUNCH. Use as many different colored vegetables as you can. Dress with
olive oil and balsamic vinegar, and sprinkle with a handful of sunflower and sesame seeds for the perfect anti-oxidant-packed, disease
fighting lunch.

3:30 pm CONNECT WITH YOUR FRIENDS and colleagues by email or phone. People with a strong social network of friends and
family live longer and healthier lives than more solitary types.

5:00 pm HAVE A PIECE OF FRESH FRUIT OR A HANDFUL OF NUTS. Fruits contain various polyphenols, which may protect
against cancer and other diseases. The natural sugars give you a boost of energy. Nuts are the best source of Vitamin E, an important
antioxidant that enhances the immune system.

6:00 pm MEDITATE WHEN YOU GET HOME. You’ll lower your blood pressure and slow your heartbeat, both of which are good
for your heart’s heath.

7:00 pm HAVE A SMALL GLASS OF RED WINE. Go for a deep red like Pinot Noir for a maximum boost of disease-fighting

8:00 pm HAVE SALMON FOR DINNER. Oily fish like salmon – or mackerel, sardines (yuck!), trout or tuna – keeps your brain
healthy and can stave off Alzheimer’s if eaten at least twice a week.

9:00 pm WATCH A FUNNY VIDEO. Laughter boosts your immune system by releasing endorphins. Endorphins counteract the
stress hormones cortisol and adrenaline, which suppress the immune system and make you more susceptible to infections, diseases
and premature aging. So switch off the news and watch a comedy instead.

10:00 pm HAVE SEX. People who have sex more than twice a week live longer than those who don’t. If not possible, get a
good vibrator.

11:00 pm SLEEP. It’s your body’s chance to release growth hormones and repair itself from the inside out. So never skimp
on shut-eye – aim for at least six to eight hours a night

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