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Andrew, Julian and I made a 3 v. circuit.

This circuit was built with paper

clips and brad pins. It was built on a piece of cardboard and is designed to light up
L.E.D. each light turns on with a push of a lever. Some of the problems we ran into
were poor connection. This means that the paper clips werent tightly wound to the
brad pins and the L.E.D light would not light up. Another problem was the design of
the lever. We needed to fashion the lever out of one paper clip or else it wouldnt
work. We also needed to make a separate mini circuit next to the main one and it
took a few changes in order for it to work. But in the end we made the circuit work
and this is the finished product.

We really enjoyed this mini project and we hope we can do more of this in
the future.

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