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Breanne Potter (505) 615-8186 2001 Gold Ave SE #17, Albuquerque, NM 87106

MA |University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM
English: Rhetoric and Writing
Teaching Assistant: English 110 Accelerated Composition
Committee Members: Tiffany Bourelle, Andy Bourelle, Stephen Benz

May 2016

BA | Brigham Young University, Provo, UT

Major: Communication Disorders
Minor: Editing

Apr 2014

Teaching Experience
Graduate Teaching Assistant| University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM
English 110 Accelerated Composition
English 120 Composition III
Language Teacher | Missionary Training Center, Provo, UT

Aug 2014Present
Jan 2015
JanApr 2013

Trained a group of 14 missionaries in religious education, teachings skills, and the Thai language
Planned and gave daily instruction based on students needs and a preapproved curriculum
Religion and Language Teacher | LDS Church, Thailand

Jun 2011Dec 2012

Volunteered for 18 months as a teacher of religion and English

Trained and mentored American missionaries in teaching skills, Thai language, and Thai culture
Teaching Assistant | Political Inquiry, Brigham Young University

Dec 2009Apr 2010

Mentored 20 students in political science writing and taught a weekly course on writing skills
Edited over 100 student papers varying in length from 2 to 20 pages

Editing Experience
Freelance Editor| Inkwell Editing

Jan 2014Present

Copy edit and proofread historical fiction, adventure fiction, family history books, scholarly journal
articles, college papers, cover letters, resumes, and video scripts
Conduct the entrepreneurial duties of a small business, including marketing, research and
development, finances and accounting, and customer relations

Freelance Editor| Covenant Communications, American Fork, UT

Aug 2014Present

Copy edit and proofread fiction novels

Prepare manuscripts for publication with Covenant Communications Publisher
Developmental/Copy Editor and Proofreader | Author, James Richey

May 2014Sept 2014

Helped develop the plot, conflict, and characters in a 100,000-word adventure novel
Worked with the author through the track changes feature on Microsoft Word
Editing Intern | Neal A. Maxwell Institute for Religious Scholarship, Provo, UT

Oct 2013Apr 2014

Copy edited and proofread a thousand pages of books and articles based on ancient religious texts
Prepared materials for publication, including the Journal of Book of Mormon Studies and a book for
the Middle Eastern Text Initiative (METI)
Copy Editor | Author, Keith Terry

Jul 2013Present

Copy edited and proofread a historical fiction manuscript, following the Chicago Manual of Style
Collaborated with the author to improve the manuscript substantively and grammatically
Writer and Copy Editor | Creative Content, LLC, Rio Rancho, NM

MayAug 2013

Wrote learning materials for beginner- to intermediate-level English speakers

Aimed at an audience of medical professionals
Adjusted writing technicality according to the skill and education levels of varying audiences
Copy Editor | Schwa Journal, Brigham Young University, Provo, UT

JanApr 2013

Worked with a team to select 20 articles to publish in a linguistics journal

Edited selected articles for syntax, cohesion, and coherence
Transcription Intern | Saints at War, Brigham Young University, Provo, UT

JanApr 2013

Transcribed 3 recorded interviews (4 hours each) of World War II veterans

Edited and proofread transcriptions according to the Chicago Manual of Style
Used Microsoft Word track changes and Express Scribe software
Intern | Federal Judicial Center, Washington, DC

AugDec 2010

Wrote a 12-minute video script for a nationwide federal court training program
Created a training presentation and a training website for a nationwide federal court training program
Used Microsoft PowerPoint

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