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IE 202: Operations Research I

Fall 2014, Ilhan OR

Course Description
The purpose of this course is to introduce the most widely used deterministic operations
research methodologies. The course will start with basic linear programming then move into
duality, transportation and assignment problems. Integer programming (cutting plane and
branch and bound solution procedures) and network models will also be introduced. Popular
OR software will be highlighted and used in assignments.
Course Outline

Week Sept.24
Week Sept.29


Week Oct. 13
Week Oct. 20
Week Oct. 27


Week Nov.03


Week Nov.10


Week Nov.17

9. Week Nov.24
10. Week Dec.01
11. Week Dec.08
12. Week Dec.15
13. Week Dec.22

Intro to O.R. and LP Modeling

LP: Graphical Solution Procedure
LP: Model Formulation
LP: Simplex Method
LP: Starting Methods
LP: Matrix Form of Simplex, Revised Simplex
LP: Duality
LP:Dual Simplex
LP: Sensitivity Analysis
Midterm 1
LP: Sensitivity Analysis
The Transportation Problem
The Transshipment Problem
The Assignment Problem
Network Problems
Network Problems
Midterm 2
Integer Programming (IP): Modelling
IP: The Cutting Plane Method
IP: The Branch and Bound Method
The Bic Mac Problem

i) Introduction to Operations Research (Ilhan Or, Lecture Notes, 2013)
ii) Operations Research, An Introduction (Hamdy Taha, 9th Edition, Prentice Hall, 2010)
Eligibility to enter the Final Exam: To be present in at least one midterm and to have at least
35/100 average in midterms and quizzes.
Teaching Asistant and Grader:
TA: Gkalp Erbeyolu
Room: BUFAIM Lab Tel: 7310 e-mail:
Grader: Ceren ehreli e-mail:
Web Page:
Enrollment Key: simplex2014
You may reach the course website at this address and register using your username & password

1st Midterm % 20 - 24
2nd Midterm % 20 - 24

Time&Room: TTW ThTh 345 56

Assignments (Quizzes) % 10 - 15
% 40 - 47
M2230 M2220 M3100 M2171 M2171

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