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Razia Balqees

edTPA Indirect Instruction Lesson Plan

Heat Transfer
Elementary Science
Central Focus/Big Idea: Identify and differentiate Heat Transfer (Conduction, Convection, & Radiation)
Subject of this lesson: Heat Transfer (Conduction, Convection, & Radiation)
Grade Level: 5th
NC Essential Standard(s): 5.P.3 Explain how the properties of some materials change as a result of heating
and cooling.
Next Generation Science Standard(s): 5.P.3.1 Explain the effects of the transfer of heat (either by direct
contact or at a distance) that occurs between objects at different temperatures. (conduction, convection or
21st Century Skills: Communication, Critical Thinking & Problem Solving, and Information Literacy
Academic Language Demand
Language Function: students are expected to analyze each example given and identify which example
is conduction, convection, & radiation and explain their answer.



Compare/contrast Describe


Scientific Vocabulary:
o Conduction the direct transfer of heat between objects that touch.
o Convection the transfer of heat as a result of rising warm gas or liquid.
o Radiation the transfer of heat through space by waves.
o Heat transfer heat moving from a warmer object to a colder object.
o Conductor a material that transfers heat and energy well. (metals, glass)
o Insulator a material that does not transfer heat or energy. (plastic, wood, cotton)

Instructional Objective: After going through series of examples (through activities, students will must answer
at least 7 out of 10 questions (mix of multiple choice, true/false, & fill in the blanks) about differentiating
Conduction, Convection, & Radiation.
Prior knowledge (student): Students should be familiar with the Conduction (one hand on top of the other
while the wiggling the bottom hands fingers), Convection (making imaginary circles with fingers), & Radiation
(spreading fingers and motioning hands back and forth) hand signals. The students should have of what each
term means.
Content knowledge (teacher): The teacher should be able to differentiate the different types of heat transfers
(conduction, convection, and radiation)
Accommodation for Special Needs (individual and/or small group):

The ESL students will be working with a TA (completely separate lesson plan as they speak minimal English).
Materials and Technology Requirements:
Smartboard (for the video)
Heat Transfer Labeling Worksheet
Pictures of Conduction, Radiation, & Convection
Matching Heat Transfer Worksheet
Heat Transfer Assessment
Total Estimated Time: ~ 1 hr

Source of your lesson:

Safety considerations:
Content and Strategies (Procedure)
The teacher will start out the lesson by telling the students they will be learning to differentiate between
conduction, convection, and radiation. The teacher will then ask the students What is the hand signal for
Conduction? Convection? Radiation? The teacher will then tell the students that they will be watching the video
attentively. The teacher will then plan the video on the Smartboard and allow the students to watch the video
called Heat Transfer Song. ~3 mins
The teacher will now ask the material-manager to hand out the Heat Transfer Labeling Worksheet to the
class and ask the students to label each part of the diagram (conduction, convection, & radiation). One of the
students will be asked to set the timer to 5-6 minutes. When 2 minutes left, the teacher will warn the class
saying there are 2 more minutes left. ~ 10 mins
The teacher will get the material manager to pass out the Picture Activity Sheet and scissors. The teacher will
instruct the kids to cut the pictures and then organize them in 3 categories (conduction, radiation, and
convection). The teacher will then tell the students that after the students have organized the pictures then each
student will discuss their order with their. Toward the end of activity, the teacher will walk around and make
sure the students have correct answers. ~ 15 min
The students will be given a worksheet named Matching Heat Transfers with the following questions
1. A pot sitting on a hot burner. (conduction)
2. How the inside of a greenhouse works. (convection)
3. Touching a metal spoon that is sitting in a pot of boiling water. (conduction)
4. Using a heating blanket to get warm. (conduction)

5. A person placing their cold hands over a warm fire. (radiation)

6. A person placing their hand over a hot burner. (radiation)
7. Lying out in the sun to get a tan. (radiation)
8. Putting your wet shoes on a floor vent to dry them faster. (convection)
9. Picking up a hot cup of coffee. (conduction)
10. Macaroni rising and falling in a pot of boiling water. (convection)
The teacher will allow the students to complete the worksheet and talk about their solution with the person
sitting beside them. ~ 15 min
Before handing out the assessment, the teacher will tell the students that they will be working on this
assessment individually and they cannot use their notes. The teacher will then tell the students to put their
Assessment in the turn-in box. The teacher will then hand out the Assessment called Heat Transfer
Assessment, in which the students will read the statements (10) and fill in the blank by writing the appropriate
type of heat transfer and justify their answer. ~ 15 min

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