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Jackelin Diaz

ID #: 208654

Essential Skills
Evidence Form
Standard Demonstrate Global Literacy
Demonstrate knowledge of diverse cultural, linguistic, and artistic expressions.
Apply a global perspective to analyze contemporary and historical issues
Description of Activity/Task/Experience that demonstrates I am at or above standard
in the specific skills for the standard mentioned above:
People never realize what they have until they learn to miss it. This saying can
directly apply to anyone who has ever gotten the chance to see different parts of the
world. In my case, I was lucky to be born in Peru, live four years in Brazil, move to the
U.S., and travel to Canada, Bolivia, and Ecuador. When in each of these countries one
has the opportunity to understand various cultures and millions of lifestyles. When
traveling to South American counties one must be prepared to understand that large
amounts of their population fall below the poverty line. The last time I traveled out of the
country was two summers ago. On that trip I experienced what it was like to live in the
rural lands of the Andes Mountains crossing through Peru. There people were constantly
bustling up and down rugged dirt roads, some herding livestock, some carrying collected
vegetables to the market, and others visiting their extended family that live down the
block just to share a meal. Although these people live in poverty, they all work together
in order to thrive. For about a month I was integrated into their community, I helped
harvest fruit from fields of trees, cook meals on a make-shift stove stop, and collect
honey from home made honey bee boxes. I was also fortunate enough to experience the
Peruvian Independence Day celebration the rural way firework castle and all.

Explanation/Reflection of how the activity/task/experience described above meets or

exceeds the specific skills of the standard mentioned above:
These opportunities to experience whole new cultures are one of the most
valuable memories one can learn and enjoy from. Traveling gives one the chance to value
what one many take for granted such as technology and family. I especially love visiting
the country I was born in because for me it symbolizes a life I couldve had. I enjoy
knowing that the rural lands I experienced that summer was the very place my mom was
raised in. Experiencing different cultures allows people to grasp how big the world is,
how many people live on this world, and how many different ways people experience
life. For this reason I love traveling and exploring the world and meeting new people.

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