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CATIA V5 Training (Advance options)

Training By
Mr. Kishor bhatia

VPM TRAINING.......................................................................................................................4
Product Structure Navigator color indication.........................................................................4
Important meaning German to English..................................................................................4
Important point creating new part ........................................................................................4
Some Short Cuts.....................................................................................................................4
Associating V5 Part/Draw.....................................................................................................5
Opening Part/Draw in Catia V5.............................................................................................5
Opening Assy in Catia V5......................................................................................................6
Create & save command .......................................................................................................6
‘Rename’ ..............................................................................................................................6
Multisite Training.......................................................................................................................9
CATIA V5 Sheet Metal Module.............................................................................................10
Sheet Metal Training:...........................................................................................................10
Drawing of Sheet Metal parts :............................................................................................10
CATIA V5 Training (Advance options)..................................................................................11
Language of CATIA V5.......................................................................................................11
Catia V4 to V5 migration.....................................................................................................11
Creating cgr:.........................................................................................................................11
Catia option to clean up cat part :.........................................................................................11
Delete unused component:...................................................................................................11
Catia V5 Drafting Module........................................................................................................13
Align in to system................................................................................................................13
Changing the projection plane of front view........................................................................13
Dimension Check Point Catia V5........................................................................................13
Changing offset section View Direction..............................................................................13
Checking Extra lines in View...............................................................................................13
Theoretical dimension box ..................................................................................................13
Creating Pitch circle diameter..............................................................................................13
Selecting Single Dimension from Cumulated Dimensions..................................................14
Reducing length of dim line in view....................................................................................14
View Style............................................................................................................................14
Catia V5 Assembly Module.....................................................................................................16
Design Mode Representation In Catia V5............................................................................16
Reuse pattern........................................................................................................................16
Catia V5 Part Module...............................................................................................................16
Center position for sketch creation at any part face.............................................................16
Drawing Documentation Important Points..............................................................................16



It is a data management system, which is used to manage the data of catia
models, assly. Etc.

Product Structure Navigator color indication

Light sky blue - ISO Part

Light blue - Catia V4 2D/3D
Green - Catia V5 document (Part /Draw)
Brown - CADAM

Important meaning German to English

Benennung - Name of Part

Sachnunner - Part no.
Work stoff - Material

Important point creating new part

 Blue circle with white arrow - Compulsory filling require

 Green circle with white arrow - Information use for SAP

Some Short Cuts


Ctrl+ K - Tree collapse (Collapse to selected one)

Ctrl +L - Tree Expand (Expand the tree level wise)
Alt + F4 - Close Graph
Ctrl + H - Collapse the root
Ctrl + F - Expand all.
F12 - Catia opening (ToolsExecute CATIA
Opening of VPM

Click Middle button of mouse + VPM 15 (First Window is named VPMA)

Catia Setting deleting/ Restoring

Click Middle button of mouse + Catia Setting Delete / Restore

VPM setting deleting/ Restoring -

Click Middle button of mouse + VPM 15 Setting Delete/Restore

Part No Search

We can search a part number by name and number.

We can also take the details of any part by changing of both options from “Object”


 DOC: It gives the information of both model and draw

 Part: It gives the details of main part no.
 Models : All geometric files from V4 and V5
 Tiff
 Replication: it is used to give the details of sharing sites.

When we open any part in new window, second window is called VPM navigator.

When we associate any doc. We give the name for recognize the part like:-

Part - For model in V5

Draw - For drawing in V5
3D - For model in V4
2D - for draw in V4
Part – ISO - For standard parts
CGR - Assembly model for vendor (CATIA Graphic
FLEX - For flexible parts

Associating V5 Part/Draw

Open Catia V5 Part/Draw  VPM PartRight button click of mouse  associate 

change Catia V5  Document  ok

Opening Part/Draw in Catia V5

Right click on V5 Part /Draw in VPM Set Catia V5open as reference

Opening Assy in Catia V5

Select Parent Part  Expand Tree (Ctrl + L)Selection V4V5 3D Right click on
V5 Part /Draw in VPM open as Catia V5 Product

It is a process by which we select a specific type of geometry (Part, draw, tiff, 2D,

File  New Query  - Simple

- Intermediate
- Advanced

Simple : Query by type, like part, draw etc.

Intermediate : Query by details like part nos., type of part etc.
Advanced : As per use

Create & save command

It is used to create a part in VPM and fill the information of part like – Wt, Vol,
Surface area, Release No. etc.

For giving a name to part, we use the data base of all possible names by putting “ “
mark in the place of name.


Add and change of information.


Delete the part no. from VPM

Copy and add object:

To add or open any part of assembly in main window, first ‘copy’ the part from
assembly and then click on the command ‘add object’ in main window.

To remove all part no. or clear the main window click on the command ‘clear’ (at
lower right corner) in main window.

Details of “graph” commands:

It is used to update all changes


To work in any part, we have to take the authorization of that part:

Select part no.  Right Click  Other methods Authorization.

Replace the Part

Replace the part from VPM tree: First copy the part that you want to add in place of
removed part, then:

Select object or part in tree  Right Click  Replace  From Clipboard (Part

From clipboard  Replace the part in tree with the copy of one.

Part version  Replace the part with new or latest version.

VPM Part Connecting Line Color Indication

When we add or work with a part in tree, the lines of part connecting with the parent
have some color:-

Light Blue - Part is replaced.

Black - Part is saved
White/Yellow - Part has to be saved.

Draw, in CATIA, have two links:

With the part rename list for title block

With the part for dimensions

Duplicate the part

Tools  Duplicate  Fill the rename table  OK

After duplicating the part always ‘re-link’ the part with draw.

Change in version/Revision

Change in part no. You can change the version of part only if it is in your site.

Make a new version, if there is any physical change

Make a new revision, if there is no physical change.

Updation of parts :
Tools  new version  with same part no.
version can be updated till 9, then go for a new no., if no physical change is there
then use new version for the drawing. This is can be only done when the existing
drawing is in “A” status.

To replace the part version do copy of latest version and then in tree replace with the
older version. It will be pasted on same position.

Note: Version & revision updation can be only done when existing version / revision
is released.

To duplicate part:

Select the component  Tools  Duplicate.

After duplicating create one link of one part and draw which created after duplication.
For this  Go first open one part and draw. Then in draw
Edit  Links  pointed document  Replace  loaded
Run the script.
Multisite Training


Currently we are having11 internal site and 3 external sites.

Site / Rights Transfer and Sharing:

1) For sharing

Select already shared part  Right click  other methods  copy flags 
then parts in the part which is to be shared.

We can do copy and part flags on released parts also

open assly.  Select all parts  part flags (To share complete assly.)

2) For Rights
Adimin.  replication  transfer to site  select site.

Share the release components

Right click on VPM window  VPM get released  click OK.--> Inter the part
no which we want share

To view engineering system  Right click  Not scale.

NOTE : IF new work is broken in b/w the transfer process, the request goes to a
special packet and administrator needs to get it back from database.


Mr. Mankaus  Replication related problems.

Maturing level : K – Development, A – Active, L – Delete.

NOTE: After designing change the authorization of documents.

CATIA V5 Sheet Metal Module
Sheet Metal Training:

 Define sheet metal parameter.

 Create sketch use options wall, wall on edge, extrusion.
 Do not use hamming normally b/c. it is somewhat difficult to maintain the
dimension in folded view. Can use only knowing the tools available in plant.
 Relief option front cut (relief) is more good and stable. Normally we use
curved surface relief.
 K Factor  for ‘K’ factor ‘CSE’ is working on a table but right now it is
defined as default. We can use the curved surface relief to have a closed
bend corner to avoid movement of water, but this has to be worked.

NOTE : In Germany we have sub-portal where we save our file and supplier has a
password and converter for the same and he can get his requirement data by this

Drawing of Sheet Metal parts :

 First we should select the wall 1 to have the correct unfolded view otherwise
while update it may get
 Convert unfolded view to UFV style by view properties.
 Note: currently we have norms for writing B.L. Up and down but there is a try
to skip it.
 We have two different line types with different colour (Blue and Red) to have a
difference b/w bending directions.

 NOTE : For the laser cut parts we have special text in catalogue browser
giving information that unfolded view dimensions are reduced and what norm
to be used for bending.

 We can use reorganization function to recognize the part design par in sheet
metal module.

NOTE : Currently CN norms are not matching with CATIA in default setting for the
text sizes in drawing.
CATIA V5 Training (Advance options)

Language of CATIA V5

Tools Customize  Option  User Interface Language  English/ German

Catia V4 to V5 migration

3D Migration

Open V4 Model (3D) Double Click On model in specification Tree Select

Set1Copypaste special in new V5 Part Catia Spec Ok

2D Migration

Open V4 Draw (2D)  Double Click On draw in specification Tree Multiple

Selection by Pressing Control (Select Require views) Copypaste special in new
V5 Draw  Catia Spec Define 3D references (Window Popup) Browse the file
(V5 migrated 3D Part)  Ok

Note: If you are using Catia Spec in paste special  get the complete tree
If you are using as result in paste special  get the solid part without tree

Creating cgr:

CGR is a light CATIA file. It is only for visualization. Generally used for assembly.

Open Assly.  File  Save as CGR.

Then we can associate as a CGR.

In model type  move from  Then select the saved file  click on yes.

This is used when we want to associate the document saved in directories.

Catia option to clean up cat part :

File  Desk  Right click  CATDVA  Clean

This is used for the complex geometry, needs to be done time by time.

Delete unused component:

This is used to clean up the old links which are inside geometrical set in part and
surface design

Tools  Delete unused components.

NOTE: Hide all the axis system and planes before releasing the part.

Take care with axis system while using delete unused component option.
Catia V5 Drafting Module

Align in to system

In cumulative dim some places we have less space and dim are over clouded that
time use this option

Dim Right click of mouse button  Align in to system

Changing the projection plane of front view

Some time we choose the wrong projection plane of front view to modify it use this

Double click & activate the view Right Click  Front View ObjectModify
Projection Plane Choose right plane

Dimension Check Point Catia V5

In the Breakout view always give dimension from line or edges, if you are giving
dimension from point it show wrong value.

Changing offset section View Direction

Double Click on section arrow  Invert Profile Direction

Checking Extra lines in View

Right click on any tool bar  check or on the analyze tool bar analyze tool bar 
show Geometry in all view points

Theoretical dimension box

Right click on dim properties Text Frame  Rectangle

Creating Pitch circle diameter

Dress up tool bar Center line with references click the two circle 1 & 2  Press
Control+ Pull Central Line

Selecting Single Dimension from Cumulated Dimensions

Click Dimension system selection mode.

Reducing length of dim line in view

Select Dim line Right Click Dimension Object Create /Modify clipping 
indicate the side to keep  indicate the clipping point


 First open the part in CATIA. Always open single part in reference view.
 Then open a NEW CAT script (have a symbol of ‘pages in line’)
 To make a draw or take the right view, we can divide the window screen in
two parts: Window (top of CATIA window) - Vertical.
 Then use the following commands to give the details of part:
 Front view
 Projection
 Detailed view
 Broken view
 Breakout view
 After it give the dimensions to draw.
 Then associate the draw with the part no. and always check the link of draw
with part (model) :-
 Edit (at top of CATIA window) - Links

View Style

Always take the right view style, like:

 For front, left, right view :- WIL_CLAAS_Generative view style

 For isometric view: ISO
 For unfolded view: UFS

Some other styles are also there:

 TLT (Thin Line style)

 CLAAS_Generative view style

After completing the draw, run the command ‘Title Block’ for information of part
Language of title block and any written thing that added through catalogue can be
changed through command.
 For English - Filter EN. CAT. Script
 For Dutch / German - Filter DE. CAT. Script

Dimensioning of drawing:

 If the color of dimension is Red, re-root that dimension.

 We can add any text no. after the dim by clicking of Red symbol. (Red
 If you are giving any tolerance, always display tolerance Table in drawing by
command TOL, TAB
 Always select the view on which you want to work.

ASS – TXT CAT Script:

To bring all part no. that are used in assembly, in draw.

- Use of some commands: 1) Welding symbol

2) Text symbol
3) Welding + Surface finish.

- Scale in title block always shows the scale of front view.

- In case of cut view, we can re-limit the view.

- Through visual clipping, we can hide unnecessary lines.

Cut view  Overload properties  Edit the drawing in navigator.

- During update the draw, part should be open in CATIA.

- Always use ‘Save Management’ for saving the draws & part or any assembly.
- During work in assembly always first go to design mode.
- Model or part show always link with the draw, if it is not then linked it:

Edit  Links  Pointed doc.  Replace  Cancel

YES  Part no.  Loaded doc.

- Always update the draw through the main top no. because in this way unfolded
also updated.
Catia V5 Assembly Module

Design Mode Representation In Catia V5

Design Mode use for reducing regeneration time of assembly.

Right Click on Assy Representation Design Mode (F9)

Reuse pattern

Constrain tool bar re use pattern

Fast Multi Instantiation/Define Multi Instantiation

(Just like rectangular pattern)

Insert  Fast Multi instantiation

Catia V5 Part Module

Center position for sketch creation at any part face

Select face of part  Sketch Positioning  Use positioned (Positioned /sliding

(type) In Origin type (Part Origin /Projection point / intersecting 2 lines/ curve
intersection / middle point / Bary center) use Bary center ok

Drawing Documentation Important Points

 Always Place tape at filling point for long life of drawings

 Try to use A3 display folder so that less folds on drawing and easily viewable
and easy to handle
 If possible try to make drawing in A4/A3/A2 size so that easy to handle at
design /Quality /Production. ( depend upon case to case)
 Drawing and other documents are confidential property of company don’t
place here and there always place drawing in proper place. if its not useful in
that moment properly destroyed it .

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