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Christopher James Barlow

Preliminary Task Evaluation

We were asked to film a sequence using 3 camera techniques; Match on Action, Shot
Reverse Shot and The 180 Degree Rule. We prepared for the task by creating a storyboard
and a basic script, we also had to find a suitable location for the scenario and we had to
decide upon our scenario. We chose to do a simple conversation between two people.
When we had finished planning we started filming, for the Match on Action shot; we filmed
Bruna walking towards a door. This was filmed from the outside of the building and both
actor and camera were on the same side of the door. Bruna opened the door slightly and then
we took the camera inside to film Bruna entering the building. For the conversation we used
Shot Reverse Shot, we filmed one persons lines with the camera facing one way, and then
we reversed the camera and filmed the other persons line, we maintained the 180 Degree
Rule by keeping the camera on the same side and not moving it over to the other side of the
actors. For us the camera was next to Brunas left shoulder and my right shoulder. My role in
this was actor, editor and assistant director, I helped decide on the right shot type as well as
where people should stand and sit, I also was the main editor, I placed the various takes
together whilst deciding on the best ones to use. I was responsible for the musical edition.

We were relatively happy with the final result, however we noticed a continuity error after we
had published the video, when Bruna enters the room I turn towards her, away from a
computer. When Bruna sits down though, I am facing the computer, away from Bruna. To
improve the sequence we could have re-filmed the mentioned scene with me either; facing
and continuing to face Bruna, or me staying facing the computer and then turning once Bruna
had sat down. The Match on Action was fluid and worked very well I personally have no
complaints for that particular technique. The Shot Reverse Shot worked very well apart
from said continuity error. As a group we worked very well, we listened to each others ideas
and had an equal amount of participation in the filming of the task. I find the camera easy to
use and I am at home behind the camera, I am also a very confident editor, I do have
complaints about final cut express, but I am fine using it. Overall I believe that we did very
well in this preliminary task.

Christopher James Barlow

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