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Soap Opera Pitches

Client Feedback
As you watch the pitches from each group, please answer the following questions and give each soap opera a rating out of 10 based on how likely you would
be to watch it. Then upload this document to the planning section of your blog. It will form part of your answer to question 3 on audience feedback.

Group leader: Heather

Mersey Square, social realism soaps, centre of Stockport
Name of soap opera does this convey sub-genre, location and class of
Interesting characters? What do you like?

Are the storylines clear and engaging?

What do you like?

I like how every character is being interrogated by the detective, suspects for
the murder of Dom. Characters represent stereo types, chav, drunk etc.
Yes, makes you want to know who killed Dom. 4 suspects. I like how it is set in
Stockport in a real setting outside of Manchester

Adults, murder is a serious subject so would attract an older audience

Is there a clear audience for this product? Who do you think it is?

Would you watch this soap?

Yes because I would be intrigued to find out who murdered Dom. I enjoy
social realist soaps as to other sub genres
9, confident speakers, answered all questions needed for the pitch

Marks out of 10 for the pitch


Group leader: Naz

Name of soap opera does this convey sub-genre, location and class of

The Avenue, soap drama hybrid, Set in the central of Manchester, bars, night
time to show the city. Inspiration from Gossip Girl and The OC and Made In
Chelsea. Unique selling point would be its set in the UK rather than America
Middle class, Sadie, Ollie, Ethan, Annabelle.

Interesting characters? What do you like?

Are the storylines clear and engaging?

What do you like?

Storyline about an ex bad boy who gets engaged. His ex-girlfriend comes back
to the city and sees.

Fans of other soap drama hybrids

Is there a clear audience for this product? Who do you think it is?

Would you watch this soap?

I think it is aimed more at a female audience. Fans of scripted reality will enjoy
watching this
7, describe the plot more

Marks out of 10 for the pitch


Group leader: Katy

The Strines, country side location, influenced from Glee
Name of soap opera does this convey sub-genre, location and class of
Interesting characters? What do you like?

Are the storylines clear and engaging?

What do you like?

Indie, rebellious teenagers, Blake, Harper. Will, Andy, Lexis. Blake likes
partying. Working at a supermarket, not perfect. Different characters
Blake and Harper in a relationship. Will is Harpers ex. People think that Will is
a boy until the end where it reveals that she is a girl. Blakes paranoia.

Teenagers 16+
Is there a clear audience for this product? Who do you think it is?
Yes, it seems different to other soaps Ive seen in the past.
Would you watch this soap?
Marks out of 10 for the pitch

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