IFIX Error Messages

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iFIX Error Messages in the Ebooks

Recipe Builder.......................................................................................................4
Uploading and Downloading Messages....................................................................................13
Audit Trail for Recipe Builder..................................................................................................... 14
Other Recipe............................................................................................................................. 18

Auto Alarm Manager...........................................................................................18

Terminal Server...................................................................................................21
Security Synchronizer........................................................................................22
Application Error Codes (200-299)............................................................................................ 23
User Account Error Codes (100-199)........................................................................................24
General Error Codes (1-99)....................................................................................................... 24
Command Line Parameter Errors............................................................................................. 25

Historical Assign.................................................................................................25
Historical Collect.................................................................................................26
Historical Display................................................................................................27
Network Error Codes..........................................................................................30
Startup Error Codes.................................................................................................................. 30
Run-time Error Codes............................................................................................................... 31

Application Validator..........................................................................................32
Importing iFIX Pictures into Proficy Portal......................................................33
SQL Trigger Block Alarms and Block Errors...................................................33
iFIX and FIX on the Same Computer.................................................................34
Database Manager..............................................................................................34
Mission Control...................................................................................................35
AAM Tab.................................................................................................................................... 35
SQL Tab.................................................................................................................................... 38

SQL Server..........................................................................................................39

Discovery And Auto-Assembly Component (DAC).........................................40

Historian Server..................................................................................................43
System Messages...............................................................................................44
OPC Errors..........................................................................................................44
iFIX ODBC............................................................................................................45

Recipe Builder

Meaning and Action

Are you sure you want to clear

all overrides?

The Recipe Builder is about to delete all the values in the

Override Value column of the recipe. Select the Yes button to
delete these values or the No button to abort the procedure.

Are you sure you want to

delete recipe recipe_name?

The Recipe Builder is about to delete the recipe recipe_name and

all the files associated with it. Select the Delete button to delete
these files or select the Cancel button to abort the procedure.

Bad arccosine expression

(operand < -1 or > 1?)

The Recipe Builder is attempting to calculate the arccosine of a

number that is greater than one and less than negative one.
Retype the formula using a value that is between 1 and -1.

Bad arcsine expression

(operand < -1 or > 1?)

The Recipe Builder is attempting to calculate the arcsine of a

number that is greater than one and less than negative one.
Retype the formula using a value that is between 1 and -1.

Bad audit trail support option

You opened a text recipe with an invalid entry in the audit trail
field. Valid entries are: No Audit Trail, Summary Audit Trail, and
Detailed Audit Trail. Modify the text recipe using the guidelines in
the section Editing a Text Recipe.

Bad base-10 log expression

(operand <=0?)

The Recipe Builder is attempting to calculate the base 10 log of a

number that is less than one. Retype the formula using a value
that is greater than or equal to one.

Bad division expression (divide The Recipe Builder is attempting to divide two numbers. However,
by zero?)
the divisor is invalid and may equal zero. Retype the formula
using a value for the divisor that is non-zero.

Bad natural log expression

(operand <= 0?)

The Recipe Builder is attempting to calculate the natural log of a

number that is less than or equal to zero. Retype the formula
using a value that is greater than zero.


Meaning and Action

Bad square root express

(operand < 0?)

The Recipe Builder is attempting to calculate the square root of a

negative number. Retype the formula using a value greater than
or equal to zero.

Can't delete Recipe file

filename. Do you want to
continue deleting the files for
this recipe?

The Recipe Builder cannot delete the recipe file, filename. The file
may have one or more attributes set to prevent deletion or may be
in use (for example, from a file server). Select the Yes button to
continue deleting recipe files or select the No button to stop
deleting files.

Can't open display format file

While starting, the Recipe Builder could not locate its display
format file, DEFAULT.RFT. The file may not exist or may have
been renamed. To create the file, customize the display format as
needed and save it in the Local path.

Cannot display the Security

Areas list

The Recipe Builder is unable to display the list of available

security areas. The SANAMES.CFG file (which includes the list of
security area names) may be damaged or renamed. Consult your
system administrator before proceeding.

Cannot fetch data due to bad


The Recipe Builder cannot upload from the database because it

cannot read from the requested tagname. The block in memory
may be corrupt or there may be a communications problem. Try
reloading the database and, if the block resides on a remote
node, make sure network communications are functioning

Cannot open a non-recipe file

The Recipe Builder cannot open the specified file because it is not
a recipe or does not have a recognizable extension. For a list of
recipe extensions, refer to the chapter Recipe Files.

Cannot open clipboard

The Recipe Builder is unable to locate or use the system

clipboard file. The file may have been renamed or is corrupt.

Cannot read data from


The Recipe Builder cannot upload data from the database. There
may be a communications problem or the database in memory
may be corrupt. Try reloading the database and, if the block
resides on a remote node, make sure network communications
are functioning properly.


Meaning and Action

Cannot read from clipboard

The Recipe Builder is unable to paste data from the system

clipboard. Try copying a single row to the clipboard and pasting it
back into the recipe.

Cannot save a backup recipe


You attempted to save a master backup or a control backup

recipe. Select a different recipe type and try saving the recipe

Cannot save a non-recipe file

The extension you specified does not have a recognizable

extension. For a list of recipe extensions, refer to the chapter
Recipe Files.

Cannot save an untitled recipe


You attempted to save a new recipe from the Recipe Operations

window. Switch to the Recipe Development window and try saving
the recipe again.
You entered a batch size in the Set Batch Size dialog box that:

Cannot set batch size (reason)

Is greater than 9,999,999.0,

Is less than 0.0000001,

Contains a negative number, or

Contains non-numeric data.

Retype the batch size you want and try again.

Cannot set tag group (Cannot

delete tag group assignment
while substitutions are on)

You attempted to delete or re-assign a tag group while the Recipe

Builder is substituting tagnames for symbol names. Click the
Cancel button on the Assign Tag Group dialog box and then
select Show Symbols from the Window menu. Once this
command is selected, you can delete or re-assign the tag group

Cannot set the interlock (Only

F_ fields are allowed)

You entered a field type for the upload or download interlock that
the Recipe Builder does not allow. Use only F_ fields for interlock

Cannot write to clipboard.

The Recipe Builder is unable to copy or cut any data to the


Meaning and Action

system clipboard. Try copying a single row to the clipboard and

pasting it back into the recipe.

Changing the formula or

override limit will clear the
override value. Continue?

You are changing an override limit while an override value is in

effect for the current recipe item or variable. Select the Yes button
to clear the override value and change the override limit or select
the No button to abort the operation.

Circular reference detected.

You have a set of formulas that reference each other. Modify one
of these formulas so that is contains a numeric or string constant
or references a different variable.

Column is not modifiable.

The Recipe Builder was unable to replace any data in the

selected column because it is not modifiable. Select a different
column or modify the display format and make the selected
column modifiable.

Do you want to save this


You selected the Exit command before saving any changes to the
recipe. To save your changes and quit the Recipe Builder, select
the Yes button. To quit without saving any changes, select the No
button. To return to the Recipe Builder without quitting, select the
Cancel button.

Editor spawn failed

The Recipe Builder was unable to start the text editor it uses to
create and modify recipe note files. Close one or more
applications and try again. If the problem persists, restart the

Error number checking this

item: Field cannot be modified

You attempted to enter data into the Calc Val column. This column
displays the value of a recipe item's or variable's formula and
cannot be modified directly.

Error number checking this

item: Only F_ and A_ fields are

You entered a field type that the Recipe Builder does not allow.
Use only A_ and F_ fields for tagnames you add to the recipe.

Error number checking this

You attempted to add or delete a recipe item or variable while the


Meaning and Action

item: Recipe is in TAGNAME


Recipe Builder is substituting tagnames for symbol names. Select

Show Symbols from the Window menu and then add or delete the
recipe items and variables you want.

Error reading display format

file, check version

The Recipe Builder attempted to load a display format file that

contains the wrong version number or has been corrupted.
Recreate the file by customizing the display format and saving it
to a file.

Error number setting this item:

Bad verify option (on or off)

You entered a value in the Verify column that the Recipe Builder
does not recognize. Type ON or OFF in any cell of this column.

Error number setting this item:

Cannot add node.tag.field to
recipe. Has maximum number
been reached?

You attempted to add more than 850 recipe items. Only 850
recipe items can be added to one recipe.
The message also appears when you search a recipe with 850
items because the Recipe Builder creates a temporary entry in
the spreadsheet during the search. Since all rows are filled, the
search generates the error. To avoid the message, remove one of
the recipe items.

Error number setting this item:

Cannot use a keyword for a
variable name

You attempted to create a variable with a name that is reserved

for a keyword. Enter a different name and try again. For a list of
reserved keywords, refer to the Recipe Keywords table.

Error number setting this item:

Identifier is already defined in
the recipe

You attempted to create a variable or a recipe item with a name

that is already in use. Enter a different name and try creating the
item again.

Error number setting this item:

Improperly formed formula

You entered a formula that does not conform to the syntax that
the Recipe Builder recognizes. Retype the formula using the
guidelines in the chapter Working with Formulas.

Error number setting this item:

Improperly formed override

You entered an override limit that does not conform to the syntax
the Recipe Builder recognizes. Refer to the section Entering
Override Limits and retype the override limit.

Error number setting this item:

You entered an override value that does not conform to the syntax
the Recipe Builder recognizes. Make sure any string you enter is


Meaning and Action

enclosed in quotes and retype the override value.

Improperly formed override


NOTE: Formulas, keyword, and variables cannot be entered into

the Override Value column.

Error number setting this item:

No calculated value to base
override limit on

You entered a relative percentage or a relative difference override

limit for a recipe item or variable. However, the Recipe Builder
cannot calculate the range of acceptable values for this column
because the formula of the current recipe item or variable is
empty or invalid. Complete or correct the item's formula and then
enter an override limit.

Error number setting this item:

Override value cannot be

You attempted to enter an override value when both override

limits are set to RESTRICTED. To change the value of the recipe
item, either change an override limit and then enter an override
value or change the item's formula.

Error number setting this item:

Override value is above the
override high limit

You entered an override value that is greater than the override

high limit allows. Enter a lower override value to try again.

Error number setting this item:

Override value is below the
override low limit

You entered an override value that is less than the override low
limit allows. Enter a higher override value to try again.

Error number setting this item:

Variable name must start with #
and contain only alphanumeric
and underscore characters

You entered a mark of punctuation for a variable name that the

Recipe Builder does not recognize. Retype the variable name
starting it with a number sign (#) followed by no more than 14
alphanumeric or underscore (_) characters.

Error number setting this item:

Variable name too long

You entered a variable name that is over 15 characters, including

the number sign (#). Shorten and retype the variable name.

Error while reading tag group


The tag group file assigned to the recipe is unreadable. Select a

different tag group or recreate the tag group you want to use. To
create a tag group, refer to the chapter Using the Tag Group


Meaning and Action

Expression is too deeply


You have a set of formulas that reference variables chained over

14 rows. Modify the formulas so that they reference few variables.

Invalid entry. Please enter the

name of an item in the list box.

You selected a control recipe from the Open Control Recipe

dialog box that does not exist or could not be found. Either copy
the control recipe into the Control Recipe path or select a recipe
from the list box.

Invalid item number

You entered a negative number or nonnumeric data in the Go To

dialog box. Retype the row number you want to jump to and try

Keyword is not defined in


The keyword in the formula does not have a value. Refer to the
section Understanding Recipe Keywords to learn how to set the
value of each keyword.

Mismatched datatype

Either you entered a string constant into the formula or override

value column when the associated tagname references an F_
field or you attempted to set an absolute, percentage, or
difference override limit for a string constant. To correct this, enter
a formula or override value that evaluates to a numeric value and
then enter the override limit.

No column selected

You selected a button on the Search and Replace dialog box

without first selecting a column. Select the column you want to
search and then click a button on the dialog box to search for or
replace data in the recipe.

No formula to evaluate

You have a formula that references a variable with no value.

Modify the formula of the appropriate variable so that the Recipe
Builder can calculate it.

No item selected in error list

You selected the Go To Item button from an error list dialog box
without first selecting an item in the list box. Select an error in the
dialog box and then click the Go To Item button.

No tag group assignment or tag You selected the Show Tagnames command before creating or


Meaning and Action

group file does not exist

assigning a tag group to the recipe. To create the tag group, refer
to the chapter Using the Tag Group Editor. To assign the tag
group, select Assign Tag Group from the Options menu and enter
the name of the tag group in the dialog box that appears.

No value entered for override


You selected an absolute, a percentage, or a difference override

limit from the Override dialog box without entering a value for the
type of limit you selected. Complete the field associated with the
type of limit you selected and try again.

Note file [filename] not found.

Create it?

The Recipe Builder could not locate the note file for the current
recipe. Select the Yes button to create the file and start Notepad.
Select the No button to return to the recipe.
You entered standard batch size that:

Out of range

Is greater than 9,999,999.0,

Is less than 0.0000001,

Contains a negative number, or

Contains nonnumeric data.

Retype the standard batch size you want and try again.

Paste error for `tagname': text

Keep this item, discard it or
undo the paste?

You are pasting a recipe item or variable into the recipe that may
already exist, does not have a valid formula, or contains text in
the Verify column other than YES or NO. Select the Keep Item
button to retain the valid parts of the recipe item being pasted or
select the Discard Item button to prevent the entire recipe item
from being pasted into the recipe. To cancel the entire operation,
select the Undo Paste button.

Precheck did not complete


The Recipe Builder could not complete its examination for errors
during an upload or download. Restart your computer and try

RCP.INI contains a bad

verification time-out value;
using default

The Recipe Builder's startup file, RCP.INI, contains a verification

time-out value that:

Is greater than 65535,


Meaning and Action

Is less than 1,

Contains a negative number, or

Contains non-numeric data.

Because the time-out value is invalid, the Recipe Builder uses its
default value of 30 seconds. To change the time-out value, edit
RCP.INI using the instructions in the section Changing the
Verification Time-out Interval.

Recalculation failed at Item

#row_number. Error number:

The Recipe Builder cannot calculate the value of the formula in

row row_number. Examine this formula and make sure it
conforms to formula syntax. For more information about formulas,
refer to the chapter Working with Formulas.

Recipe has no items

You attempted to upload or download while the spreadsheet was

empty. Either open a recipe or enter the tagnames you want to
upload from or download to.

Replace text?

The Recipe Builder is about to replace the specified search string

with the specified replacement string. Select the Yes button to
replace each occurrence of the search string in the selected cell.
Select the All button to replace each occurrence of the search
string in the selected column. Select the No button to stop
replacing data.

Row is beyond end of recipe

You entered a row number in the Go To dialog box that was

greater than the last row in the spreadsheet. Retype the row
number you want to jump to and try again.

Search string was found x

times. Replace each one?

The Recipe Builder is about to replace the specified search string

with the specified replacement string. However, it located multiple
occurrences of the search string. Select the Yes button to replace
each occurrence of the search string in the selected cell. Select
the All button to replace each occurrence of the search string in
the selected column. Select the No button to stop replacing data.

Tag group file does not exist

The Recipe Builder cannot locate the specified tag group file.
Either the tag group does not exist or does not reside in the
Picture path. Try copying the file to this path or create it with the


Meaning and Action

Tag Group Editor.

Tagname does not exist.


The Recipe Builder cannot locate the tagname you want to add to
the recipe in the specified database. Select the No button to abort
the operation or select the Yes button to add the tagname. If you
add the tagname, make sure you add the block to the database or
you will be unable to download or upload the recipe.

Text not found

The Recipe Builder could not find the specified search string in
the selected column.
You entered a report column width that:

The column width must be

between 1 and 100.

Is greater than 100,

Is less than 1,

Contains a negative number, or

Contains nonnumeric data.

Retype the column width you want and try again.

The editor is already running

You selected the Notes command while the text editor used to
create and modify recipe note files was already in use. Select the
OK button on the message box; the Recipe Builder automatically
switches you back to the text editor. Modify your recipe note files
as needed. To quit the text editor and return to the Recipe Builder,
select the Exit command from the File menu.

There are recipe items with


You are attempting to scale the batch size while one or more
override values are in use. Select the Continue button to proceed
or select the Cancel button to abort the operation. To clear all
overrides and scale the batch size, select the Clear All button.

This change will destroy this

recipe item. Continue?

You are deleting the current recipe identifier. This results in the
deletion of the entire recipe item or variable. Select the Yes button
to delete the recipe item or variable. Select the No button to abort
the operation.


Meaning and Action

This column can't be modified.

Check the display format.

You attempted to enter data into a column that is non-modifiable.

To make the column modifiable, refer to the section Modifying a
Column. After making the column modifiable, try entering data into
the column again.

Unauthorized access

You attempted to start the Recipe Builder without the security

rights to the Recipe Development or the Recipe Operations
windows. Consult your system administrator before proceeding.

Using internal display format

The Recipe Builder is using the default display format because it

could not find the file DEFAULT.RFT. To load this file on startup,
make sure the file resides in the Local path and restart the Recipe

Variable is not defined in recipe You entered a variable name in the formula column that is not in
the Identifier column. Create the variable by entering its name in a
blank cell of the Identifier column.

You can only switch to the

Operations window with a
CONTROL recipe

You attempted to display the Recipe Operations window with an

untitled recipe, a master recipe, a master text recipe, or a backup
recipe open in the spreadsheet. Either open a control recipe or
save the current recipe as a control recipe before switching to the
Recipe Operations window.

You can open only Control

Recipes in the Operations

You specified a command line parameter to open a master recipe

or a master text recipe when the Recipe Builder starts. However,
the Recipe Builder is set up to automatically display the Recipe
Operations window. To display the specified recipe, select the OK
button to open the Recipe Operations window and switch to the
Recipe Development window and open the recipe. To set up the
Recipe Builder to automatically display the Recipe Development
window, switch to the Development window and select the Start in
DEV Window from the Window menu.

You do not have Security

Privileges to run RECIPE

The Recipe Builder attempted to display the Recipe Development

window. However, your user account does not contain the
necessary privileges to display this window. Consult your system
administrator before proceeding.


Meaning and Action

You do not have Security

Privileges to run RECIPE
DOWNLOAD feature

You attempted to download a recipe without the necessary

security rights to do so. Consult your system administrator before

You do not have Security

Privileges to run RECIPE

The Recipe Builder attempted to display the Recipe Operations

window. However, your user account does not contain the
necessary privileges to display this window. Consult your system
administrator before proceeding.

You do not have Security

Privileges to run RECIPE
SAVE feature

You attempted to save a recipe without the necessary security

rights to do so. Consult your system administrator before

You do not have Security

You attempted to create a report or save a master text or control
Privileges to run RECIPE TEXT text recipe without the necessary security rights to do so. Consult
OUTPUT feature
your system administrator before proceeding.

You do not have Security

Privileges to run RECIPE
UPLOAD feature

You attempted to upload a recipe without the necessary security

rights to do so. Consult your system administrator before

You do not have Security

Privileges to run this RECIPE

The Recipe Builder cannot complete the operation you selected

because you do not have the necessary application feature in
your user account. Consult your system administrator before

You must have at least one

column displayed

You attempted to remove all the columns from the display format
or from a report. The Recipe Builder requires at least one column
for display formats and reports.

Your untitled recipe report will

be saved to "untitled.rcr".

You are creating a report for an untitled recipe. To save the report
with the name UNTITLED, select the Yes button. To abort the
process select the No or Cancel buttons.
NOTE: If you subsequently name the recipe, the Recipe Builder
will not be able to locate the report you created. To enable the
Recipe Builder to locate the report, create a new report or rename
the existing one so that the recipe name and the report name

Uploading and Downloading Messages



Bad value

You are downloading a value to a field that cannot be written to or the value
being written is invalid. Make sure the field can be written to and that the field

Cannot write to
this field

You are downloading a value to a field that cannot be written to. Try
downloading to a different field.

Current block
mode does not
allow writes

You are downloading to a database block that is in Automatic mode. Put the
block in Manual mode and download the recipe again.

Field name
returns wrong
data type

You are uploading or downloading a recipe with one or more symbols defined
and no tag group assignment. Assign the appropriate tag group and try
uploading or downloading the recipe again.

Field's value not


The Recipe Builder cannot upload the recipe or verify the specified recipe
item because it cannot read a value from the specified block. Make sure SAC
and your I/O driver are running. Also make sure the block is on scan.

Illegal option,
Please re-enter

The data type of the formula does not match the specified field. For example,
you may have specified a string constant for a F_ field. Either change the
formula or the field you are downloading to.

Tagname is not

Either the specified tagname cannot be written to or it may not exist. Verify
that the tagname exists and can be written to.
One or more recipe items have:

Undefined recipe

A calculated or override value but no identifier, or

An identifier but no formula or override value

Complete the identifier column and either formula or the override value
column for the specified recipe items.



Value is not
accessible from
this plant area

You are downloading to a field that cannot be written to or the necessary

security area rights are not assigned to the Recipe user account on the
target SCADA server. Consult with your system administrator and add the
security areas of the block you are downloading to the Recipe user account.

Value out of

You are downloading a value that is greater than the block accepts. Change
the formula or override value of the specified recipe item and try downloading
the recipe again.

Audit Trail for Recipe Builder



bad completion status flag

The analog block defined as the completion status indicator is

undefined or cannot be read from or written to. Make sure the
block exists in the database and that the block is in a mode
that allows it to be read from and written to (for example,
Analog Input blocks should be in Manual mode).

bad error file name

One of the following command line parameters was not


Control Recipe parameter

Master Recipe parameter

Master Text Recipe parameter

Control Text Recipe parameter

Include the appropriate command line parameter and try


bad or active interlock

The upload or download interlock specified for the recipe is

active or does not exist. Make sure the interlock is inactive
before you try again. If the specified tagname does not exist,
create the necessary block in the database or specify a
different tagname.

bad override parameter

The Recipe Builder does not recognize the command line

parameter specified in a script or a Program block. Refer to the

chapter Command Line Parameters for a list of recognized
command line parameters and modify the script or Program
block as needed.

bad override parameter variable


The variable name specified in the command line does not

exist in the recipe. Re-type the command line and try again.

cannot change batch size in

control recipe

The Batch Size parameter was specified in the command line

while downloading a control or control text recipe. This
command line parameter can only be used with master and
master text recipes. Either download a master recipe or omit
the Batch Size parameter from the command line and try

cannot change tag group in

control recipe

The Tag Group parameter was specified in the command line

while uploading or downloading a control or control text recipe.
This command line parameter can only be used with master
and master text recipes. Either upload or download a master
recipe or omit the Tag Group parameter from the command
line and try again.

cannot open parameter file

The parameter file specified in the command line does not

exist or could be opened. By default, the Recipe Package
assumes the file resides in the Local path. Either create a
parameter file and save it in the Local path or copy the
parameter file to this path.

cannot open recipe file

The Recipe Builder cannot open the specified recipe. Make

sure you specified the name of the recipe in the command line
and try again. Also make sure the recipe exists in the correct
recipe path. If it does not, create it.

cannot read recipe file

The Recipe Builder cannot read the specified recipe. Try

specifying the backup version of the recipe.

cannot recalculate recipe

The Recipe Download or Recipe Upload system task cannot

recalculate the formula of each recipe item. Make sure the
syntax of each formula is valid. Refer to the chapter Working
with Formulas for information on formulas.

cannot set batch ID

The Recipe Package attempted to set the Batch ID. However,

it encountered a memory or internal error. Exit from any
applications not in use and restart the Recipe Builder.

cannot set batch ID on upload

The Batch ID parameter was specified to the Recipe Upload

system task. This task does not recognize this command line
parameter. Omit the parameter and try again.

cannot set batch size

The Recipe Download system task cannot set the current

recipe's batch size because the batch size:

Is greater than 9,999,999.0,

Is less than 0.0000001,

Contains a negative number, or

Contains non-numeric data.

Retype the batch size you want and try again.

cannot set batch size on upload

The Batch Size parameter was specified to the Recipe Upload

system task. This task does not recognize this command line
parameter. Omit the parameter and try again.

cannot set batch size with


The Recipe Download system task cannot scale the recipe

with override values in effect. Click the Clear Overrides button
to remove all overrides and try downloading the recipe again.

cannot set override value

The Recipe Download system task cannot set one or more

override parameters. The values specified are out of range, do
not conform to a syntax that the Recipe Download task
recognizes, or are the wrong data type (for example, entering
string data for a F_ field). Verify all the values specified and try
to download the recipe again.

cannot set overrides on upload

One or more override parameters were specified to the Recipe

Upload system task. This task does not recognize these
command line parameters. Omit the parameters and try again.

cannot set remarks

The Recipe Package attempted to set the download remarks

for the specified recipe. However, it encountered a memory or
internal error. Exit from any application not in use and restart

the Recipe Builder.

cannot set remarks on upload

The Download Remarks parameter was specified to the

Recipe Upload system task. This task does not recognize this
command line parameter. Omit the parameter and try again.

cannot set tag group

The Recipe Download system task cannot locate the tag group
assigned to the recipe or specified by the Tag Group
parameter. Make sure the tag group exists in the directory
defined by the Picture path.

cannot upload to a text file

The Master Text Recipe or Control Text Recipe parameter was

specified to the Recipe Upload system task. Master and
Control Text recipes cannot be uploaded using this task.
Upload the recipe from the Recipe Builder instead.

cannot use parameter file with

other parameters

The Command Line File parameter was included in the

command line with other command line parameters. Delete the
Command Line File parameter or remove the other command
file parameters from the command line.

cannot write recipe file

The specified recipe was uploaded but cannot be saved. Make

sure there is enough space on the disk to save the recipe and
try again.

missing batch ID

The Batch ID parameter was specified without an identifier.

Include a batch ID and try again.

missing batch size

The Batch Size parameter was specified without including a

batch size. Include the batch size and try again.

missing parameter file name

The Command Line File parameter was specified without an

accompanying file name. Include the name of the parameter
file and try again.

missing recipe file name

One of the following command line parameters was specified

without an accompanying recipe name:

Control Recipe parameter

Master Recipe parameter

Master Text Recipe parameter

Control Text Recipe parameter

Include the name of the recipe you want to upload or download

and try again.

missing remarks

The Download Remarks parameter was specified without any

accompanying text. Include the appropriate text and try again.

missing tag group file name

The Tag Group parameter was specified without a tag group

file. Include the name of the tag group file to use and try again.

No RECIPE user found. Run the

Security Configuration program
and add a user called `RECIPE'
to this node and all referenced
SCADA nodes

The Recipe user account does not exist on the node you are
downloading from. Consult your system administrator before

not a recipe file type

The file specified is not a recipe. Re-enter the name of the

recipe to upload or download and try again.
If you are using the Recipe Upload system task, make sure it
is a master or control recipe. The Upload task cannot upload
master text or control text recipes.

recipe path not found

The Recipe Package cannot locate the recipe path specified in

the SCU. Make sure the master and control recipe paths exist
or change the recipe paths to point to the directories where
your master and control recipes reside.

undefined recipe item

The formula for one or more recipe items cannot be evaluated

or the identifier has not been entered. Complete the identifier
and formula of each item and try uploading or downloading the
recipe again.

unknown parameter

The Recipe Package does not recognize the command line

parameter specified in a script or a Program block. Refer to the
chapter Command Line Parameters for a list of recognized
command line parameters and modify the script or Program
block as needed.

Other Recipe
If the Recipe Builder cannot recalculate a formula (for example, when one or more variables
referenced by the formula are undefined) an error message box appears displaying the following
Recalculation failed at item #x. Error xxxx error_text
The Recipe Builder also stops recalculating all formulas that come after the incalculable formula.
You cannot change a recipe item with a field type of A_ and a string formula to an F_ field. If you
attempt to do this, the following error message appears:
Checking this item. Only F_ and A_ fields are allowed.

Auto Alarm Manager


User Queue not found - Run


The appropriate user queue could not be found. You do not
have WUSERQ1.EXE or WUSERQ2.EXE running.
Ensure that you have the appropriate WUSERQ configured
with the Q1 or Q2 command option. To do so, review the
command line options in the [AUTO ALARM TCPIP] section
of the FIX.ini.
For descriptions of command line options and how to update
the FIX.ini, refer to Command Line Options for AAMTCP.exe

You must enable FIX networking to

use Auto Alarm Manager for TCP/IP.

The TCP/IP networking feature must be enabled in the iFIX

For instructions on how to enable TCP/IP networking in iFIX,
refer to the Enabling TCP/IP Networking for the Auto Alarm
Manager section.

An error occurred when reading the Auto Alarm Manager

Can't read Remote FIX configuration configuration information.
from SCU. Have you configured
AAM in the SCU?
In the SCU, on the Sender and Receiver node, check the
Auto Alarm Manager Configuration dialog box. Ensure that
all settings are configured properly.
For steps on how to configure the Auto Alarm Manager in the
SCU, refer to the Configuring the Auto Alarm Manager in iFIX


Auto Alarm Manager is not enabled

in the SCU.

The AAMTCP.exe shuts down if it is not configured in SCU to
receive or send alarms.
In the SCU, on the Sender and Receiver node, open the
Auto Alarm Manager Configuration dialog box. Ensure that
the Send Alarms or Receive Alarms option is enabled, along
with the appropriate options.
For steps on how to configure the Auto Alarm Manager in the
SCU, refer to the Configuring the Auto Alarm Manager in iFIX

Error in Acknowledging alarm. No

AALARM user found.

iFIX or FIX security is enabled, but you do not have the

necessary security rights defined for the Auto Alarm Manager
on your Sending nodes.
Without these rights, iFIX cannot accept the Auto Alarm
Manager's acknowledgments. Verify that the AALARM
account exists, and that it is enabled for all security rights.
For more information, refer to the Before You Begin:
Configure Security Rights.

Error initializing NT security


A Windows operating system error occurred. Check

Windows or your user access rights.
For more information, refer to Windows help.


Failed to post an n_receive().

The Auto Alarm Manager failed to initialize correctly because

this is a PlantTV node, and that type of node not supported.
Confirm that iFIX started correctly, and that networking is
enabled and running.
For instructions on how to enable TCP/IP networking in iFIX,
refer to the Enabling TCP/IP Networking for the Auto Alarm
Manager section.

osx_glbl_alloc() of Management
Buffer failed.

Memory could not be allocated to run the Auto Alarm

Check the following:

Confirm that FIX or iFIX started properly and is




System Error: C:\Program Files\GE

Fanuc\Proficy iFIX\TCPTask.exe
GetAdaptersInfoSizing Failed with

Ensure that you have enough free memory available

on your system.

This is a non-fatal error. It occurs if you enabled TCP/IP

networking in iFIX and your computer does not have an
Ethernet card. Two of these error messages appear when
you start iFIX.
You can safely acknowledge both messages. iFIX and the
Auto Alarm Manager should still start properly. If not, check
your network adapter. It's possible that it does not have the
TCPIP protocol enabled.

Common issues you may encounter when using Auto Alarm Manager, and their possible
solution(s) are summarized below:



No Ethernet Card

If you enabled TCP/IP networking in iFIX, and your computer does not have
an Ethernet card, two error messages appear when you start iFIX. You can
safely acknowledge both messages. iFIX and the Auto Alarm Manager
should still start properly. If not, check your network adapter. It's possible that
it does not have the TCP/IP protocol enabled.


If you start the SCU and receive the following message: Can't find
RASAPI32.DLL, try installing the Windows Remote Access Service software
on your computer.

Modem Does Not

Hang Up

If the modem on the Receiving node does not hang up when the modem on
the Sending node does, you may need to enable Hardware Flow Control and
Modem Error Control in your RAS software.
To enable Hardware Flow Control and Modem Error Control:
1. From the Install Network Software list box, select Remote Access
2. Click Configure.
3. Select the port your modem uses from the dialog box and click


4. Click Settings.
5. Click the Enable Hardware Flow Control and Enable Error Control
check boxes.
6. Close all the open dialog boxes, the Network Control Panel, and
restart your computer to ensure that the changes take effect.

Unable to Add RAS

Server to SCU Task

If you try to add the RAS server to the SCU task list so that it starts
automatically with iFIX, you will not be able to do so. The RAS server cannot
be added to the SCU task list. Instead, configure the RAS server to start
automatically through the Windows Services dialog box.
To start the RAS server automatically using the Windows Services dialog
1. Select Remote Access Server from the Services dialog box and click
Startup. The Service dialog box appears.
2. Click Automatic and close all the open dialog boxes and the Service
Control Panel to save your changes.
3. Restart your computer to start the RAS server automatically.

Failure to Connect

If the Auto Alarm Manager fails to connect, you may need to specify the
name of a Windows user account that has dial-in permission in the
Advanced Send Alarm Settings dialog box. Refer to the Configuring the Auto
Alarm Manager to Run Properly as a Service section for instructions.

Terminal Server


The Terminal Services Licensing

grace period has expired and the
service is not registered with a
license server. A terminal services
license server is required for
continuous operation. A terminal
server can operate without a license
server for 90 days after initial

If this message appears, Terminal Services Licensing needs

to be installed from the Control Panel's Add or Remove
Programs window, and then activated. It is not enough to
have just Terminal Services Licensing installed; it must be
activated. Once activated, use the Terminal Services
Licensing component, the Licensing Wizard, to install any
needed TSCAL tokens. For more information on Terminal
Server licensing, refer to the Licensing Requirements


Node Name Already in Use

This message can appear when you attempt to start a new
iFIX session and a session with that node name already
exists, or if you do not have correct permissions set on the
Terminal Server machine. iFIX does not start in this instance.
If no other session is using the node name, the issue is most
likely due to a security rights issue on the Terminal Server
machine (a non-administrator user is starting iFIX).
To resolve the security rights issue:
1. Log onto the Terminal Server machine as a user with
Administrative rights.
2. On the Start button, point to Run. The Run dialog
box appears.
3. Type regedt32 and press Enter. The Registry Editor
4. Select the HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT folder.
5. With the HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT folder selected,
on the Edit menu, click Permissions. The
Permissions for HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT dialog box
6. If the users or group that runs iFIX does not appear
in the Name list, add them by:

Clicking Add.

Selecting the user name or group name

from the domain and clicking Add, and then

7. Click the Advanced button.

8. Select the iFIX user or group from the list and click
Edit. The Permission Entry dialog box appears.
9. In the Permission list, for the Set Value, put a check
mark in the Allow column. If a check mark already
exists, double-check that the correct users or group
has been selected in the Name box.
10. Click OK for each dialog box and close the registry

Security Synchronizer
Errors are categorized into three levels of severity, listed here from highest to lowest:
Application Errors Security Synchronizer terminates without performing or completing
synchronization. Error codes range from 200-299.
User Account Errors Errors are encountered for individual user accounts, but the
synchronization process completes. Error codes range from 100-199.
General Errors Errors such as the inability to write to iFIX database tags are detected, but the
synchronization process completes. Error codes range from 1-99.
You may encounter a fourth type of error caused when an invalid command line parameter is
passed to the Security Synchronizer. This type of error does not cause values to be written to the
iFIX database, but it does cause messages to be written to the security log file and the iFIX alarm
You can configure error conditions to be reported in the Alarm Summary or other alarm
destinations through the use of iFIX database tags. If the /E parameter is used to specify an
analog error tag, you can configure that tag to alarm on the error value. For example, you can
configure an Analog Input block that receives the error value to generate a HI alarm when the
error value exceeds 99 or a HIHI alarm when the error value exceeds 199.

Application Error Codes (200-299)

The following table lists the application error codes. These errors cause the Security
Synchronizer process to terminate without performing or completing synchronization. These
errors have the highest severity.
Application Error Codes


Error Message


Security Synchronizer: Unable to perform security synchronization. FIX system is not



Security Synchronizer: User has insufficient FIX privileges to run Security



Security Synchronizer: Attempt to execute synchronization while already running.

Second attempt aborted.


Security Synchronizer: Function is not enabled on this node; check license/key.


Security Synchronizer: Security Configurator is running. Synchronization aborted.


Security Synchronizer: Insufficient memory to complete synchronization process.

Synchronization aborted.


Security Synchronizer: Source of Windows security not specified (Domain, Local).

Synchronization aborted.


Security Synchronizer: Unable to retrieve security info from Windows Domain.

Synchronization aborted.


Security Synchronizer: Unable to retrieve Windows security information from local

PC. Synchronization aborted.


Security Synchronizer: No group names found in Windows that map to FIX

privileges. Synchronization aborted.


Security Synchronizer: No Windows users belong to groups which map to FIX

privileges. Synchronization aborted.


Security Synchronizer: Unable to retrieve FIX security data. Synchronization aborted.


Security Synchronizer: Unable to retrieve FIX security Area data. Synchronization



Security Synchronizer: Unable to retrieve FIX Application Feature data.

Synchronization aborted.


Security Synchronizer: Unable to retrieve FIX Security Group data. Synchronization



Security Synchronizer: Security paths unavailable or security has been tampered

with. Synchronization aborted.

User Account Error Codes (100-199)

The following table lists the user account error codes. These errors are encountered for individual
user accounts, but the synchronization process continues. These errors have medium severity.
The %s character used in the following list of user account error message is replaced by the
appropriate string for each instance of the message:
User Account Error Codes


Error Message


Security Synchronizer: Can't create account for %s. Name already exists.


Security Synchronizer: Can't create account for %s. Invalid characters in name.


Security Synchronizer: Can't save changes to user %s. Error writing to file.


Security Synchronizer: Can't add FIX group %s to user %s (>12).


Security Synchronizer: Can't delete FIX user %s. Last user with access to Security


Security Synchronizer: Can't remove security configuration rights from user %s.


Security Synchronizer: Can't remove user %. User no longer exists in FIX security.


Security Synchronizer: Can't delete user %s. Error occurred writing to disk.


Security Synchronizer: Error sorting FIX security users. Use FIX Security
Configuration program to save configuration.


Security Synchronizer: Unable to restore security data due to disk problems. Security
may be corrupted.


Security Synchronizer: Unable to backup security data due to disk problems. No FIX
users were deleted.


Security Synchronizer: Unable to save security data due to disk problems. No FIX
users were deleted.

General Error Codes (1-99)

The following table lists the General Error codes. These errors have the lowest severity.
General Error Codes

Error Code

Error Message


Security Synchronizer: Can't write to Analog Error tag %s in FIX database.


Security Synchronizer: Can't write to Digital Error tag %s in FIX database.


Security Synchronizer: Can't write to Completion tag %s in FIX database.


Security Synchronizer: Security Area name %s does not exist in FIX security.


Security Synchronizer: application feature name %s does not exist in FIX security.


Security Synchronizer: Security Group name %s does not exist in FIX security.

Command Line Parameter Errors

Values are not associated with command line parameter errors since values are not written to the
iFIX database when these errors occur. These errors terminate the synchronization process
before it actually begins. These errors are detected only when the SecuritySynchronizer.exe
program is running, and not when programming to the Security Synchronizer Automation
interface. Refer to the iFIX Automation Interfaces Help file for more information on the Automation
You may encounter one of these command line errors while running Security Synchronizer:

Security Synchronizer: Invalid Windows Domain name. Synchronization aborted.

Security Synchronizer: Invalid Login Timeout value. Value must be between 0 and 86399
seconds. Synchronization aborted.

Security Synchronizer: Invalid MapMode value. Synchronization aborted. FOR FUTURE


Security Synchronizer: Invalid Analog Error Tag syntax (/E). Synchronization aborted.

Security Synchronizer: Invalid Failure Tag syntax (/F). Synchronization aborted.

Security Synchronizer: Invalid Completion Tag syntax (/C). Synchronization aborted.

Historical Assign
Historical Assign Message

Action or Meaning

Can't add group. Disk may be full.

Check disk.

Check disk space and delete unnecessary files.

Cannot save a group with no tags.

Close dialog anyway?

A group that contains no tags cannot be saved.

Configuration file write error. Disk

may be full.

Check disk space and delete unnecessary files.

Enter a nodename.

To use ? support in the tagname field you must first enter

a node name in the Node field.

Field must be floating point type.

Make sure your tagname has a F_ field.

Illegal characters in nodename.

Node name must start with a letter and be less than 9

alphanumeric characters.

Illegal limit value.

Enter a limit value greater than or equal to 0.

Insufficient disk space to save new


Check disk space and delete unnecessary files.

Insufficient disk space to save new


Check disk space and delete unnecessary files.

Invalid autopurge time entered.

Valid autopurge range is from 2-200 days.

Historical Assign Message

Action or Meaning
Valid collection rates are:

Invalid rate value.

1, 2, 10, 20, 30 seconds
1, 2, 10, 20, 30 minutes

Invalid value entered for phase.

Phase values are in 2 second increments from 0-58


Maximum number of groups has

been reached.

Up to 255 collection groups can be defined in Historical


Nodename is not valid. Save


The node name entered is not valid. Establish a session

with the node in the SCU.

Phase must be less than rate.

The Phase value must be less than the Rate value.

This Node:Tag.Field not found.

Use anyway?

Verify that the entry is valid.

This tagname is already assigned

to the group.

The tagname is already entered for this group. You

cannot enter duplicate tagnames into a collection group.

This qualifier is not a digital point.

Use anyway?

Verify the qualifier block that you entered. The qualifier is

usually a Digital Input or Digital Output block.
If you are not using a Digital block, a value of 0 stops
collection and a value other than 0 starts collection.

Historical Collect
Historical Collect Message

Action or Meaning

An overrun has occurred.

An overrun indicates that values for some tagnames in the

group are not collected at the specified data collection rate.
Overruns can be prevented by phasing this rate.

Historical Collect Message

Action or Meaning

Data file write failure. Disk

may be full. Unable to read
data file.

Run HTC_SCAN from the iFIX Base path.

Existing data file corrupted.

Run HTC_SCAN from the iFIX Base path.

Existing data file read


Run HTC_SCAN from the iFIX Base path.

No groups defined for


A collection group must be defined in Historical Assign before

starting Historical Collect.

System time has been

changed. HTC cannot

The system date or time has been changed to a time that

precedes data collection for the file. Stop Historical Collect,
reset the time or date, and restart Historical Collect.

HTC warning qualifier not

found. Use anyway?

The qualifier block you entered for the collection group in the
Historical Assign program does not exist in the database.

Unable to open
configuration file. Run HTA.

This message appears if the historical path was changed in the

SCU. Run Historical Assign and modify a tag in each collection
group so that the new configuration can be read.

Error initializing HTC.

Some .DAT files may have
been erased.

This message appears if a historical collection group was

deleted out of the iFIX HTR path by a means other than HTA.

Historical Display
Historical Display Message

Action or Meaning

A pen group must contain at

least one pen.

You cannot delete all the pens in the pen group.

Historical Display Message

Action or Meaning

Cannot find chart group.

Check if the chart group you entered for the -CG

command line parameter exists.

Cannot find data dictionary.

There is no LABDATA.DEF file in the subdirectory from

where you are importing lab data. A data dictionary file
must exist in each subdirectory from where you import lab
data ASCII files.

Cannot find pen group.

Check if the pen group you entered for the -PG command
line parameter exists.

Cannot find time group.

Check if the time group you entered for the -TG command
line parameter exists.

Cannot find variable in

dictionary. Line ignored.

EGU definitions for a variable entered in the lab data

ASCII file are not defined in the LABDATA.DEF file. EGU
definitions must be entered in the LABDATA.DEF file for
each variable you import. Variable names must be
entered identically in both the lab data ASCII file and the

Cannot open lab data file.

The lab data ASCII file you tried to import could not be
opened. Check that the file name and path are valid.

Column must be between 1 and


You must enter a value between 1 and 132 in the Column

field of the Header Item Configuration dialog box.

Could not open all message


Verify that FIXERROR.TOV is in your iFIX NLS path.

Data not in chronological order.

Value ignored.

The entries in the lab data ASCII file are not in

chronological order. Each line of lab data must be sorted
by increasing date and then by increasing time.

Duplicate dictionary entry. Entry


In the LABDATA.DEF file, a duplicate entry defining a lab

data variable exists. The first entry's EGU definitions are

Historical Display Message

Action or Meaning

used; any duplicate entries are ignored. Remove

duplicate entries from the LABDATA.DEF files.

Duplicate value for variable.

Value ignored.

In the lab data ASCII file you imported, a duplicate value

exists for a variable. The first entry's value is used; all
duplicate values are ignored.

End Time (-ET) time specified.

Duration (-DU) value ignored.

In the -ET command line parameter, you specified an

ending time but you also specified ending time using the
-DU parameter. You cannot use both. The -ET end time
takes precedence.

Enter a node name first.

Enter a node name in the Tagname field before you use

the question mark button to display a list of tagnames for
the node.

Errors encountered on Import.

See the error file for messages.

An error occurred while importing a lab data ASCII file.

Check the error(s) listed in the error file that is written to
the subdirectory from where you tried to import.

Error executing HTDPRINT.

Check paths.

Verify that HTDPRINT.EXE is in the iFIX base path.

Error found on command line.

Check the accuracy of your command line syntax.

Error writing to binary file.

Cannot continue.

File may be corrupted.

Exceeded maximum number of

groups. Group not added.

A maximum of 1500 groups can be defined in a chart,

pen, or time group file.

File/Save can only modify an

existing chart.

Since you created the chart using the New command, you
can only save it with a Save As command.

Historical Display Message

Action or Meaning

Invalid date@time. Format is


The value you enter for the start time (-ST) or end time (ET) parameter is not valid.

Invalid Days Before Now. Days

Before (-DB) ignored.

The -DB parameter you submitted is not valid. Valid

values range from 0-999.

Invalid dictionary entry.

An invalid entry exists in the LABDATA.DEF file. Check

the file for format errors or invalid characters.

Invalid duration. Format is


The duration value you entered is invalid. Maximum

duration is 99:23:59:59. Minimum duration is 00:00:00:10.
Format is (Days:Hours:Minutes:Seconds).

Invalid duration. Minimum

duration is 1 seconds.

Change the duration to 10 seconds or greater.

Invalid entry in data file.

In the lab data ASCII file you tried to import, there is an

invalid entry. Check the file for format errors or invalid

Invalid lab variable name.

A variable name in the lab data ASCII file you are

importing is invalid. Make sure there are no invalid
characters in the name. Valid characters are A through Z,
through 9, underscore ( _ ), and dash (-).

Invalid Time Before Now. Time

Before (-TB) ignored.

The -TB parameter you submitted is not valid. Format is

HH:MM:SS. Minimum time is 00:00:10. Maximum time is

Maximum length must be

between 1 and 39.

You must enter a value between 1 and 39 in the

Maximum length field of the Header Item Configuration
dialog box.

Missing an HGP file. Delete

existing ones or find the missing

Historical Display requires the CHART.HGP, PEN.HGP,

and TIME.HGP files in order to run. They are located in
the iFIX HTR path. Historical Display creates default files

Historical Display Message

Action or Meaning

if there are no HGP files.

Must provide a label and/or item. In the Header Item Configuration, both the Label field and
Item field cannot be empty. You must enter a valid value
in at least one of the fields.

Name does not exist in Network

Name Table.

Cannot fetch limits because a session is not established

with the specified node. Establish a session with the node
in the SCU.

No current data collect files

available to query for this node.

The tagname query scans files created in the last 40

hours. No tagnames are available because no historical
data files were created for the node in that time period.

Start Time (-ST) date is

specified. Days Before (-DB)
value ignored.

In the -ST command line parameter, you specified a

starting date but you also specified starting date using the
-DB parameter. You cannot use both. The -ST start date
takes precedence.

Start Time (-ST) time is

specified. Time Before (-TB)
value ignored.

In the -ST command line parameter, you specified a

starting time but you also specified starting time using the
-TB parameter. You cannot use both. The -ST start time
takes precedence.

The end time is less than the

start time. Values ignored.

Change the -ET command line parameter to be greater

than the -ST value.

Tagname is not defined.

Cannot fetch limits because the tagname is not defined

for the node.

This description already exists.

Please rename.

The group name entered is a duplicate. Enter a unique

group name.

This group is referenced by

Chart _____ and cannot be

A pen or time group cannot be deleted if it is part of an

existing chart group. Either delete or redefine the chart

Network Error Codes

The following sections list the error codes, messages, and explanations for the network errors
you can encounter if you experience problems with your network.

Startup Error Codes

If a network problem occurs during startup, one of the error codes or messages listed in the
following table may appear.


Error Message



Duplicate name in local

name table.

A name conflict exists in the Local Name Table within

NetBIOS. Examine the names added by third-party networking
software to find the source of the conflict.
This error can also occur if iFIX did not shut down properly
prior to starting back up. In this case, restart the computer and


Name in use on remote


The node name assigned to the node is currently in use on

another node. Rename one of the nodes to correct this


Underlying network
subsystem not ready.

TCP/IP is not installed properly or is missing. Use PING or

TCPTASK to verify that the underlying TCP/IP is set up before
attempting to run iFIX.


TCPTASK: Failed to
initialize network


Windows Sockets API

version mismatch.

When attempting to initialize the Winsock TCP/IP interface,

TCPTASK detected that the Winsock version is less than 1.1.

Run-time Error Codes

If a network problem exists that prevents sessions from establishing or causes sessions to be
terminated, one of the error codes listed in the following table may appear in the NETDIAG


Error Message



Command timed out.


These errors occur when the remote node is down. When the
Invalid Local Session remote node is brought back up, the Connection Manager reNumber.
establishes the session.

Session Closed.
Session Ended


Can't find name


The session cannot be established because either a remote node is

not operating, a cabling problem exists between the nodes, or the
remote node name is not registered on the network.
Verify both nodes are running compatible network software. Also,
run NBTEST as discussed in the section Troubleshooting NetBIOS
with NBTEST.


Connection NOT
established with

The Connection Manager has not yet established a connection with

the remote node. Wait for Connection Manager to establish the


FIX dynamic
connection in

Connection Manager is in the process of establishing a dynamic

connection with the remote node. Wait for Connection Manager to
establish the session.


FIX has been shut

down on remote

Connection Manager has detected that iFIX has been shutdown on

the remote node. This error code shows up temporarily and then
changes to 1914.


Node not found in

The node name that you are trying to connect to be resolved to an
TCP hosts database. IP address. The name is probably not in the local hosts file or on the
WINS server. Obtain the remote node's IP address and add it to the
HOSTS file.

Application Validator
The following list describes the audit messages associated with the Application Validator. These
messages describe the events that can occur (to the operator) when running the Application

Application Validator Baseline File has been tampered with!

Application Validator Command-line: Create Baseline

Application Validator Command-line: Print Comparison Detail

Application Validator Command-line: Print Comparison Summary

Application Validator Command-line: Print Single Baseline

Application Validator Command-line: Save Comparison Detail

Application Validator Create Baseline

Application Validator Error retrieving security user

Application Validator Error with Compare Directory: %s

Application Validator Error with Fill Baseline Detail: Checksum difference for baseline
file: [%s]. %s

Application Validator Error with Fill Baseline Detail: Failed to read encrypted baseline
file: [%s]. %s

Application Validator Failed to start Application: %s

Application Validator iFIX isn't running

Application Validator Insufficient Security Rights

Application Validator Invalid Security Feature

Application Validator Print Baseline Status/Comparison Summary

Application Validator Report Comparison Detail

Application Validator Report Comparison Summary

Application Validator Report Printed

Application Validator Report Saved

Application Validator Report Single Baseline

Application Validator Security not enabled

Application Validator User not logged in

NOTE: The %s in these messages is replaced with the actual the directory name when the
message appears.

Importing iFIX Pictures into Proficy Portal

You may encounter memory errors while attempting to import either one very large file, or a series
of files. If this occurs, you will receive a message stating that there has been a memory error. Any
files that were selected for import but not processed appear light gray in the list. It is
recommended that you restart your web browser after receiving this error.
If you encounter the memory error, try the following:

Reduce the picture size or number of pictures:

If you are importing multiple files, try importing a smaller number of files at a time.
If you are importing a single, large picture, in iFIX, edit the picture so that it
contains fewer objects. You can then re-export the picture and try the import
If you are importing a single, large symbol/tag group file, then that file should be
broken up into multiple, smaller tag group files and re-exported. For more
information on using multiple symbol files in a picture, refer to the iFIX Electronic
Books symbols topics (tip: type symbols in the Electronic Books Index).

Increase the amount of memory available to the Java plugin. It is recommended that you
increase the Java plugin memory on a temporary basis only, unless memory issues are
persistent. To increase the memory:
1. Open the Java control panel.
2. Select the Java tab.
3. Click the Java Applet Runtime Settings View button. The Java Runtime Settings
dialog box appears.
4. In the Java Runtime Parameters box, add -Xmx256m.
NOTE: 256 is a suggested number. If the number is higher, depending on the operating
system, the Java plugin may fail to load.
Click OK twice to save your changes and close the Java control panel.

When the import is complete, remove the -Xmx256m.

NOTE: In some extreme cases, the import will never return (that is, the Import utility is
unresponsive). If this occurs, cancel the import, restart your browser, and follow the same steps
to prevent the problem (see previous bullet points).

SQL Trigger Block Alarms and Block Errors

Alarm or Block Description


An undetermined error occurred.


An error occurred and the SQL application could not connect to the relational
database or you lost a connection.


An error occurred because the application could not find the SQL command or
the command was too long.


An error occurred while reading an iFIX field.


An error occurred while writing to an iFIX field.


An error occurred because the number of values in the SQL command does not
match the number of items in the SQL Data block.


No error has occurred.

iFIX and FIX on the Same Computer

An application error occurs when you start up FIX 7.0 as a service under Windows after you
install iFIX. The error occurs because both FIX 7.0 and iFIX 4.0 use the same key name (FIX)
under the Services key in the registry. Therefore, when you install iFIX 4.0, it overwrites the entry
for FIX 7.0.
Each product needs to have its own Services key. FIX 7.0 runs correctly if it is not run as a
The workaround for this problem is to edit the registry so that the Services key points to the
service executable in the correct path. The key is located in
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Fix. Set the ImagePath value to
the correct path for fixsrv.exe.

Database Manager
You can ensure a process database contains no configuration errors by verifying it. Verifying a
database also ensures that iFIX can process each block and that the database functions as you
While verifying a process database, Database Manager ensures that each block:

Is in only one chain.

Is linked to an appropriate block (for example, a Statistical Control block can be preceded
only by a Statistical Data block).

Is used in the correct context (for example, as a stand-alone, a primary, or a secondary


Does not reference non-existent blocks.

If Database Manager detects no errors, it displays a message box to inform you. However, if it
encounters errors, the Verify Database dialog box appears. This dialog box lists each error and
the block that contains it. The following table lists the possible verification errors and how to
resolve them.
Resolving Verification Messages

When you see the


It means...

To correct this configuration...

tagname a:tagname b
Tag is in more than
one chain

The block, tagname b, has

Remove one or more links to tagname
more than one upstream block b.
linked to it. Tagname a
identifies one of these blocks.

tagname:Tag is not in
any chain

You may have a secondary

Remove the secondary block or add a
block that is not in any chain or primary block to the start of the chain.
is the first block in a chain.

tagname: Block not

found for NEXT

The block, tagname, chains to a Create a block with the name specified
block that does not exist.
in the Next field or enter the name of a
block that exists.

tagname:Chains to

The block, tagname, contains

its own name in its Next field.

Change the name in the Next field or

leave it blank. If you want to
repeatedly perform a task, use a
Program block instead.

tagname: is not

The block, tagname, does not

exist and another block
references it.

Create the block or change the

reference to a block that exists.

fieldname No such
field in FDT

The field, fieldname, does not

exist and it is referenced by a
block in the database.

Change the reference to a field that


Exceeding MAX chain

The database contains a chain Redesign this chain by breaking it into

Resolving Verification Messages

When you see the


It means...

To correct this configuration...

size of 30

with more than 30 blocks.

two smaller chains or remove any

unnecessary blocks.

You can correct any error by double-clicking it to display the associated block configuration dialog
To correct errors:
1. Edit the block to correct the problem.
2. Save the block.
3. Re-verify the database.

Mission Control
The following table details possible messages that the Auto Alarm Manager may display during its
operation, and lists potential solutions to the problem that the messages convey. These
messages appear in the top half of the AAM tab in the Mission Control window.
Troubleshooting Auto Alarm Manager Messages in Mission Control



Cannot find the phone book entry

The primary or secondary contact specified in the SCU is

not defined in the RAS phone book. Create a phone book
entry for each contact before continuing. Refer to your
Microsoft manuals for instructions.

Hardware failure in port or attached The Auto Alarm Manager cannot communicate with the
local modem. Verify that the cable connection between the
modem and the computer is secure. If the problem
persists, try a different cable or modem.

Cannot detect carrier

The Auto Alarm Manager could not establish a connection

to the Receiving node. Make sure the RAS server is
running. Also make sure the local modem detects a dial

Troubleshooting Auto Alarm Manager Messages in Mission Control



tone when it dials the primary or secondary contact.

Do the following:
1. Select the phone book entry you want to edit.
2. From the Remote Access dialog box, click Edit. Click
Advanced. If the Basic button appears, proceed to the next
3. Click Modem.
4. Clear the Enter Modem Commands Manually check
5. Close all open dialog boxes and exit the Remote Access
program. The next time the Auto Alarm Manager dials, you
should not receive an error.

Testing the connection...

Connection BAD

After establishing RAS and iFIX connections, the Auto

Alarm Manager on the Sending node sent a test message
to the Receiving node and did not get a response. Make
sure that Auto Alarm Manager is running on the Receiving
node. If it is not, start it.

The account does not have remote

access permission

The currently logged in user or the name of the user

account specified in the Advanced Send Alarm Settings
dialog box does not have the necessary rights to dial into
the RAS server. Use the RAS Administrator program on
the server node to grant dial-in rights to the necessary

All AAM session attempts failed

The Auto Alarm Manager could not communicate with the

Auto Alarm Manager on the remote node. Make sure the
following conditions exist:

The names of the primary and secondary contacts

match the names of remote nodes associated with
each RAS phone book entry. If they do not, edit
the entries. Refer to your Microsoft manuals for
more information.
The Auto Alarm Manager is started with the

Troubleshooting Auto Alarm Manager Messages in Mission Control


correct command line parameter on the Sending
and Receiving nodes. Use the /c parameter on the
Sending node and the /s parameter on the
Receiving node. Refer to the Implementing Alarms
and Messages e-book for more information.

Error 1311 setting emergency tag

Error 1311 setting receive tag

Disable tag can't be read

The Sending and Receiving nodes are not on the

same LAN.

The Auto Alarm Manager could not set the specified

Emergency tag configured in the SCU. Some of the
reasons for this could be:

The specified TAG does not exist in the database.

The specified NODE does not exist or is not


The Auto Alarm Manager could not set the specified

Receive tag configured in the SCU. Some of the reasons
for this could be:

The specified TAG does not exist in the database.

The specified NODE does not exist or is not


The Auto Alarm Manager could not read the specified

Disable tag configured in the SCU. Some of the reasons
for this could be:

The specified TAG does not exist in the database.

The specified NODE does not exist or is not


If you get this error, the AAM will keep running, and it
cannot be disabled.

The AAMTCP.exe can only read from or write to a

database tag on a local iFIX node. You cannot
read or write to remote nodes. In other words, you
cannot disable the Auto Alarm Manager from a tag

Troubleshooting Auto Alarm Manager Messages in Mission Control



on a remote node; it will always be running.

You cannot set an Emergency tag or Receive tag

on a remote node. It has to be on the same (local)
node which the AAMTCP.exe is running on.

You cannot acknowledge an alarm that comes

from a remote node. For the alarm to be
acknowledged, it has to be from the same (local)
node that the AAMTCP.exe is running on. If it is
not, the alarm will still be sent to the Receiver
node, but will not be acknowledged by the Sender

You can display the setup and status of iFIX ODBC in Mission Control. Each status field is
described in the following table.
System Task Status Codes

Status Code Description

Alarm adi

Displays the enabled alarm areas.

Debug adi

Displays the enabled debug areas.

Alarm screen Indicates whether alarm messages are sent to the SQL task.
Yes = send messages; No = send no messages.


Indicates whether debug messages are sent to the SQL task.

Yes = send messages; No = send no messages.

Sql cmd tbl

Name of the SQL Library Table.

System Task Status Codes

Status Code Description

Sql err tbl

Name of the SQL Error Log Table.

Sql cmd dbid Name of the Database Identifier specified in the SCU's SQL Task Configuration.

Prim file

Primary back-up file.

Second. file

Secondary back-up file.

Login delay

Number of seconds to wait before attempting to login once a connection is lost. The
default is 300 seconds.

Max sqlcmd

Maximum SQL command length.


Name of the local node.


Identifies the status of the SQL task. This field can display whether the SQL task is
logged onto one or several relational databases.


Status of SQL caching.

SQL Server
Library and Error tables can be created from the client or the server using Enterprise Manager or
ISQL. Use the following tables in this section as guides for the SQLLIB and SQLERR tables.

Microsoft SQL Server SQLLIB Table





varchar, size 8

Create a unique index on this field.


varchar, size
100 - 255

If any of your SQL commands are longer than 255

characters, make this field a Text field. This allows over 2
billion characters.

Microsoft SQL Server SQLERR Table

Field Name





varchar, size 8


varchar, size 10-30


varchar, size 8


varchar, size 250


varchar, size 100


varchar, size 100

NOTE: SQLLIB and SQLERR are the default names for the tables. You can name them anything
you wish as long as those names are reflected in the SCU. However, the field (column) names
must be entered exactly as shown.
Use the following commands to create the Library table, Index, and Error Log table if using ISQL:


Discovery And Auto-Assembly Component (DAC)

Browse Failure
If all methods were successful, then a complete list of the servers found on the machine is
displayed. If no servers were found on the machine, the message "No servers were found on the
machine" is displayed. You must then verify that either the correct machine name/TCP/IP address
was entered in the previous page or that the OPC server(s) are correctly installed on the given
If one or more methods fail, a message box is displayed indicating the methods that were used
and which ones succeeded or failed. It also displays an error message indicating the reason for
failure, as returned by the system. Any server(s) found are listed. You can select a server from the
list or remedy the reason for the failure and rerun the search.

The following table describes the errors, associated messages, and corresponding explanations
associated with the DDE Client task. These messages appear in the Last Error fields on the DDE
Client Task dialog box and in the configured message destinations.
Communication Messages




No communication problems have occurred.

Cannot establish
conversation. Server
rejected request.

If the connection is local, the error indicates that either the server is not
running or the topic does not exist. iFIX prompts you to start the server
the first time this error is detected.
If the connection is through NetDDE, this error may indicate a network

Cannot establish
conversation, cannot
create advise list.

The system has run out of memory while the DDE Client Task is
attempting to make a connection to a server.

Communication Messages



Cannot establish
The system has run out of memory while the DDE Client Task is
conversation, cannot add attempting to make a connection to a server.
to list.

Cannot start advise loop, The conversation with the DDE server has started but there is a
server rejected request. problem with the item.

Cannot start advise loop, The system has run out of memory while attempting to establish
cannot add to list.

Cannot start advise loop, The server rejected the initial request for data made by the client. The
server rejected data
advise loop has been successfully established but the server refuses to
pass data back to the client. This may indicate the server is overloaded.

Cannot start advise loop, The server took too long to acknowledge a request by the client to start
request timed out.
an advise loop and the client timed out. This indicates the server is
temporarily overloaded.

Cannot execute
The DDE client attempted to execute a command on the server.
command, request timed

Server is busy.

The server was overloaded while a DDE transaction was attempted.

Low on memory.

The server was low on memory while a DDE transaction was attempted.

Memory allocation failed. The server was low on memory while a DDE transaction was attempted.

User does not have

rights to shut down the
DDE Client Task.

The user attempted to shut down the DDE Client Task but does not
have sufficient security rights to do so. The user must have the
Background Task Exit application feature in his user profile in order to
shut down the DDE Client Task.

Communication Messages



Invalid Maximum Links.

The user has entered an invalid character or a value out of range in the
Maximum Links field. The valid range is 1 - 1000.

Invalid access period.

The user has entered an invalid character or a value out of range in the
Access Period field. The valid range is 0 to 172800 seconds.

Cannot create I/O list

(check memory).

The system has run out of memory while establishing communication

with a server.

Cannot create advise

loop list.

The system ran out of memory while the user was opening the Active
Advise Loops dialog box.

The following table describes the system messages and corresponding explanations associated
with the DDE server.
DDE System Messages

Error Code Explanation


iFIX is not running.


Invalid field.


Field's value not known or block may be off scan.


Invalid field.


Invalid field.


Network-related problem.

DDE System Messages

Error Code Explanation


Session not established. Cannot find remote node.


Session with remote node has been lost.


Tag is not defined in the database.


Network-related problem.


Either waiting for data or node name is not in the network table.


Session not established. Cannot find remote node.


Invalid node, tag, or field entered, or problem returning data.


No communication established with DDE.


Invalid node, tag, or field entered, or problem returning data.

The following table describes the messages and corresponding explanations that can occur when
starting the DDE Client Task. The error will be displayed in the Runtime Error field and the
configured message destinations.
DDE Client Startup Messages



Cannot initialize DDEML

A connection could not be made to the DDEML.DLL file. Either the

file does not exist or it is not in the Windows search path.

Cannot create conversation

list (Check memory)

The system ran out of memory trying to set up the conversation list.

Out of timer resources

There are too many tasks running simultaneously. You should shut
down a task to free up a timer for the DDE Client task timer.

iFIX provides the SQLERR.TXT text file, located in the C:\Program Files\GE Fanuc\Proficy
iFIX\App directory, to help you troubleshoot communication errors from your relational database.
This file contains communication error numbers. When a communication error occurs, iFIX
displays @ symbols (by default) in a data link to indicate the problem.
If you are using Access, some of the same error numbers listed in the SQLERR.TXT file are used
to indicate relational database errors. As a result, you may see @ symbols in the run-time
environment when no communication error has occurred. To correct this problem, delete the

Historian Server
During a failed write attempt to the Proficy Historian Server, the iFIX WorkSpace becomes
inactive. You can control how long this lasts by setting the number of seconds you allow for the
connection time-out. The default is 90 seconds.
To configure the time-out, add this setting to the FixUserPreferences.ini file in the iFIX Local
Here, the time-out is set to 10 seconds. The valid range is 5 to 300 seconds, though not enforced.

In the runtime environment, the Data Control displays Connection Error.

Make sure the table in the query is accessible. Create a query using the Table command
and run the query again. If the message reappears, the table is not accessible.
Check your user privileges. You may not have the necessary privileges to access the
Review the data source and data conversion selected for all objects and animated query

System Messages

System Messages
System messages provide information about completed tasks and errors. iFIX generates a
system message when:

A database finishes loading.

The state of a network session changes.

An I/O driver detects an error.

The Scan, Alarm, and Control (SAC) program:

Starts up.
Completes a specific task.
Encounters specific database block or chain errors.
Encounters run-time or system errors.

OPC Errors
Each animated object in a picture uses OPC protocols to receive data and report errors. The
animation error preferences define the default error strings and values that the object uses when
an error occurs. For example, by default, when a communication error occurs, Data links display
the text "@@@@".
You can customize the animation error defaults by entering new values in the Animations Data
Error Defaults tab. By changing the defaults, you make the default error messages more intuitive
for your industry. For example, when a communication error occurs, you can have Data links
display the following text by entering it into the Comm field of the Format Animation Object
Defaults area:
Cannot communicate with server

no destination is currently available to dispatch the alarm
If your system is networked, be sure that the Alarm Network Service is always enabled. If the
Alarm Network Service is disabled, you may receive an error message stating that no destination
is currently available to dispatch the alarm.
NOTE: If the local computer does not have a configured session with a remote SCADA server,
the local computer does not receive alarms or messages from the remote SCADA server.

Data source name not found and no default driver specified.
In order to run the SQL task (WSQLODC.EXE) as a service, you must use system data sources.
If you attempt to use a user data source, you will get an error similar to the one above.

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