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Table of Contents

What are the Destiny Cards?............................................................................................................3

What's My Card?..................................................................................................................................5
What does it mean to be a Heart? .................................................................................................8
What does it mean to be a Club? ...................................................................................................9
What does it mean to be a Diamond? ........................................................................................10
What does it mean to be a Spade? ................................................................................................11
Why Get A Reading? ........................................................................................................................13
Who is your destiny card counselor?..........................................................................................14

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What are the Destiny Cards?

According to Robert Lee Camp, Each birthday of the year is governed by one of the 53
playing cards (52 plus the Joker). These cards represent personality archetypes, symbols of
our personal expression that reflect with amazing accuracy what the important elements of
our life will be like. When you study the meaning and significance of your Birth Card, you
will have some invaluable knowledge about yourself. You will understand what your
natural gifts really are, what sorts of work will bring the most satisfaction, how you interact
with others in personal relationships, what are the biggest challenges you are facing this
lifetime, and how you can get the most from your life by using the energies that come most
easily and naturally to you.
Where do the Destiny Cards come from?

Olney Richmond, a leader of The Order of the Magi,

brought the Destiny Cards to the western world in the late 19th and early 20th century. If
youd like to read some articles from 1894 from the 7 Thunders website, here you are.
Who teaches people how to use Destiny Cards?
The Order of the Magi, led by Robert Lee Camp, author of Love Cards, Cards of Your
Destiny, The Art of Performing Transformational Card Readings, and other books, has a
training course with beginner, intermediate and advanced levels for avid students of the
What is a Destiny Card Reading?
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A destiny card reading means that a destiny card counselor looks at your cards, and the
cards of someone you love, or your cards for the year, and predicts how your next year will
go, or how your romantic relationship will go.
How does a Destiny Card Reading work?
When you get a destiny card reading, you have a one hour phonecall with a destiny card
counselor. Its helpful to ask questions in an email beforehand so the counselor can get a
better understanding of what your deepest needs from the reading are.
When you have the reading, the counselor will often pause and ask you, does this ring true
for you? or how do you feel about this? and allow you to respond. During the reading
you will have a printout of your compatibility or yearly chart to look at, so that you can see
what is going on with your influences and interactions.
You can get an mp3 of your reading at the end of the call. Its useful to have a destiny card
reading when you are about to have your birthday, or have just had it, to get a sense of what
this year will bring for you, and its also useful to get a destiny card compatibility reading
when youre entering a new relationship, or when youre in a relationship with someone
you want to get along with better. Its also good to get a destiny card reading when you
want to learn the outcome of a new business or even a legal issue.

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What's My Card?
With all of the cards in the deck to choose from, which card is yours?
It all depends on the day of your birth. Go here to look up what your birth card is.
Once you find your birth card, you can find yourself in the Life Spread, shown below.

Destiny Cards Life Spread

From there, we can determine your birth card, your planetary ruling card, and with the
addition of the Spiritual Spread, your four Karma cards.
The Spiritual Spread is shown below.

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Destiny Cards Spiritual Spread

Once you start to see your birth card, and understand it, the next card youll want to look at
is your planetary ruling card, which is determined by your astrological sign, and is
essentially another card you act like.
Finding Your Planetary Ruling Card
Your planetary ruling card IS ruled by the planets!
Your planetary ruling card is the card next to your birth card if your sign is ruled by
Mercury, aka Virgo and Gemini.
If your sign is ruled by Venus, your PRC is one card away from you, like Taurus and
If your sign is ruled by Mars, your Planetary Ruling card is three cards away from
you, like Aries.
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If your sign is ruled by Jupiter, like Sagitarius, your PRC is four cards away from you.
If your sign is ruled by Saturn, like Capricorn, then your PRC is five cards away from
your Birth card.
If your sign is ruled by Uranus, like Aquarius, then your PRC is six cards away from
Finally, if your sign is ruled by Neptune, like Pisces, then your PRC is seven cards
away from your birth card.
What are Sun and Moon cards?
When you look up the cards of people around you, such as your mother, father, sisters,
brothers, or romantic relationships, you will often see that people around you physically
are also near you in the cards. Its not a coincidence.
We often draw people to us who are our Sun cards or our Moon cards. Some of the most
successful relationships come when one person is the sun card and one is the moon card,
and often the people will have multiple connections. If you are someones sun card, you sit
before them in the life spread. They are your moon card. So, for example, if you are the Ace
of Spades, your moon card is the Three of Diamonds. If you are the Seven of Hearts, then
your moon card is the Ace of Spades. Everyone is sun to someone and moon to someone
else. This can also work with your planetary ruling cards.
Remember, just because you dont like something that you learn about your birth card, its
important to understand the truth about yourself. Once you know the truth about your
tendencies, and understand the truth, then the truth can be changed.

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What does it mean to be a Heart?

If you are born as a heart birthcard, you might be down on yourself, because this is the suit
of childhood, of love, relationships, its not the suit of power, or adulthood like the
diamonds, not the suit of knowledge, like the clubs, wisdom, or even wisdom and old age,
like the spades.
It seems like being born a heart can make you more likely to manipulate others in
relationships, to focus on relationships to the exclusion of other things, when society tells
us there are so many better things to focus on. You can certainly act out the negative sides
of your suit.
The upside of being a heart is that you can learn, instinctively, how to treat others well,
how to make others feel good, and how to draw people to you. You can be a wonderful
lover. And you cherish your friendships.
Even if you are monetarily successful, full of wisdom and knowledge and mastery, if you
dont have love in your life, none of it really matters. Love is something were all obsessed
with, whether we realize it or not, and it can be one of the most powerful forces in the
world. Its not logical, its not something you can predict or make happen.
I like to tell people who are going through heartbreak, You cant tell your heart what to
do. and though its cold comfort for some, it makes life easier when they realize they dont
have to stop loving someone, they dont have to pretend not to be angry or sad or worried
or scared or lonely. If you stop and consider the phrase, it simply means, Accept what is,
accept in this moment, how you feel, and be with it.
At the end of your life, if you have treated others well, youll have lots of friends and family
around you, telling you how you made them feel good. And that is very special. And they
will remember you.

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What does it mean to be a Club?

What is the suit of clubs all about?
If hearts stand for childhood, clubs stand for adolescence, which is all about rebellion,
learning, and getting a sense of self.
Perpetual LEARNING! Being a student. Having lots of books. Loving learning so much that
you might have a degree, or two, or three!
Feeling like the perfect information is out there somewhere and if you just learn it, your life
will be complete.
Probably most of the money that gets spent in bookstores is spent by clubs. And a lot of
your professors were probably clubs too. Clubs take learning very seriously. They love the
written word too.
Keywords for clubs: Learning, adolescence, rebellion

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What does it mean to be a Diamond?

Diamonds are third in the cycle of the cards. Hearts represent love and childhood, Clubs
represent adolescence, and Diamonds represent adulthood. They also deal with values,
money, and desire. Diamonds make some of the best sales people, and also the best marks
for sales people. You can talk with them long enough to help them change their values and
make them desire what you have for sale.
Dont PATRONIZE ME! was probably said by a Diamond. They really hate to be treated
like children. They can be unusually sensitive to people treating them as anything other
than adults.
So, lets say for example, you have a little brother who is a double diamond. When he was a
baby, he was totally okay with you babying him. But NOW? Hes an adult and he does not
want to be babied at ALL. And he resents any allusion to him being a child.
As a heart, it can be difficult to understand that. And if youre the only heart in a family full
of double diamonds, as I am, it can be even more alienating. Why is everyone so different
from me? Why dont they talk about their feelings more?
Whats this emphasis on looking good all the time? On doing anything in the cause of
making money? This obsession with getting a deal on products? The obsession with buying
status items? The obsession with high powered careers?
I have a 2 of diamonds as one of my karma cards, but I confess to being a bit confused
about diamonds sometimes. If youre a diamond, want to talk with me about it?
Diamond Keywords: Adulthood, values, money, desire

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What does it mean to be a Spade?

Will! Your will versus the Universal Will!
Keywords for spades include : Health, Lifestyle, Will, and WORK. Winter. Old Age.
Spades are powerful people and hard workers. IF you are the only spade in a family full of
diamonds and clubs, dont worry, this is pretty common. There are fewer spades and hearts
than diamonds and clubs. Spades are less concerned with emotional machinations. Instead
they are interested in being aware of how to succeed in their work. They are known to be
old before their time, but also to have wisdom before their peers. They have health issues
if they overwork, and must be vigilant in this area. They can be the worlds biggest
Who are some famous spades?
The Ace of Spades, Jennifer Aniston, Princess Diana, Billie Holiday, Kelly Rowland,
Allen Ginsberg
The Two of Spades, Einstein, Audrey Hepburn, Howard Stern, Rush Limbaugh
The Three of Spades, Jay-Z, James Brown, Bette Davis, Carole King
The Four of Spades, Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Bing Crosby, Gabriel Garcia-Marquez,
Robert Downey Jr.
The Five of Spades , Eddie Murphy, Alec Baldwin, Joan Baez
The Six of Spades, Elvis Presley, Dana Carvey, Stephen Hawking, Babe Ruth
The Seven of Spades, Wangari Maathai, Jessica Biel, Alexander Graham Bell, Rachel
Maddow, Sergey Rachmaninov
The Eight of Spades, Rosa Parks, Alice Cooper, Dan Quayle, Mikhail Gorbechev, Dr.
The Nine of Spades, Dianne Keaton, Ron Howard
The Ten of Spades, Isaac Newton, Farrah Fawcett
The Jack of Spades, Cicero, J.R.R. Tolkien
The Queen of Spades, DJ Jazzy Jeff, Christy Turlington, Isaac Asminov
The King of Spades, J. Edgar Hoover, FBI Director
As you can see from this distinguished list, even though there are lots more clubs and
diamonds than spades, spades manage to distinguish themselves in sciences as well as in
Ace of spades , as you can see from the list above, tend to have difficult love lives and
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strong workaholic tendencies. They are also the card of the Magi, which means a love of
secrets, transformation.
Two of spades has a strong instinct for working in partnership, and has a powerful mind.
Three of Spades is the artists card, they can be very creative, and they are also known to
get into trouble by not wanting to take responsibility for their situation. Can be crazy.
Four of spades is like the sign of cancer, very home oriented and controlling.
Five of spades is known as the five of fives. If fives are restless then this five is DOUBLY
so! but they also crave stability.
Six of Spades: Is basically tremendously smart, talented, their live goes into the crown
line early and they can have much success in their lives, even if they are, like Stephen
hawking, totally physically disabled.
Seven of spades has a tough life healthwise. They have to learn about spirituality and
letting go to be satisfied.
Eight of spades has a lot of power. The eight of eights. They have to be careful not to
abuse their power. For some reason they seem to like making gardens with their work.
Nine of spades is a great giver. They also need to learn to let go, even more so than the
seven. There will be many endings. They want the power of the eight, and they wont get it.
The Ten of spades has a tremendous amount of power. They encapsulate both the ace
and the zero, so can also be HUGE workaholics.
The Jack of spades is the craftiest jack of all. This can make them super creative but it
can also make them a bit crazy.
The Queen of Spades wants to learn self-mastery. She is smart, strong, capable, and can
change the world.
The King of Spades is a fixed card and spends their whole life in the crown line. They
are the most powerful card in the deck, but the crown is so heavy that sometimes they want
to lay it down and just be a jack, and that is what many of them do. There is only one
birthday with the king of spades as the birth card, and that is January 1st.

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Why Get A Reading?

Why get a Destiny Card Reading?
If you have just had a birthday, or are about to have your birthday, it can be good to
get a destiny card reading to see what this year will bring for you.
If youre going into a new relationship, a destiny card reading can illuminate areas of
strength and areas to work on in the relationship.
If you want to know why youre obsessed with someone and just cant seem to get
over them, a destiny card reading can help illuminate whats really going on.
If youve got a difficult family relationship, a destiny card reading can help you
understand the person in your family, why they act the way they do, and how you
can come to a greater place of acceptance with them.
If youre curious about how a business deal will turn out, a destiny card reading is
good to get.
What can a Destiny Card Reading help you with?
A destiny card reading can help you decide if a relationship is right for you.
A destiny card reading can help you love and accept your family members more.
A destiny card reading can help soothe your worries about school, work, or business.
A destiny card reading can even point out areas you will be uniquely situated to work on
this coming year, and which areas you should watch out for trouble in.
Who needs a Destiny Card Reading?
Anyone who has uncertainty in any area of their life can benefit from a destiny card
Who can give me a Destiny Card Reading & why are they qualif ied to do
Anyone can give you a destiny card reading, but only a few have been trained to give
transformational card readings. The counselor, Mazarine, is one of those people.

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Who is your destiny

card counselor?
Mazarine (8 of hearts, 6 of clubs) has read
Destiny Cards for years.
After reading Robert Lee Camps Destiny
Cards and Love Cards books in 2000, she
wanted to learn more. She studied on her
own for a few years, then contacted the
Order of the Magi and was accepted into
their apprenticeship program under Nikki
She received the Order of the Magi Certification to perform Transformational Card
Readings in 2011.
People have called her readings startlingly accurate and illuminating.
Discover your future & get help with your love life with Destiny Card Readings.
As an eight of hearts, Mazarine understands love power and relationships. She has spent
some time researching chinese and western astrology, tarot, and the destiny cards, as well
as relationship dynamics within dysfunctional families. She asks questions to help people
know themselves better.
As a six of clubs, (the psychic card), she feels a mission to get the information about the
destiny cards out into the world, helping more people understand themselves and their
The reading will take approximately one hour, and is best undertaken with a good
understanding about what you want to get out of the reading. You might get a reading
around the time of your birthday to see what this year holds. You might get a reading to
learn about future romance possibilities, or even get a reading to help understand
underlying issues in your current relationship. Maybe you have a difficult relationship with
a family member and want more information about how to best proceed with that.
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Whatever the issue is, you can explore it with your destiny cards counselor and be assured
of the utmost discretion and confidentiality.
To book an appointment, please send an email to
info at
What do people say about her readings?
"I asked for a card reading for help and insight around my personality traits and specific
challenges that I am blocking. During the destiny card reading my hair was blown back!
Mazarine was able to clearly and concretely point to thoughts and habits along with those
in my love relationship that only seasoned teacher would be able to identify.
Now is the time for us to get clear about who we are and what is important to us. Mazarine
offers a rock solid practice to help us gain deeper awareness of our life." -Della Rae,
Founder, Donor's Resource
To learn more about destiny card readings, go to

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