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American Revolution Timeline Project

Using construction paper create a timeline of the major events of the American Revolution, including
all battles discussed and Valley Forge. Each Battle must include the date of the battle, the location,
who won, and a significant fact about that battle. The Timeline should include at least 3 illustrations
of the significant events.
The timeline also serves as a line graph of the likelihood of American Victory. The closer the
Americans are to victory, the higher the event should be on the page. The closer the Americans
appear to defeat, the lower the even should be on the timeline. So for example:
Lexington and Concord
Siege of Boston
Battle of Bunker Hill
Battle of Long Island

For extra credit, include up to 4 profiles of significant figures in the war, explaining why they were
Make sure that you plan your timeline before you start your final draft on your construction paper.
Your timeline must be neat and colorful. It is due FRIDAY NOVEMBER 7. IT IS A TEST GRADE.

American Revolution Timeline Project

Using construction paper create a timeline of the major events of the American Revolution, including
all battles discussed and Valley Forge. Each Battle must include the date of the battle, the location,
who won, and a significant fact about that battle. The Timeline should include at least 3 illustrations
of the significant events.
The timeline also serves as a line graph of the likelihood of American Victory. The closer the
Americans are to victory, the higher the event should be on the page. The closer the Americans
appear to defeat, the lower the even should be on the timeline. So for example:
Lexington and Concord
Siege of Boston
Battle of Bunker Hill
Battle of Long Island

For extra credit, include up to 4 profiles of significant figures in the war, explaining why they were
Make sure that you plan your timeline before you start your final draft on your construction paper.
Your timeline must be neat and colorful. It is due FRIDAY NOVEMBER 7. IT IS A TEST GRADE.

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