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4th November 2014


How Bahrain spies
on British soil
In 2012, Citizen Lab, a
think-tank operating out of
the Munk School of Global
Affairs at the University of
Toronto, came across
evidence suggesting that
Gamma International, a
multinational technology
corporation with offices
across the world, sold a
form of malware called
FinFisher to Bahrain.
Bahraini activists, amongst
others, were seriously
concerned: FinFisher gives
its operator complete
access to a targets
computer and mobile

phone. That kind of

technology in the hands of
a state like Bahrain, with its
record of human rights
abuse, would put at risk a
great many peoples lives.
So, in 2012, on the basis of
Citizens Lab research,
Bloomberg News asked
Gamma whether they had
sold the technology to
Bahrain. Martin Muensch,
who works at Gamma, and
whom the company credits
with having invented the
technology, publicly and
emphatically denied the
allegations: Gamma, he
said,had never sold
FinFisher to Bahrain.
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