Expository Outline - Technology

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Name: Kahua Tilton

Period: 4
Date: 9/16/14
Technology Evolves
I. Introduction
A. Attention-Getter dont think being on your phone is a big deal? Is keeping yourself
surround by electronics good or bad?
B. Transition - Link to Thesis Sources say that 81% of people now days, use technology on
a daily basis.
C. Thesis Statement Technology has changed our world so much, that all we do is depend
on it.
D. Preview of Points- Today I will be talking about 3 main points. My first main point is 1. The
difference between back then, to now. 2. The pros and cons of technology 3. Why we should
watch what we do with technology.
E. Transition: Signpost as I speak about this topic, I want you all to think about what life
would be like without technology.
II. Body
A. Main Point 1 The difference between back then, to now (What life without technology was
a. Subpoint 1- Many people believe life without technology was easier, (more simple) and
others believe technology is the reason that keeps them going through their day.
1. Form of supportBack then, people had conversations, they interacted physically, rather than through
apps and emails. My grandma, she always used to have family gatherings just to talk
and catch up. When we walk around the mall or store, she sees her friends and end up
talking to them for 15 minutes, just because thats how people were. My parents, always
used to meet up with their friends and do adventurous things. They wouldnt be caught
up in their electronics (1. Because they didnt have back then, and 2. Because they
arent the people to do that) like how we are today.
b. Subpoint 2- Today, people use technology for resources, answers to homework,
communication, proof, pictures etc.
1. Form of support Everyone is so caught up in Instagram, video games, Facebook, Snap chat, that we tend to turn
into a whole different person when were asked to do something other than go on our
electronics. People now days rather text than call, they rather look up the answers than trying to
figure it out themselves. People cyber bully, and look up bad things on the Internet. People, who
have experienced a connection with their electronics, dont realize that they could be doing
much more things than just being on their phones or laptops. Even though Im on my phone
24/7, I still believe I can make a difference in my life without it.
c. Transition: Review-Preview After pulling out some differences between the old days to

now, I see that technology has made a very big impact on our life today.
B. Main Point 2 The pros and cons of technology.
a. Subpoint 1- First I will be talking about the pros of technology and the reason why some of
us believe it created a positive impact on us.
1. Form of supportLike I said before, some people believe using technology and electronics help them get through
their day. I believe that technology has made some positive impacts on our life and its because
without technology and apps, we cant really communicate with our family. On a video I watched
on youtube, people were being asked why they use their electronics, and majority of the people
interviewed said they need technology to get ahold of their family and friends. If we are away
from home and want to check up on our parents, how can we do that without our phones? So
thats one reason why I think using our electronics is a good thing. Also, some people depend
on technology for their job. My mom used to work at Hawaiian Telcom, and in order to
communicate and write out her papers; she had to use her computer, (technology) to get things
done. Technology has its cautions, but if we use it for good, I dont see why its a bad thing.
b. Subpoint 2 Next, is the cons/negative impacts about technology that people dont always
1. Form of support
Ever since technology has been apart of our society, people dont know how to properly
communicate. When Im on my phone, my mom tries to have a conversation with me, but fails to
do so because my attention is on the screen in front of me. It makes me guilty to realize that I
had the opportunity to have a successful conversation with my mom about my day, but lost that
chance because I was being selfish and only wanted to check my notifications. Also, people
become lazy. The reason why I say this is because say I didnt do this assignment that was due
today. I could easily look up my answers and turn it in. Kids and teenagers have the luxury of
being able to cheat and look up answers instead of using their brains to do it themselves. There
are many more reasons why technology has created negative impacts, but these are just two
that stand out the most to me.
c. Transition: Internal Summary I have stated the positives about technology, but also the
negatives. Looking back at what I said, I think we should focus a little more about the negatives,
and the affects of what could happen if we use technology in the wrong matter.
C. Main Point 3 this leads to my last point which is, what we should look out for, when we
use technology too much.
a. There are numerous affects of what could happen when we use
technology. There are two different things with many affects that
come with using technology. Its, negative affects when we use
technology too much, and affects that happen when we use
technology in a bad way.
1. Form of supportI researched this topic and found that there are 4 things that come along that can affect you
temporarily or permanently. Whether you want to change or, not its your choice. The four
common, negative effects of the use of technology is; lack of physical interactions, lack of
patience, poor writing skills, and elevated exasperation (irritation). I can say, that I have

experienced each of these. When my mom tries to call me to eat or do something other than go
on my phone, I get mad and end up giving her a nasty response such as: no, or, wait. Also, I
get very irritated and mad when people try to interrupt me when Im doing something on my
electronics. When I text my friends, I abbreviate my words because Im lazy, and that
sometimes makes me write the wrong way on papers and assignments. I know that each of
these affects are very real because it has happened to me physically. No I dont think these
affects are good, so I do try to change myself instead of being the selfish teenager I CAN be.
b. Subpoint 2- Now I will be talking about what happens when we use technology in a bad
1. Form of support
When people say/do bad things online, they dont always realize what theyre getting
themselves into. Cyber bullying is a major problem online because people think its right to say
mean and false things about someone, and send it to everyone they know. Technology is being
used in very bad ways such as cyber bullying, and I believe it should stop. Also, people look up
bad things on the Internet. Boys, like to look up sexual pictures and videos, which ends up
getting themselves in trouble. Teenagers (and maybe adults) dont think people will find out
what they do, but when they get caught, they dont have any proof of why/how they didnt do it.
c. Transition: Sign post
there are tremendous examples that I can talk about on why technology to me, is a bad thing.
But unfortunately I dont have the gift of saying each of them. I hope these examples put a light
on your head, and make you think if you should be on your phone as much as you are now.
(I will fix this transition because I was rushing)
III. Conclusion
A. Restate Thesis Technology has changed our world so much, that all we do is depend on
B. Review of Points Today I will be talking about 3 main points. My first main point is 1. The
difference between back then and how life was without technology, to now. 2. The pros and
cons of technology 3. Why we should watch what we do with technology.
C. Closing Statement By talking about the affects of being on your electronics, I hope you
know now, why some people believe technology has negatively impacted our world.
Works Cited
"Global Publics Embrace Social Networking." Pew Research Center RSS. Pew Research, 15
Dec. 2010. Web. 12 Sept. 2014.
Martin, Alice Martin. "The 4 Negative Side Effects Of Technology." Edudemic Connecting
Education and Technology. N.p., 30 May 2013. Web. 10 Sept. 2014.

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