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AP French Email How to.

I. E-mail : Courriel : ml : mail : basic details

1. The students will have 15 minutes to write the response to the email - This is not an
2. It must be FORMAL!! VOUS and formal register and tone. POLITE
3. Students must answer two questions
4. Students must also ask one question before ending the email.
5. The mail is organized and clear.
6. At the end they should use a formal closure

II. Formal opening possibilities

Monsieur, Madame,

Look who wrote it. Do not use their name

Monsieur le Directeur,

If their title is indicated use it as in the

Madame la Directrice


can use in email (not letter)

get the right gender of dear

Cher Monsieur Dubois


Chre Madame Arbre


III. Formal closings possibilities-Memorize the first one and one other
"Je vous prie d'agrer, Monsieur / Madame
mes salutations les plus distingues"
Sentiments distingus
Bien vous
(Dont forget to sign it)

Best one

IV. Other needed expressions

Je vous remercie pour votre rponse

I thank you for your answer.

Merci davance

Thank you in advance

Jattends votre rponse.

I am looking forward to your answer.

V. Other voc.

according to

par contre

on the other hand


as for

donc, nanmoins, cependant, ensuite

check your notes

VI. How to form a question-use conditional as your verb as much as possible

less formal est-ce que with question word

Quand est-ce que vous pourriez me


more formal-inversion

Pourriez-vous menvoyer-Would you be able


to send me.

Combien auriez-vous?

How many would you have?ould you have

o-where, comment-how, qui-who, aavec qui-

Pourquoi choisiriez-vous ce livre?

with whom, avec quoi-with what, pourquoi-

Why would you choose this book?

why, qu-est-ce que-what

Quel, quels, quelle, quelles

quel livre, quels chiens, quelle tarte, quelles


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